ALPENA COUNTY COMPUTER TECHNICIAN STATUS: Non-Exempt, HourlyPosition This position is non exempt and is paid on an hourly basis; 35 hours per week. General Summary Under the supervision of the I.T. Director, ensures the operation of the county's computer network and all related peripheral devices. Installs and/or removes equipment and maintains all documentation pertaining to the equipment. Provides support to various departments and users by trouble-shooting equipment and software problems. Ensures security of the computer system, protecting it from comrption. Maintains the county's telephone system. Essential Functions: l. Designs, installs, and maintains personal computer related hardware on the county's information management system including local area networks and workstation communications, devices and cable/wiring. 2. Installs, supports, maintains software including standalone programs not on the network a 4. Visits departments throughout the county to trouble-shoot, repair, and maintain data equipment problems including print servers, workstations, portable computers, scanners, monitors, printers, modemso and other devices and computer components. Determines the need to contract out repair work. Trains employees in the various functions of the computer system, network features, designated software packages, new software features, and other related areas. Prepares for future upgrades by meeting with administrators, end users, consultants, and others. 5. Organizes and prioritizes requests for service. Responds to trouble calls regarding the computer system and repairs or works with a vendor to resolve hardware problems. Works with users regarding problems that may require contacting the vendor and attempting to resolve problems over the telephone. Works with users to test the solution of the problem. 6. Develops, in coordination with the various departments, records management systems and ensures those systems are functional and meets the needs of each department. Computer Technicianjob description dated I 1/12/08 Page I of3 7. Provides network management and administrative services including regular system's back-up. Performs purges, restores libraries/files as necessary or requested. Sets up, maintains, and deletes user profiles, ensuring proper system access. 8. Researches and evaluates new software and hardware technologies which could enhance the computer system. Collects specifications and other information on data processing equipment, discuses with vendors, arranges demos for users, evaluates software, conducts related research and contributes to data processing purchasing decisions. 9. Performs various tasks in support of the county's telephone system. 10. Assists the database specialist with seffing up and maintaining GIS databases. Other Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Be well organized and pay close attention to detail. Work overtime when needed. Strong interpersonal skills. Good time management skills. This list may not be inclusive of the total scope of job functions to be performed. Duties and responsibilities may be qdded, deleted or modified at any time. Employment Oualifi cations : Education: Possession of an Associate's Degree in Computer Science or a related field is preferred and/or professional certification. Working knowledge in Windows Desktop OS, Windows Server OS. Linux Server OS. TCP/P. Experience: Three years of data processing experience providing knowledge of computer operations and the general and specific software programs used by the County. Other Requirements: None listed. The qualiJications listed above are intended to represent the minimum skills and experience levels associated with performing the duties and responsibilities contained in this job description. The qualifications should not be viewed as expressing absolute employment or promotional standards, but as eeneral guidelines that should be considered along with other job-related selection or promotional criteria. Physicaf Requirementsz ffHsiob requires the ability to perform the essentialfunctions contained in this description. These include, but are not limited to, the following requirements. Reasonable accommodations will be made for otherwise qualified applicants unable to fulfill one or more these requirementsf . Computer Technicianjob description dated I I/12/08 Page 2 of3 Ability Ability Ability Ability to access department files to move and inspect computer terminals, printers and related equipment to enter and access information from a computer to travel to various county locations Periods of prolonged sitting at a computer screen Ability to lift and move PC's and terminals weighing up to 50 lbs. Ability to access all areas of the county with data processing or communication equipment Crawling, stooping, kneeling and reaching in order to run computer cable Working Conditions: Works in office conditions but is required to visit all county locations with data processing and related communications equipment. I understand that the Alpena County Personnel Policy Handbook is available at http://alpenacountyintranet/. It is my responsibility to review the Handbook periodically for changes or revisions. Signature Computer Technician job description dated I l/12/08 Date Page 3 of3 daa- {t' ALPENA COTINI'}' AI'PLICAI'ION !'OR DMPLO}'M$Nl' T6 thc Applicanr: Wc apprrciatc 1'nur inlcrcsl in our Firm and assute )'ou lhal we are interested in lour qualificatiorrs, ,{ clcar untJe6larrding 6f lour baclgruumi and worl histo,l siil aid us in seeking to place You in a ptrsitir.rlt $lriclt. ilr ilut judgnrent, bcsl meers 1.our qualificatiorrs. \'ou rnfl-! c(rntplcte this appiication no\r or return lhe complctcd appliratitrrr ul;r later timc, You ma1'shorv this application to an! pcr-\()n ol'1'our choicc We are an equat opporrunitl. ernployer and nill not unlarfulll' discriminate on the basis ol'race. color. scr' rcligitrtt. nslional origin,ugc.tnarilal or\eteranstatus,theFrL.senceof arncdical condilionordisabilitl ,hcight.trcight(rl 3rr) olhcr protected status PERSONAL Date of Application Nantr Addrcss Tclephone Numbcr (with arca code Areyou lSyearsorolder? ) V.rn Cell Number (with area Areloua LJ,S.cirizen?"*I *"8(norapplicablein('alifornia) ^"8 Are r ou authorizrd to work in thc Unired Stares? llave y,ou bern previousl;- employed trere? codg__ "*I *" I Yesl-l No!ltycs. aate{s) Supervisor Nemqs) liave you filed an application beforc? Y.rll ""8 tf yes, dat{s) List any fricnds or rrlatives worling here What method of transponation will you usc to comc to wor\? EMPLOYMENT DESIRED: Position(s) applied for Kind of work soughr: Fuil timflpafl timelloher l-l Do you have anl special training, skilts, qualifications or olher experiences that relate ro rhe posirion(s) applied for? Salary desired Date available to work Employen must make accommodations to disabled applicants and employees rtiere the accommodalion docs nor impose an undue hardship on thc employer. Under Michigan law only. disabled employees and applicana may request an accotnrnodalion of thcir disabiliry by notifring the firm in writing of the necd for accommodarion wirhin 182 da1.s of thc date the disabled individuat knor'r,s or should know that 0n &ccommoduion is nccded This reguirement does nor apply ro an individual's right under the Americans with Disabilirics Act- Failurc to propcrll, noris rhe firm ma,r' precludr,' claim that thc cnrploy,er failcd to accommodatc thc disabled individual. reva€{t AWr.6l 2013 an1 EIfIPLOYMENT EXPERJENCE: ( cuncnt or mosl reccnt joh lrst) llourl\ lurar\drn slet rri.6 Are|t mts REI'8RENCf,S tDo not include rclatires or fbnncr crnplolcrsI I ren lcqurinttd MILITARY SERVICE Rf,CORD Havc you had any expericncr in the Armed ForcEs of the Unitcd Smres or in a Statc National Guard? lf ;'es. what branch? Spcialltcchnical training Rank at Discharge V.rfJ*" I Date of l)ischarge ADDITIONAL TNFORI}IATTON llave you been convictcd of Do you have a valid a crime? Y.rfJ *.I lf so, whcre, when ard naturc of offcnsc Ort"" Sute List profcssional trader business or civic activilies rnd oflicss held excludinS groups the narne or character ,rl'which indicate race. color. rcligion. ser, national origin. disabiliq, marital or vetcran stalus. height- weight or age Statc any additional informrtion thst !'ou feel may bc hclpful to us in considcring your rpplication. Nanrc, address- and relephone numbcr of drc pcnon to bc notificd in thc evcnt of accident or cmcrg€ncy AUTHORIZATION AND UNDEITSTANDING : Upon thc rigning of this eplicerion, I rcprcscnt 0rst rll of lhc infiormation now or hcrcaftcr givan b1 mc in suppon of m1 epplication is truc End comDletc. I liftorizc vor to verifv rrw of thc information conccrninr mv brclicround. includinn but not limitcd to. mr cnployment, driving rccord. odrgtion, criminrl'history, or nrodicd hirtqy tioctoffcr 6nly), wirlr drc ippropriarc individuali. comprnics, institutions or agencics, rnd I arrhorizc ficm'n rclcasc such hlUrneiion rs you rcquirc, inchding my'prior disciplinarl emplwnrcnt rccord. *ithout rnv oblisuion to c.ive mc urincn noticc of such disclosurc. I also authorizc iou to rclcaie rnr inforniation rcqucatcd bt- anv ofmv oiosoccrivc-or subsooucnt cmoloycn without lnr oblicltion to civc nrc writtcn noticc of srrch disclosurc. I hcrcbv rcfcasc'vou aiU'ttrcm fionr anv liabilih r,rtraso&cr a! I resuhbf anv-such ino-uirics and disclosurcs and this rclcasc from li$ility docs noi waivc or ffohibir ur individuril from filinr u chmc of dircrimirurion irnder thc larvs cnforctd br rhc EEOC. I rgrce that'any fglsc informlrioi in support of mt applicatim miy subjicr rnc to dischergc rt uly lirnc during tlr pcriod of my cmptoynEnt. I tgrcc tlrl clrbrr prrty mr; tlrmilrtc lbc cmpbyncDt rchtiorrbip, wilb or witborl crtrrc, rl ray tirnc, eld I funbrr rgrlc lhtl tblr nry orllr bc rllcrcd ir writirs dir.ct.d to tl. Dcrro.a[y rnd rLncd by thr prcridcol of th firm, I agrcc that I shall bc bound bv thc'othcr rulcs, policies. rtcuhiions urd tcrms uid conditions of criolovm-ent of thc frrm as thcv 8rc from t'ime to tinrc changcd, gn4 n9 dditiond obli!4ions canlc inrposcd on thc firm cxccpt thosc which have bccn rknowlcdgdl in writing, b1 mc prcsrocnl or hll dcslBnltad rcFcscntdiv6. I agroc that fil tction or suit af,sinst thc firm. its accnts or cmolovccs. arisine out of mv cmolovmcnt or tcrminalion of cnrolor mcnt. including, buf Eot lncludtnS,_bul rot llroltcd Umlt.d lo, to.'clrlnr cblnr rrirll! but Eel cooirliing r rrbln3 urdcr ur&r Stl|! Stetr rad rid lcdrrrt b*. bul nri F.dcr|l Fcdcril ch'll chdl rttlb rtrtrlcr rtrtrt.r coolrhitr; fcdcrrl hr'. rcprnl. linitrtitnr rcprrrl. linitrtirnr pcriod. ruurt wltlh ltO drw of ttr nurt bc brouX broll!| *lthb rvcot dvfuc lbe chinr clrlru or br lorrrrr lorrtrr brrrcd brrcd ralasr Oc ocol llvilr rir lo lhc ulers thc rppllcrbh rnr .gpltcrblr tlilrti rlrtrlc of o[ linibtioos pcrtd ir rlortcr tbrl ltO dryr io wllcl cilr I rill cortbur to bc bouod by ttrt $or.rcr linibti pcrind. pcrbds linititioer pcrloi!. uilllrloll prriod. I r|r|vc nrlvc r!) rly IlErltrlio! pcrbdr. lo rlt lisltrtiol Frkrds le llc corlrrry. furlb:r rtrCa furtD.r llrt ltlf I rbou5 lDtt ul Lon-rtrtuton rE'-lon.ctrtoton' Bon-rl.lulon corlnn. I lurtbcr c_orlnry. rgrG. tltt-lf rgrcc rb.orrH brlrt rboutd brll! r[! brllg rctlon or clrlm rrlrlo3 out of my cmploynrcot rtr|nrt tb. flrn, la *hkh rbc llrn prcvrlk, I wlll pry to ttr llrm rnl md rll ruci coitr ruch co3tt locurrcd locurr.d by thc fim fir|I [E in dcfcdr dcfclrc ic of ol rridrleimr r|id rleimr or rctloer, uidcleimr rctioer. i!c] rctbrr, ilclodilr rflor-ry ilcfudil3 rttorErv fccr. I funhir further agrcc asrcc that thet mymv cmploymcnt cmolor mcnl is conditional until such tirrc as thc rcsults of my porl-offcr port-offcr physical (if such pftys'ical is reriuircdr arc known.- rgtr si Date r.vccd Augr{6t 2013