Aru. l-finrlr" \ nt".d"'d I E.fto^b,qh -/, 2ors- R ecL*" h,t{*n,. lcrc{ A (, fl ft t}." L",t *;ro Lwk ;!. r'f BACKPACKER'S b USHA RAMAN anvof ntv fricnrls in thc. teaching fratcrnity ,ti were happl, to hcar author r\nritar, (lhosh tell a vounA u'orrrarr that the bcst ;rd','icu lte, Irad llrr a'nraking \l'ils "to rearl." It's sornetlring u'e kccJr tellirrg our. :.{ irfl$- ow'n students, but (we tt:rrd to think) it is onc uclvicc that is ilis- rcgardcd the n)ost. Ilut tlrcn, t]rose sanrc studelrts rvould ask, arcn't rve rcading all tlc tintc? \\'hlt. othcl than rcadirrg, ale \!'r, doirrg e a<rh tinrc rve grick up ir book t') stu(iv tot .rrr t.x;rtninlrtiorr r,r:r tcst':'Il 1,orr st'arclr orrlinL. lol thc distinctron lrrtrvecn thc tt'rnts, us I.1ust dicl. r,ou'ti lrr harcl plcsscd to find a clt':rr,rnc. 'Slutly'ing is urr rrdvanct:d forrn of reading," sirys one c'otrtrillutor otr (luofu.coln. Wikipedia dcfirrcs lcrtlirrg as "thc act or'llrrrccss ol studying." But lct r,rs sct asidc tlrosr aca, dcrnic or dictionarl' distirrctions, lirr the tinrc bcing. and get to what I mearr by' r'eading. Not strrdving. Not sivottirrg ft'otn notcs for arr cx:rnt. Not goirrg river and over thc textlrot>k tt) nrerrrorise rlt:flnitions or dt'scripl ions. \gt ppt'itr! pr,t.r lr rcfcrcncc tt:xt in r;rdct' to :rrlrl to tht'c l;rssroortt let ture . With a ll the irr fir lnra t io n art>und us, \\'('arc spcrlding lnore ti. )i( ;( C k'. i. ;l' l:'F,r Reading develops one's ability to look talkirrg uboul thc hurr-rerl sc;rn Iring of'hcadlinrs on l)Al)t:r ()f screen that ntost ttf us do ltcfirrc wc nrsh oul t:ach ntornirrg. Irrrl u a cliflcrencc bctu'ecn tlris:rnrl we click rrn vidco links an<l laugli lt vistrul and vcrbal rnerncs that comc our \r'ay, wc lrlok at ar-ti<:les titat our friends sharc so that',r'c can cither Iikc thcni rtr add u contrrtcnt, thus lnarking otrr paltir;ipa, kin<Js lcirds to knou lcrlgc gairr irr tlrc Iorrg rurr (lnuclr olu,lr;rI I krrorv .rlrorrt lil'c in tht, Ilornan lr)11)ir(' cott'tcs frorn thc ;\stt.rix cornics). Whcrr vorr str.rdy, tlrclc is a ccr.tuirr tiotr in tht:. grclt onlinc social But rvhert rvas thc last tirne you picked up a book or a rnagazine for 1>urc ltleasrrle antl curiosity, with ()ut )'orrr lingcrs itr:hing to hit a "likc" or a "sharc" or type in a srrart c0rnmcntl'Again, I am not rcuding for Llre p[rrl)os(: ol krrow] l','oulcl - irltlrouglr . I rrguc that rcuding ol'rrll lunxicty that kecps you ottly on what is nece sstn' for that cxan) or tcst. I)urlrosive rclding (to lcarn, to undclstand, to rr:nrcmbe r) is linritcd by its purpose. When vou rcad without that anx. icty, yor.rr rnintl is frce to rvande r about and rtrake connections u'ith other things you'r,e; rcarl, to relatc )( :il1 :l texr tluicklv rurd g|asJr its wirlr'rrt to' rnuch difl'irrltr'. we r';,. figu.t' ,ut *'hich lrrls.f tJrt text u't' irnportant rrtl wlrich o.('s,r'c,rrly support''t'. \!lrile rt':rtlirrg u rro,"cl, for inLir)({', we krr.w'llrirt dc-scliption ; to st'r :r sccrrc whilc'ae ti,lr rrrl lhc 1ll.t frlr.tli;rlo4rt.' '.r(1, ( )vcl rrn(:, us r,vc rcud rrr'r'c wl rrrrtlerstarrcl wlrt'r'rr [, ')\'(ls. ;r,\ .rll\'14{}n, rvhcrc to tlrvt:ll orr rc uor dSf rrtl wlterc lr, skirrr o',,t'r' rt.rr \\/{fir I the p)ot t'r'e n rf *e ,rrr'l :rlwts gt:t tht'details. I lr:rte f, thi'k tlrrrt I anr ad)(rtl)1.{.rtitdtng tol pleasure as a rr1,. l. 1{111'1.yye. (}nc s. ability to ,rrrl irr'.rdlnricrllV--- thlt would .r rrr to )c sclf-dcfeatirrg! Thc rrlrt' is thht cvcn if pcople begin 'rrdirr11 they think it is -becausc it'lrrl. they' r,r'if l btgin t' c.j'y it rr ils rrwD sakc! ) rt:;rrrirr11 sitting.rlow'rr subrrrersion in words. I{cading for ils ou'n -srrkc is u,lrrrt u'tr arc talking about hcrt,.'l'ht:r'e is cdgc acqrrisition spacc. Itrtlyirrg. \\'t, bct ome nrore cll'i i.rrI r.a<ic.s bccausc we arc ablc n)ore sustained, anrl more tinre engagirrg u'ith tcxts of ditlcrcnt kind.s. We scan I'acebook posts and T*'ittcr feeds, -i' beyond the surface. pxoro G,I). SAMPATH KI]MAR of (, tltc time wt, lrlrvc lirr rrlar reading is qr.lrtlually being clrte r) awav lrV .tlrt,r. srrpposcrilr, t.",,." uig",ir rusks e (like nrovirrg t, thc next l,.vr.l ,rr our favourrr. ,{illrlng lrl)l) or. catching up orr.s'cill med:,,j. BLrt wc also have nr.r.c rcadinu rrrlrtcrial available t<.r us tr>day rlrrrn at any point of tinrc in lhc Books arc easicr to 1le 1last. t, mr>rt,'Dco, plc are writing about more iub- jccts,rrndthcyarcals.availablein e _books rrntl urrdioltooks. 'i'hat u,ould inrp- lr vur.icty <lf for.lns as ly llrirl rrrore pcg1;11. are readirig. So, Pcr.haps my collclgucr; ancl i arc\.\'r.ongaboJty,u.gpeoplen't reatling. So, maybe it,s not so nruch about whethcr people are reading, but about how they are reading? The autltrtr teaches ut tltt: LJnit,ersit),tl'Hyderobud und edits 'feacher plus mogozinr:. Entail: