75 AGENDA ITEM BACKGROUND TO: GOVERNING BOARD DATE FROM: PRESIDENT November 7, 2011 SUBJECT: Virtual Lab Initiative, Infrastructure, Training and Support REASON FOR BOARD CONSIDERATION ACTION ITEM NUMBER ENCLOSURE(S) Page 1 of 2 C.6 BACKGROUND: Cabrillo College has an inventory of over 2,500 computers and network resources which are valued at many millions of dollars. The upkeep and replacement of these resources needs to be planned and managed. The Virtual Desktop initiative is a measured and innovative way to begin that planning. The business model for centrally managed resources has proven time and again to be the most cost effective. Cabrillo’s computer inventory is aging: some computers are as old as 10 years, many older than 5 years and their maintenance and upkeep costs are increasing. Also, as new programs require Windows 7 or other modern operating systems, many of these older computers are becoming unusable. We continue to spend money and time fixing computers that are below the standard Staff continue to experience wait times and downtime which is negatively affecting productivity Facilities expansion has brought over 30% in growth of computer labs More and more students want to access all the Campus technology from their own computers Virus and phishing attacks are causing support staff to spend hours daily fix one computer Average yearly PC replacement costs typically run over $100,000 Power use and waste heat from PCs have caused cost increases for cooling and energy Advantages include: Long-term savings in staff time needed to support workstations in the classroom Lower power usage in the classroom Cooler classrooms with more space and use flexibility Improved methods for management of virus protection and software upgrades FISCAL IMPACT: $582,205 Hardware & Software for VDI Lab, includes installation and training $ 69,354 Racks, Power Supplies, Cables $ 63,240 Zero-client desktop computers $714,799 Building 300 Group II Equipment Expenses Continued page 2 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Governing Board authorize the Vice President, Administrative Services to award a purchase order to the three vendors with the pricing based on the contracts that are listed. Administrator Initiating Item: Ray Rider/ Victoria Lewis Academic and Professional Matter If yes, Faculty Senate Agreement Senate President Signature Yes No Yes No Final Disposition Approved 76 Since Building 300 has recently been remodeled and has a new computer lab, it was decided this could be the perfect test environment for a new VDI Lab. The plan is to test build the infrastructure to house the Building 300 lab and, if successful, build upon this infrastructure to incorporate other labs in other buildings. The District will purchase equipment, parts and services from three different vendors to build the VDI Lab Infrastructure. We have carefully selected contracts and piggyback bids for the following vendors: AMS.NET to supply Hardware & Software for VDI Lab, includes installation and training; $582,205, Merced County FOCUS Contract #2009121 Anixter to supply Racks, Power Supplies, Cables; $ 69,354, City of Los Angeles Contract # DA-4409 (Los Angeles World Airports, LAWA) Dell Computer, Zero-client desktop computers; $ 63,240, WSCA Contract #B27160 2