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COARNG Access Guide: 147th Brigade Support Battalion

147 Brigade Support Battalion
Soldier Digital Solutions
3324 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado 80526
(720) 250-52##
COARNG Domain Access 
Virtual Desktop 
Unit SharePoint Access
CONG Network Access
1. Login with your CAC
2. Update your profile with information of your current unit
3. Your DOD cyber awareness challenge certificate will automatically appear within 24 hours
4. This is MANDATORY
1. Login with your CAC
2. Click on "DOD CYBER AWARENESS CHALLENGE" to complete the annual training requirement.
3. Click on "VIEW AND SIGN AUP" to agree to the latest policies (this must be done digitally)
1. Full name
2. DOD enterprise email address (i.e. Mil@mail.mil, civ@mail.mil, ctr@mail.mil, nfg@mail.mil)
3. DOD ID number (back of id card)
4. Unit of assignment
5. Unit address
6. City of unit
7. Zip code
8. Phone number (extension if full time support staff, mobile or alternate phont number if m-day soldier)
9. Job title
147 Brigade Support Battalion
Soldier Digital Solutions
3324 Laporte Avenue, Fort Collins, Colorado 80526
(720) 250-52##
COARNG Domain Access 
Virtual Desktop 
Unit SharePoint Access
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure - VDI
VDI is a solution that enables you to access a virtual desktop from your personal
computer (BYOD), or kiosk at the unit. When you log on to a virtual desktop, you log on
to a computer that has been preloaded with software for your military job. This enables
you to be able to complete documents like NCOERs, and to even be able to print. In
addition, all the work you do on your virtual desktop is saved and available for the next
time you access VDI.
What Does a VDI desktop allow me to do?
Office 2013, IBM Lotus Forms, Adobe Acrobat, Java, Flash, and other software that enables you
to do your military job. Also you can print from VDI as well. To print, just use the default printer
installed on your virtual desktop. Once you print, find the nearest HP printer and insert your CAC
into the reader on the printer. From there, you enter your PIN and will be able to retrieve your
print job.
What Can I Save to VDI? and how do I get setup to use VDI?
You can start using VDI now if you have a COARNG account. The only people who
require additional setup are those who work full time for the COARNG.
If the above link does not work, do a Google search for “vmware horizon client
Once VDI is Installed…
Once VDI is installed, start the application and input the following cloud address to access
MyDeskTop: cloud.co.ngb.army.mil
Unit SharePoint Access
Your Internet Explorer home page should be The Colorado National Guard SharePoint Slash
Page. If not, go to: https://cop.co.ngb.army.mil/
Once on the CONG Splash Page, follow the following path:
Units / 169 Field Artillery Brigade / 147 Brigade Support Battalion