Tuesday, July 10, 2012 2:00 pm Room 2030

Administrative Services Managers Meeting
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
2:00 pm
Room 2030
Dan Borges, Oscar Guillen, Victoria Lewis, Loree McCawley, Graciano Mendoza, Joe
Nugent, Roy Pirchio, Michael Robins, Barbara Shingai, Shelley West
Ray Rider
Victoria opened the meeting at 2:00 pm.
Review agenda/action items.
Budget Planning and Negotiations
o Phase IV Reduction Plans will be rolled out in the next few weeks. Managers
will begin talking to affected individuals this week. The plans will be presented
at the Managers meeting and to CPC on July 18. They will go to August Board
for information and for action at the Sept 17 Board meeting. Any impacted staff
will be issued 45 day notices that week. See Budget Planning Timeline.
Employee Group Concessions:
o There has been significant headway with faculty on making concessions related
to benefits should the tax increases not pass. Managers are aligning with faculty
on the benefits piece; however there is no up to date proposal from faculty
and/or managers.
o The September board meeting has been moved to the 17th in order to allow for
time to educate faculty on recommended concessions and ratify the proposal in
early September.
o Classified negotiations are making slow progress. We are continuing to meet to
see where we can make headway.
o Confidentials are also making a proposal. Victoria has no details at this time.
o Managers are asked to please submit SPRAC documents in to the committee
ASAP so that they made review them.
IT Priority List
Dan distributed an updated IT Priority List. Victoria asked that the managers
evaluate how we can do our work more efficiently. IT works toward completing
the A list, but the B and C list is a prioritized “hold” so that the items are not
forgotten. The 8 pages list has been narrowed down to 3. The subcommittee will
meet to review the list.
How can we increase our productivity and efficiency? Are there projects not on
this list that could help? What can move off to make room for higher priority
projects? Dan noted that there is a domino effect; once one project is completed
others will move up the list.
Victoria is working to free up carry over and one time funds to implement
efficiency. Michael requested a demonstration of “Req to check”. Dan will set
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up demos for that for the August 7th meeting as well as for how to use
Smartsheets. Dan will investigate the cost for licenses. Victoria will find
Construction Update:
The Green Technology Center (GTC) is substantially complete and ready for fall
semester; equipment is on its way.
Occupants of the 800 building have been dispersed to other locations:
o Physics will occupy building 200 for the year.
o DSPS has relocated to ILC, a few more logistics; parking for handicapped,
carts on those items.
o Hazmat work and construction will occur later this fall.
Precision is moving into H&W; there will be some activity in that building soon.
7 Smart classrooms have been completed in 2012; 352 and 355 remaining to be done.
Perimeter road project is complete.
Bldg. 600 is just getting started.
Staff Development Day—August 2, 2012
This will be a training day for classified, managers and confidentials. All offices
will be closed that day.
Program starts at 11:30; lunch at noon in quad. There may be an opportunity to
schedule training or team building activities for departments in the morning.
Offerings will include:
i. Varying levels of computer training.
ii. Precision Wellness Center would like an opportunity to market on
iii. How to train staff to maintain the GTC buildings.
Please send training suggestions to Rock.
Action items:
1. Req to check and Smart Sheet demonstrations to ASM
2. IT priority list subcommittee to review current list
ASM subcommittee
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tatiana Bachuretz
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