Administrative Services Managers Meeting Tuesday, March 6, 2012 2:00 pm Room 2030 PRESENT: Dan Borges, Victoria Lewis, Loree McCawley, Graciano Mendoza, Serena Muindi, Joe Nugent, Roy Pirchio, Ray Rider, ABSENT: Oscar Guillen, Barbara Shingai, Shelley West I. Review Agenda/action items. II. Construction Update: STEM grant: DSPS will move out of 800; it is possible the CIS lab will move into 800. FPAC meeting Friday, 3/9/12. The goal is for all of the instructional components to be in the same building. JoAnn Panzardi will request a reallocation of funds from instruction to construction. Do we want to put more bond funds into 800 for the CIS lab move? If we do not get the proposal into DSA by next week, we will lose the window to begin construction this summer. AEC remediation work is moving forward with door repairs. Parking Lot L is done. Health & Wellness is in DSA closeout; equipment will be ordered soon. Building 300 is in DSA closeout. Green Technology Center is substantially complete; equipment will be ordered soon. Signage will be updated to reflect the moves from the 800 building. The online map will be updated. Smart classrooms: 352, 355, 410, 411, and 1604 are targeted for fall semester. Bldg. 1300 HVAC is substantially complete. A scheduled maintenance contract is in place. Bldg. 1100 is substantially complete. Office of Civil Rights (OCR) is conducting a compliance visit this week. Some of us may be contacted. Please try to accommodate their requests if contacted. III. Budget Planning/Negotiations First round of $1M reductions were taken to March board last night. Carry over and one time funds should be reviewed as well to reduce balance and increase reserve. We are showing movement, the ending balance will come down significantly. CCEU and District Initial proposals were sunshined at the March board meeting. Negotiations will begin soon. Brian to meet with confidentials and managers. Benefits committee meeting scheduled 3/30/12 with Alliant to share preliminary info on cost of benefits. Trend increase is 10-12%. PERS is reassessing their rate. Tier II reduction included a workload reduction, which also reduced the FON. The April budget board info item reductions will go to May board for action. The Technology plan will go to the Tech committee on 3/8/12, to CPC 3/21/12 and to board in April. Dan will distribute copies to the board. O:\Admin Services Managers\2011-12 ASM Meetings\ASM 030612mins.docx Page 1 of 2 Dan will review other IT expenses that may add up to some savings like postage. This type of review is much appreciated in this climate. The reserve will be recalculated once more expenditures are included. IV. Accreditation/Program Planning Victoria forwarded an email from Sue Nerton regarding administrative unit objectives and outcomes. Dan has 17 objectives in the IT plan; he will send electronic and hard copies to ASM. The group discussed whether 17 objectives are realistic to be accomplished by the site visit in fall 2013. If something is accomplished, it is no longer a goal. 2-3 objectives are recommended; department goals outside of accreditation are more detailed. The tech plan is a two year plan; those objectives are to be done in two years. The group agreed that the goal is to have 2-3 objectives for accreditation. Dan distributed Long Beach State Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUOs). It was noted that we should be clear about what we are trying to address in the accreditation standard. Victoria stated that we need to get program reviews done and the group discussed updating the review cycle. What is required? Is it an overview or in depth review? Dan noted that the Table of Contents is important, but not much is needed in each section: an organizational chart, functions, the basics. How do you function in a reduced environment? Where would we grow? Include how we prioritize the available resources. Tatiana to update the department review cycle to reflect the following: 2011-12: Office of the Vice President Business Office: A/P & A/R Duplications Mail Services M&O (update plan by end of June) V. 2012-13: Bookstore Business Office: Budget, bank, payroll HR: Recruitment and Selection Employee Benefits Facilities Purchasing Warehouse Other items: Administrative Services Intranet: Dan will present ways to use the intranet for accreditation or departmental needs at the April ASM meeting. Access is security-based and uses Google sites. Spring, John and a student will assist staff with their department needs; Francine is the accreditation link. There was discussion about pros and cons, security considerations, etc. Action items: 1. Dan to distribute tech plan; intranet presentation in April 2. Get more info on accreditation objectives 3. Update Administrative Services department review cycle Dan Victoria Tatiana The meeting was adjourned at 2:59 pm. Respectfully submitted, Tatiana Bachuretz O:\Admin Services Managers\2011-12 ASM Meetings\ASM 030612mins.docx Page 2 of 2 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES PROGRAM PLANNING REVIEW CYCLE Bookstore Fiscal Year 2005-06 Business Office Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Budget College Bank Payroll 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 X X X X X X Facilities Development Maintenance and Operations Custodial Grounds Maintenance Transportation X 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 X X X X Personnel--Human Resources Employee Benefits Recruitment/Selection Purchasing Duplications Mail Warehouse Purchasing X X 2005-06 X X VP Administrative Services • Mid-term report due fall 2010 • Planning spring 2011 • Self-study 2011-12 • Site visit October, 2013 Revised 3/9/12 O:\Accreditation (Cabrillo)\Admin Svcs Program reviews\Admin Services Program Review Cycle.xls X X X 2013-14