Tuesday, October 4, 2011 2:00 pm Room 804A

Administrative Services Managers Meeting
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
2:00 pm
Room 804A
Dan Borges, Victoria Lewis, Loree McCawley, Joe Nugent, Roy Pirchio, Ray
Rider, Barbara Shingai, Shelley West
Graciano Mendoza, Serena Muindi
Review Agenda/action items—
a. Dan sent charter to team: Feedback from Joe; others to give feedback.
Title V Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Grant:
Cabrillo was awarded the five year Title V STEM grant. This has implications for the
space reallocation plan.
An FPAC meeting will be called late October/early November to roll out
preliminary plans for the moves that need to occur related to the STEM grant.
CPC will also review the plans mid-November.
An information item will likely go to Board in December.
Space planning documents have been reviewed by cabinet; a timeline for moves will soon
be developed. Joe compiled rough data and guidelines for cabinet review of the cost of
temporary and permanent moves. The goal is to begin construction in building 800 July
1. Space for the President’s and Vice President’s offices will be temporary again; the
hope is that space can be found that can be easily occupied with minimal renovation.
Some bond funds are available for this project, some programs (e.g., student health
services) have funds available for a department move and other funding sources are also
being considered. Ray requested that IT get data regarding the moves as soon as
Bookstore Update
Victoria is working on a short term staffing plan and meeting with staff to review
functions. Casey is interim bookstore manager—things are going very well and
there is good feedback from the campus community.
A new task force for the bookstore, food services and duplications will meet in
October/November. Loree asked if there will be staffing recommendations and
suggested including Diane on the committee.
Ray noted that the Sequoia contract for the point of sale (POS system) was
recently renewed. He requested that IT be informed of potential changes that
impact the bookstore.
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Budget Planning
The Budget Town Hall presentation is up on the website:
Victoria reviewed the base budget planning parameters. The 2012-13 midrange
deficit projection is $6M. Allocating 66 2/3% of the reserves ($2.5M) brings the
deficit down to $3.6M. On the back she reviewed the breakdown of the $2.5 M
operating reserves calculation.
o Ten faculty retirement notices were received. The full-time faculty
position number (150,000) will change.
o The faculty obligation number will be known in late October.
o 50% calculation will need to be done.
Victoria distributed the base budget development timeline. Each department will
need to review carryover and one time funds. Brian’s goal is to come up with
$2M by November. Victoria asked that managers review their carryover and one
time funds, commitments and initiatives to determine what can be given up.
Carryover may not be tied to anything specific; one time funds are tied to a
specific project and need to be approved.
Final 2011-12 budget is loaded in Datatel. Any available funds are up for review.
Faculty Senate is working on the program review process and how to approach
program and course reductions. Program reductions for all non-instructional areas
will be discussed and SPRAC will also review recommendations before the board
takes action.
Dan will develop a reorganizational plan for the IT department; Graciano is
working on Trust and Agency indirect funds.
Student service initiatives, such as the emergency loan program, have resulted in
some workload increases for the business office staff. The allocation for this new
program will be increased by $50,000 this year. Fifty loans have been paid back.
Construction Update
Joe gave a brief update of construction projects, smart classroom renovation, and the
expansion of the Business Office.
Bldg. 1300 HVAC IT server room project is in progress
1100 Gym HVAC controls are being updated
VAPA: $2-4 million will be spent to complete work on the HVAC system, leaks,
and acoustical issues. The mediation process will be reported out at the
November Board meeting.
The Allied Health sidewalk project should be done in a couple of weeks.
Green Technology Center is scheduled to be complete by December 1; it is under
budget and the IT issues have been resolved. Equipment is to be purchased.
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Other items:
a. Accreditation: Barbara, Joe and Dan are co-chairs.
i. Dan went to Skyline College last week and has met with Francine and
Ray. There is a follow up meeting on 10/14/11.
ii. Barbara Shingai/Dave Reynolds met Friday; they are over halfway done
with the outline.
iii. Joe needs to schedule a meeting with his group. Gary Marcoccia is cochair. Outline due by end of the year.
b. A professional development and support opportunity for staff is being developed
with Claire Laughlin to guide the goals and values in our component. Customer
service goals for Admin Services staff training. This long term initiative of how
to do business with each other and the community is in the early stages of
Action items:
1. Send space plan link to ASM
2. Ray to develop a prioritized list of computers
that need to be replaced.
3. Shelley to meet with Harry to review her role
and responsibilities for documentation
compliance. What is the criteria to determine
4. Review IIPP documentation
The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Tatiana Bachuretz
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