Safety Committee Meeting Minutes 12/5/14 Committee Name: Safety Committee Meeting Minutes Date: 12/5/2014 Time: 8:00am – 9:00am Facilitators/Location/Chair: Lorinda Miller/FPPO 2008/Joe Nugent Attendees: X X X X X Guests: Item 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Jason Camara Byron Cornwell Diane Avelar Oscar Guillen Owen Miller Rachel Mayo Michelle Donohue Stanton Stubbs X X X Michelle Chao Kristin Fabos Marcus Kelly-Cabos (student rep) Sue Torres Joe Nugent Lorinda Miller Topic and Discussion Introductions/Adopt Agenda Approve Meeting Minutes: November 7, 2014 Smoke-Free Campus Signs going up. SHS posting social norming messages. Student Dress Code MD is editing Student Handbook/Rights and Responsibilities this spring. Dress code should be addressed then. Gender-neutral bathrooms Working on implementation plan and signage. Will report back in late spring. Electricity/Shocking incident – Bldg 500 Metal faceplates to be replaced over winter break. Emergency Phones Topic Lead Time on topic Joe 3 Mins 2 Mins Joe 5 Mins Katie 5 Mins Joe 3 Mins Joe 10 Mins Byron 2 Mins Two new emergency phones installed in 1500 8. Deputy in Watsonville reports lighting in front of college is weak/yellow toned. Concerned that students won’t be visible at night. Think the lights belong to city. Action DF/RM 5 Mins By Whom/ When M/S/Approved OM/ST/all Report due to committee in spring Joe Rachel will contact City Watsonville Lighting X Flor Chacon Derek Fenster Devin Monahan Katie Dowling Tasha Sturm Rachel to ask to have bulbs swapped for something brighter. Page 1 of 2 Primary Effectiveness Link Safety Committee Meeting Minutes 12/5/14 Item 9. Topic and Discussion Reports from Subcommittees: 1. Regulatory and Hazmat Environmental Compliance Clarifier emptied 12/5 2. Safety, Health, and Injury Flex Week Training – Yes means yes/no means no 3. Emergency Disaster Preparedness Flex Week Training – Shooter on Campus and Emergency Prep Topic Lead Time on topic Action By Whom/ When 1.JC/JN 2. MD/ST 3. OG/JN 13 min Report on Industrial Injuries/Illnesses: Since November 7, 2014, there have been three (3) industrial injuries to report – three classified employees and one student worker. 10. Injury: ST Hand/thumb injury (VAPA) – no lost time reported Shoulder strain (CEED) – no lost time reported Needle stick (Nursing) – no lost time reported None 5 min Illness: Effectiveness Links 1. 5. Facilities Plan 6. Technology Plan 3. Mission Statement and Core 4 Competencies (Communication, Critical Thinking, Global Awareness, Personal and Professional Responsibility) Strategic Plan 1. Professional Development and Transformational Learning 2. Sustainable Programs and Services 3. Community Partnerships and Economic Vitality 4. Institutional Stewardship 5. Institutional Responsibilities Board Goals 7. Program Plans 4. Education Master Plan 8. Student Equity Plan 2. Meeting adjourned 8:45 am Next meeting Friday, February 6, 2015. Page 2 of 2 Primary Effectiveness Link