GYMNASTICS PROJECT Second Level Response to Self & Peer Assessment Methods All videos can be viewed on the North Ayrshire 2nd level videos page. Assessment method Response Video 1: Model performer complex sequence All pupils were engaged as they watched a model performance. After observing this performance they were able to work in pairs to decide on a mark out of 5. A criterion for the grading was generally discussed. Pupils agreed in their pair before show and give feedback. They then made a list of what they ‘liked’ about this performance, where some pupils shared their opinions. All pupils then watched another performance and made comparisons, Performers were not from their own class. Again, they allocated a score out of 5 and then made a list of what they ‘liked’ about this performance. Pupils were asked to identify an individual target based on what they had observed which they would like to improve in their own performance. Video 2: Model performer simple sequence Feedback from pupils after this sessions indicated that they enjoyed watching others perform and felt that it helped them to see what a ‘good’ performance looked like. Straight away pupils were motivated and wanted to give their best. Model performers were of mixed abilities from an older class, however some pupils in my class asked if they could also perform to the class, which they did. It was noted that one model performer was of exceptional ability and created a complex sequence and was asked to perform a simpler routine, see model performer videos. Video of own performance Pupils were videoed performing a sequence which they had practised. They watched this performance identifying areas to develop (using assessment record and peer assessment sheet). During a further gymnastics session, they used feedback to make improvements and were videoed again. 1 Pupil A felt that her sequence was ‘okay’. At first glance of her performance she was giggling and presented as slightly uncomfortable watching herself. However, when she watched her performance a second time, she was able to identify something she wanted to work on. Discussion with the teacher was needed in order to help her identify her strengths although she was able to state why these things were positive. She expressed that the video had helped her see what she needed to work on. Video 3: Pupil A first performance Pupil A felt that she ‘has a good forward roll because I controlled it well and I had a good start and finish’ However, after watching the video she decided that she needed to improve her finishing position. Her partner agreed with this. Pupil A informed the teacher that she liked having her partner and teacher’s opinion as it helped her decide on what she wanted to ‘make better’. Video 4: Pupil A second performance Pupil B really enjoyed watching her performance. She asked to watch it a few times in order to decide on what to improve. After viewing the video (from a previous lesson) in the gym hall her response ‘right I know what I need to do now’ resulted in her going straight back to her mat and working on this. Video 5: Pupil B first performance Pupil B expressed that she thought it was ‘strange that her partner said she needed to improve my worm because I thought it was good. I feel I need to improve my cartwheel. I do agree with what my teacher said and I tried hard to improve this’ Video 6: Pupil B second performance Pupil C was not too sure what he should improve when he watched the video. Through discussion with the teacher, he tried to describe what he needed to work on but found it difficult 2 to find the words. Teacher tried to understand what he was saying and paraphrased this back to him to check meaning. He was then able to take his learning forward and work on making the necessary improvements. Video 7: Pupil C first performance Pupil C felt that he ‘did okay but I want to improve my backwards roll but when I watched the video, I think I did well with that. My teacher told me to hold my movements longer and twirl around, holding up my hands. I think this made me look professional’. Video 8: Pupil C second performance Self/Peer and Teacher assessment record Peer assessment sheet Pupils were asked to watch a video of them performing their sequence and complete the assessment record identifying what they believed was good about their performance and an area for improvement. Their partner and teacher also watched their performance and did the same. Pupils could view this as many times as they needed in order to complete their record accurately. The computer containing the video clip was left for the pupils to use independently. Teacher has the option to complete their section with the children or at an appropriate time. Children read feedback and have opportunity to take this on board at the next session. (See three self/peer assessment sheets below.) * Pupils had the choice as to whether they wanted to be videoed during paired or individual sequence. 3 4 5 6