WFL Publisher Science and Technology Meri-Rastilantie 3 B, FI-00980 Helsinki, Finland e-mail: Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment Vol.7 (3&4) : 739-743. 2009 Screening various ryegrass cultivars for salt stress tolerance Mohammad Pessarakli * and David M. Kopec School of Plant Sciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. *e-mail:, Received 17 May 2009, accepted 25 September 2009. Abstract Various ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars [Covet, OSC129 (Covet II), Galileo, OSC127 (Galileo II), Michelangelo, Newton, Whitney and OSC126 (Whitney II)] were studied in a greenhouse to evaluate their growth responses in terms of shoot and root lengths, shoot (clippings) fresh and dry matter (DM) weights and grass general quality under salinity stress conditions. Grasses were grown hydroponically using Hoagland solution No.1. Treatments included control and sodium chloride (NaCl) at various EC levels (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 dSm-1). The 8 ryegrass cultivars were grown with 4 replications of each salinity treatment in a Randomized Complete Block (RCB) design trial. Shoot and root lengths and shoot (clippings) fresh and DM weights were determined weekly. After the fresh weight determination, shoots were oven-dried at 60ºC and DM weights recorded. At the last harvest, roots were also harvested and fresh weights were determined, then oven-dried at 60ºC and DM weights were recorded. Grass general quality was daily evaluated at each stress level (one week growth period at each stress level). The results show shoot and root lengths and shoot (clippings) fresh and DM weights of all the cultivars decreased linearly with increased salinity levels. However, at each salinity level, there were only some numerical differences found in the shoot (clippings) lengths or fresh and DM weights of the various cultivars. In contrast, for all the cultivars, under any level of salinity, the root length was more severely affected than the shoot length. There were significant differences in root lengths or fresh and DM weights of various cultivars at each level of salinity. Grass general quality followed the same pattern (decreased) as the shoot (clippings) lengths, fresh and DM weights. The canopy color of all the cultivars turned to lighter green at the higher levels (EC >6 dS/m) of salinity. Based on the results of this study, all the cultivars exhibited a high level of salinity tolerance. Key words: Ryegrass, cultivars, salinity, stress, tolerance, shoot, root, grass quality. Introduction Salinity stress is one of the major issues in agriculture and turfgrass management, and almost nowhere the plants/turfgrasses are immune to the adverse effects of salinity. Therefore, to find the most tolerant turfgrass species/cultivars to salinity stress and their uses under such conditions would probably be one of the most logical and effective solutions of the salinity stress problems. Researchers are continuously working on finding the most tolerant plants/crops 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 13-18, 21, 25, 34 and turfgrasses species/cultivars 3, 8-12, 19, 20, 22-24, 26-33, 35 to environment stresses (i.e. salinity and drought). Using proper types of turf species/cultivars for cultural practices under such conditions will prevent unexpected surprises and unwanted results. This is a critical issue in agricultural/turfgrass management/cultural practices, particularly considering the turfgrass managers growing concerns on the adverse effects of any stress on plants/grasses growth and development. There are numerous new turfgrass cultivars continuously developed by the breeders and used in wide range of environmental conditions with very limited or no tests prior to their release for broad cultural practices and use. Proper scientific tests on these cultivars before their release for general use results in at least the following advantages: 1) better and successful plant/ turfgrass growth/development/establishment by using proper cultivars and more tolerant ones for areas under stress (i.e. salinity) conditions; 2) savings in investments and expenses for reclamation of saline soils for reducing the salinity levels of soils and waters to the level suitable or practical for specific turfgrass species/ cultivar growth and development; 3) prevent the heavy costs of total or partial renovations of the turf covered areas in cases of improper and failure in establishment and performance of the turf due to soil salinity problems or irrigating turfgrasses with saline/ effluent/low quality waters. The agricultural investigators, particularly those involved with plant/turfgrass stress tolerances usually consider the above issues in the initiation and conducting of their research work. The objectives of this study were to find the most salinity tolerant cultivar(s) of ryegrass for optimum growth/development and performance under various salinity stress levels, and recommendation of the tolerant cultivar(s) to turfgrass managers for broad cultural practices. Materials and Methods Eight cultivars of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), including Covet, OSC129 (Covet II), Galileo, OSC127 (Galileo II), Michelangelo, Newton, Whitney and OSC126 (Whitney II) were studied hydroponically in a greenhouse to evaluate their growth responses in terms of shoot and root lengths, shoot (clippings) fresh and dry matter (DM) weights and grass general quality under various levels of sodium chloride (NaCl) salinity stress. The grasses were grown from seeds in cups, 9 cm diameter and 7 cm height. Silica sand was used as the plant anchor medium. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.7 (3&4), July-October 2009 739 Each cup was fitted into one of the 9 cm diameter holes cut in a rectangular plywood sheet 46 cm (length) x 37 cm (width) x 2 cm (thickness). The plywood sheets served as lids for the hydroponics tubs and supported the cups above the solution to allow for root growth. The lids were placed on 42 cm (length) x 34 cm (width) x 12cm (depth) Carb-X polyethylene tubs, containing half strength Hoagland solution No.1 6. Prior to the salinity treatments, the grasses were grown in this nutrient solution for 90 days. During this period, the grass shoots (clippings) were harvested weekly in order to allow the grass to reach full maturity and develop uniform and equal size plants. The harvested plant materials (clippings) were discarded. The culture solutions were changed bi-weekly to ensure adequate amount of plant essential nutrient elements for normal growth and development. After 90 days growing in this nutrient solution, the salinity treatments were started by adding NaCl to the culture solution equivalent to EC of 1 dS/m per day to reach desired levels of salinity stress. Treatments included control (no salt) and NaCl at various salinity levels (EC = 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 dS/m). The 8 ryegrass cultivars were grown in a Randomized Complete Block (RCB) design with 4 replications of each treatment for one full week at each salinity level. The culture solution levels in the tubs were marked at the 10 litre volume level and maintained at this level by adding distilled water and adjusted the salinity levels of the culture solutions as needed. During this period, also, culture solutions were changed bi-weekly to maintain the desired plant nutrient levels. The grass shoots (clippings) were harvested weekly for the evaluation of the dry matter (DM) production. At each weekly harvest, shoot and root lengths were measured and recorded. The grass canopy general quality was also daily evaluated at each stress level (one week growth period at each stress level) and recorded. The harvested plant materials were oven-dried at 60oC and DM weights measured and recorded. The recorded data were considered the weekly plant DM production. At the termination of the experiment, the last harvest, plant roots were also harvested, oven dried at 60oC, and DM weights determined and recorded. The data were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), using SAS statistical package 36. The means were separated, using Duncan Multiple Range test. Results and Discussion The results presented in Tables 1-7 show that (except, for the shoot to root ratio) shoot and root lengths and shoot (clippings) fresh and DM weights, shoot succulence and the grass general quality of all the cultivars decreased linearly with increased salinity levels. However, at each salinity level, there were only some numerical differences found in the shoot (clippings) lengths or fresh and DM weights of the various cultivars (Tables, 1, 3 and 4). In contrast, for all the cultivars, under any level of salinity, the root length was more severely affected than the shoot length (Table 2). There were significant differences in shoot or root lengths or shoot fresh and DM weights of various cultivars at each level of salinity (Tables 1-5). Shoot to root ratio was higher under salinity Table 1. Average shoot length (cm) of eight ryegrass cultivars under various salinity stress conditions. Salinity EC (dS/m) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 2 Covet 14.1a 12.3b 12.8b 10.7c 9.9c 8.9c 7.7d 6.8d OSC129 Covet II 15.2a 11.5b 11.1b 10.4c 9.6c 8cd 7.4d 6.9d Galileo 14.7a 12.2b 11.4b 10.4c 9.3c 8.4cd 7.7d 7.1d Cultivar OSC127 GalileoII 14.5a 12.5b 11.7b 10.7c 8.5cd 7.7d 7.2d 6.8d Michelangelo 15.4a 12.9b 11.9b 10.5c 10.3c 8.1cd 7.5d 7.2d Newton 13.9a 11.6b 11.2b 10.5c 9.4c 8.5cd 7.4d 7.1d Whitney 14.5a 12.7b 11.1b 10.4c 9.2c 8.1cd 7.2d 7.1d OSC126 Whitn.II 13.9a 12.2b 10.9b 9.4c 9.1c 8.2cd 7.1d 6.7d The values are the means of 4 replications of each cultivar at each salinity level. The values followed by the same letter in each column and across the rows are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. Table 2. Average root length (cm) of eight ryegrass cultivars under various salinity stress conditions. Salinity EC (dS/m) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 2 Covet 5.9ab 3.6c 3.0c 2.7c 2.4cd 2.2cd 1.3de 1.1de OSC129 Covet II 5.5b 3.3c 3.0c 2.8c 2.2cd 2.0cd 1.8d 0.9e Galileo 6.6ab 2.8c 2.7c 2.4cd 2.1cd 2.1cd 1.8d 1.4de Cultivar OSC127 GalileoII 7.2a 4bc 3.5c 3.3c 2.5cd 2.4cd 2.2cd 2.0d Michelangelo 6.2ab 4.8bc 4.6bc 4.4bc 4.3bc 4.1bc 3.3c 2.2cd Newton 7.2a 2.8c 2.7c 2.1cd 1.9d 1.8d 1.6d 1.3de Whitney 7.1a 3.8c 3.6c 3.5c 3.2c 3.0c 2.6cd 2.2cd OSC126 Whitn.II 8.5a 4.6bc 3.7c 3.4c 2.8cd 2.6cd 2.4cd 1.6d The values are the means of 4 replications of each cultivar at each salinity level. The values followed by the same letter in each column and across the rows are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. 740 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.7 (3&4), July-October 2009 stress compared to the control plants, and shoot succulence significantly decreased under NaCl stress condition (Table 6). Higher shoot to root ratio under salinity stress is another indication that the root growth was affected more severely than the shoot growth under stress. This is common in non-halophytic plants. However, the reverse was observed and reported in halophytes by several investigators 9, 11-13, 15, 16, 18-20, 22, 23, 26-28, 31, 33, 35. Tables 5 and 6 present average of the data for the various cultivars of ryegrass shoot and root lengths and clippings fresh and dry matter (DM) weights and the shoot to root ratio and the shoot succulence (Shoot fresh wt./Shoot dry wt.) for the control and EC 12 dS/m salinity stress level. The data in Tables 5 and 6 also confirm the presented data in Tables 1-4. Grass general quality followed the same pattern (decreased) as the shoot (clippings) lengths, fresh and DM weights (Table 7). The canopy color of all the cultivars turned to lighter green at the higher levels (EC >6 dS/m) of salinity. Based on the results of this study, all the cultivars exhibited a high level of salinity tolerance. Table 3. Average shoot fresh weight (g) of eight ryegrass cultivars under various salinity stress conditions. Salinity EC (dS/m) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 2 Covet 2.43a 2.07ab 1.42bc 1.15c 1.01dc 0.67d 0.30e 0.15f OSC129 Covet II 2.71a 1.98b 1.34c 1.27c 0.98d 0.71d 0.30e 0.19f Galileo 2.80a 2.34a 1.43bc 1.27c 1.20dc 0.84d 0.45e 0.26ef Cultivar OSC127 GalileoII 2.17ab 1.87b 1.34c 1.18c 0.85d 0.69d 0.28e 0.24ef Michelangelo 2.74a 2.12ab 1.62bc 1.41bc 1.06dc 0.67d 0.38e 0.25ef Newton 2.45a 1.99ab 1.36c 1.31c 0.83d 0.69d 0.47e 0.12f Whitney 2.06ab 1.75bc 1.24c 0.95d 0.81d 0.62d 0.22ef 0.11f OSC126 Whitn.II 1.95b 1.24c 1.19c 1.12c 1.04dc 0.55de 0.17f 0.12f The values are the means of 4 replications of each cultivar at each salinity level. The values followed by the same letter in each column and across the rows are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. Table 4. Average shoot dry matter (DM) wt. (g) of eight ryegrass cultivars under various salinity stress conditions. Salinity EC (dS/m) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 2 Covet 2.43a 2.07ab 1.42bc 1.15c 1.01c 0.67d 0.30e 0.15ef OSC129 Covet II 2.71a 1.98b 1.34bc 1.27c 0.98dc 0.71d 0.30e 0.19ef Galileo 2.80a 2.34a 1.43bc 1.27c 1.20c 0.84d 0.45de 0.26e Cultivar OSC127 GalileoII 2.17ab 1.87b 1.34bc 1.18c 0.85d 0.69d 0.31e 0.24e Michelangelo 2.74a 2.12ab 1.32bc 1.41bc 1.06c 0.67d 0.38e 0.25e Newton 2.45a 1.99b 1.36bc 1.31bc 0.83d 0.69d 0.47de 0.12f Whitney 2.06ab 1.75b 1.24c 0.95dc 0.81d 0.62d 0.22e 0.11f OSC126 Whitn.II 1.95b 1.24c 1.19c 1.12c 1.04c 0.55de 0.17ef 0.12f The values are the means of 4 replications of each cultivar at each salinity level. The values followed by the same letter in each column and across the rows are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. Table 5. Ryegrass shoot and root lengths, clippings fresh and dry matter (DM) weights (average of 4 replications) for control (EC = 0) and salt-stressed (EC = 12 dSm-1). Grass ID Covet Covet II Galileo Galileo II Michel-Ang. Newton Whitney Whitney II .Sht. leng. Rt. leng. 0 12 0 12 ...........…....... (cm)…......……….. 14.8a 7.7b 5.9ab 1.9de 12.7a 7.4b 5.3b 1.8de 14.7a 7.7b 5.7ab 1.8de 14.5a 7.2b 7.2a 2.3d 15.4a 7.5b 6.5a 3.3c 14.0a 7.4b 7.2a 1.5e 15.0a 7.2b 7.1a 2.6cd 13.9a 7.1b 6.9a 2.2d Sht. FW Sht. DW at EC 0 12 0 12 …......………..(g)………..........….. 2.4ab 0.5d 0.5ab 0.2c 2.7a 0.3e 0.6a 0.1d 2.9a 0.4de 0.6a 0.2c 2.5ab 0.4de 0.5ab 0.1d 2.7a 0.4de 0.6a 0.1d 2.3b 0.5d 0.5ab 0.2c 2.1bc 0.4de 0.4b 0.1d 2.0bc 0.4de 0.4b 0.1d 1 The values are the means of 4 replications of each cultivar at each salinity level. The values followed by the same letter in each two adjacent columns (two salinity levels, 0 and 12 dS/m) for each parameter (Sht. leng., Root leng., Sht FW, Sht DW) are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. 2 Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, Vol.7 (3&4), July-October 2009 741 Table 6. Ryegrass shoot length to root length ratio and shoot succulence (shoot FW/shoot DW) (average of 4 replications) for control (EC = 0) and salt-stressed (EC = 12 dSm-1). ____________________________________________________________________ Grass ID Covet Covet II Galileo Galileo II Michel-Ang. Newton Whitney Whitney II Sht. leng./Rt. leng. Sht. succulence EC (dS/m) _____________________________________________________ 0 2.51bc 2.40bc 2.58bc 2.01c 2.37bc 1.94c 2.11c 2.01c 12 4.05a 4.11a 4.28a 3.13b 2.27c 4.93a 2.77bc 3.23bc 0 4.8ab 4.5b 4.8ab 5.0a 4.5b 4.6ab 5.25a 5.0a 12 2.5dc 3.0c 2.0d 4.0b 4.0b 2.5dc 4.0b 4.0b 1 The values are the means of 4 replications of each cultivar at each salinity level. The values followed by the same letter in each two columns (two salinity levels, 0 and 12 dS/m) for each parameter (Shoot length/Root length and Shoot succulence) are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. 2 Table 7. Ryegrass general quality (average of 4 replications at each weekly evaluations) at various salinity levels. Grass ID Grass general quality at EC ______________________________________________________________________ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Covet 10a 10a 9.0a 8.5ab 7.5bc 6.5cd 5.5de 4.5ef 3.5fg Covet II 10a 10a 9.5a 8.5ab 7.5bc 6.5cd 5.5de 4.5ef 3.0g Galileo 10a 10a 9.5a 9.0a 8.0b 7.0c 6.0d 5.0e 3.5fg Galileo II 10a 10a 9.5a 9.0a 8.0b 7.0c 6.0d 5.0e 3.5fg Michel-Ang. 10a 10a 9.5a 9.0a 8.0b 7.0c 6.0d 5.0e 3.5fg Newton 10a 10a 9.5a 8.5ab 7.5bc 6.5cd 5.5de 4.5ef 3.0g Whitney 10a 10a 8.5ab 8.0b 7.0c 6.0d 5.0e 4.0f 3.0g Whitney II 10a 10a 8.0b 7.5bc 6.5cd 5.5de 4.5ef 3.5fg 3.0g 1 The values are the means of 7 daily evaluations of the grass quality and 4 replications of each cultivar at each salinity level (one week stress period). The values followed by the same letter in each column and across the rows are not significantly different at the 0.05 probability level. 2 Conclusions Ryegrass shoot and root lengths and shoot (clippings) fresh and dry matter (DM) weights decreased linearly with increased salinity levels for all the cultivars. However, at each salinity level, there were only some numerical differences found in the shoot (clippings) lengths and fresh and DM weights of the various ryegrass cultivars. For all the cultivars, under any level of salinity stress, the root length was more severely affected than the shoot length. General quality of various ryegrass cultivars followed the same pattern as the shoot (clippings) lengths and fresh and DM weights. It decreased linearly with increased salinity levels. The canopy color of all the cultivars turned to lighter green at the higher levels (EC >6 dS/m) of salinity. 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