Notes - Properties of Water • • • Approximately _____________ of Earth is covered in water 97% of water is in the ______________________ Oceans vs. Seas o Seas are __________________________________ of water and partially surrounded by _____________ o Oceans are ___________________________ of salt water connected to each other • Salinity o Amount of _____________________________ in water o Volcanic activity, _____________________weathering and reactions o Measures in _______________________________ (g/1000) o Seawater has an average salinity of 3.5%(35 ppm) – range ______________________ Halite (_________________ and chloride) = 85% _____________________ elements (phosphorus, gold) • Salinity o Factors that affect salinity: Evaporation vs. _____________________________ More precipitation than evaporation = ________salinity o Currents o ___________________________________ o Run off/melting Location/type Salinity Normal open ocean 33-38‰ Baltic Sea Red Sea 10‰ (brackish) 42‰ (hypersaline) Great Salt Lake 280‰ Dead Sea 330‰ Tap water 0.8‰ or less Premium bottled water 0.3‰ • Dissolved gasses o Interactions with ____________________________, photosynthesis and ________________________ of marine organisms o ______________________________________ o Dissolve more easily in ______________________ water o Oceans are a major ____________________________________________ May store carbon for _______________________________ of years • Temperature o Depth and ________________________ o Vertical movement of water ________________ warm and cold water o More solar energy reaches _______________________ than deep water o Polar waters = _____________________________ o Pack ice = _______________________________ • Thermocline o ___________________________ surface water ‘sits’ on top of _________________ deep water - Density o Layer of significant ___________________ in temperature o Higher salinity = _________________________density • Temperature o Colder temperature = ____________________________________ o More dense water ________________ o Create currents _______________________________ and downwelling ____________________________conveyor belt Thermohaline circulation o Temperature + ______________________________ • • • • Light o Water absorbs wavelengths of light at ________________ o ________________is reflected the longest o Red is __________________ first Light penetrates ____________________ in open ocean Less ____________________________ in water