Biology La Quinta High School COURSE INFORMATION and CLASS POLICIES 2013-2014 INSTRUCTOR: E-mail: Mr. Jason Oda TEXTBOOK: Biology: Nowicki, McDougal Littell COURSE OBJECTIVES To study and develop an understanding of investigation and experimentation, ecology, cell biology, physiology, genetics and evolution as described in the California State Standards. TESTS and HOMEWORK - Homework will be assigned for each chapter. Due dates will be posted. All unexcused-late assignments (including labs) will receive reduced credit. Please use standard lined notebook paper for homework assignments. Homework will be due before first period begins. - Before handing in your assignments, be sure the following information is located in the upper-right corner: Name, date and period. The assignment number is located at the top center of the page. - All work missed for any reason must be made up within 5 days of the due date. If you are absent on the day of an experiment, you must come in on your own time to complete it. - Any tests or quizzes missed must be taken as soon as the student returns. Makeup quizzes and tests will be given before or after school. Dates for makeup exams will be announced. NOTEBOOKS Students must turn in a Biology Notebook at the end of each semester. It will contain the following sections, in this order: - Notes - Homework - Labs/Activities - Quizzes Each section will be in chronological order with the most recent last. All papers are to be fastened into the notebook and a divider is to separate each section. An up-to-date and complete Tally Sheet will be maintained at all times so that students will always know their grade. The Tally Sheet will be the first page of the notebook. EXTRA CREDIT Extra credit assignments will be assigned at various times throughout the year. Extra credit assignments include a poster each semester. Extra credit is a privilege and can be taken away at any time. ATTENDANCE Every effort should be made to attend class on a regular basis. The attendance policy adopted for La Quinta High School will be enforced. All tardies will be recorded. Roll will be taken daily according to the seating chart. Therefore you must sit in your ASSIGNED SEAT. GRADES Your final grade will be based on total points earned from tests (about 80 points each), homework (5 points each), quizzes (about 10 points each), lab work (about 30 points but points vary), notebook (50 points per semester), Semester Final Exam (about 200 points) The grading scale is indicated below: 90 – 100% 80 – 89% 60 – 79% 50 – 59% Below 50% A B C D F (Point values above for tests and assignments are approximate) GOOD LUCK AND LET’S HAVE A WONDERFUL YEAR IN BIOLOGY!!