A LaGrange’s Polynomial Based Secure Data Distribution between Data Owners L.Divya

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 16 Number 6 – Oct 2014
A LaGrange’s Polynomial Based Secure Data
Distribution between Data Owners
Jakkamsetti Sunil Babu,2L.Divya
Final M.Tech Student, 2Assistant Professor
Dept of CSE, Swarnandhra College Of Engineering & Technology, Seetharampuram,Narsapur
Abstract: Out sourcing the information over cloud is still
an important ant research issue in the field of cloud
computing, multi owner data sharing technique over cloud
provides privacy and complexity while handling the data
sharing over cloud. The proposed technique works with
improvedlagrangeous polynomial group secret sharing
group key mechanism and data can be uploaded in to the
server after the encryption of the content by the secret
group key, when new member joined in the group, new
granted users can directly decrypt data files uploaded
before their participation without contacting with data
Index terms: multi owner data sharing, group key
management, cryptography
Cloud computing is a promising computing
process which recently has drawn extensive attention from
both academia and industry. By combining a set of existing
and new techniques from research areas such as ServiceOriented Architectures (SOA) and virtualization and cloud
computing is regarded as such a computing process in
which resources in the computing infrastructure are
provided as services over the Internet. Along with this new
process the various business models are developed and
which can be described by terminology of “X as a service
(XaaS)” where X could be software and hardware and the
data storage. Successful examples are Amazon’s EC2 and
S3 which provide users with scalable resources in the payas you- use fashion at relatively low prices[1,2].
As compared to building their own infrastructures,
users are able to save their investments significantly by
migrating businesses into the cloud. With the increasing
development of cloud computing technologies and it is not
hard to imagine that in the near future more and more
businesses will be moved into the cloud Security. As
promising as it is the cloud computing is also facing many
challenges that and if not well resolved, may impede its
fast growth.
Data security,[3] as it exists in many other
applications, is among these challenges that would raise
great concerns from users when they store sensitive
information on cloud servers. These concerns originate
from the fact that cloud servers are usually operated by
commercial providers which are very likely to be outside of
the trusted domain of the users. Data confidential against
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cloud serversis hence frequently desired when users
outsource data for storage in the cloud. In some practical
application systems and the data confidentiality is not only
a security/privacy issue but also of juristic concerns.
Consider and example in healthcare application scenarios
use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI)
should meet the requirements of Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act.
Keeping user data confidential against the storage
servers is not just an option but a requirement.
Furthermore, we observe that there are also cases in which
cloud users themselves are content providers. They publish
data on cloudservers for sharing[4] and need fine-grained
data access control in terms of which user (data consumer)
has the access privilege to which types of data. In the
healthcare case, for example, a medical center would be the
data owner who stores millions of healthcare records in the
cloud. It would allow data consumers such as doctors and
patients and some other to access various types of
healthcare recordsunder policies admitted by HIPAA. To
access these policiesthe data owners on one hand would
like to take advantage of theabundant resources that the
cloud provides for efficiency and economy on the other
hand they may want to keep the data contentsconfidential
against cloud servers[5].
As a significant research area for system
protection the dataaccess control has been evolving in the
past thirty years and varioustechniques have been
developed to effectively implement finegrainedaccess
control and it allows flexibility in specifyingdifferential
access rights of individual users. Traditional accesscontrol
architectures usually assume the data owner and the
serversstoring the data are in the same trusted domain and
where the servers arefully entrusted as an omniscient
reference monitor responsible fordefining and enforcing
access control policies.
Searchable Encryption
A searchable encryption scheme[6] provides a
way to encrypt a search index so that its contents are
hidden except to a party that is given appropriate tokens.
More precisely, consider a search index generated over a
collection of files (this could be a full-text index or just a
keyword index). Using a searchable encryption scheme, the
index is encrypted in such a way that (1) given a token for
a keyword one can retrieve pointers to the encrypted files
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that contain the keyword; and (2) without a token the
contents of the index are hidden. In addition, the tokens can
only be generated with knowledge of a secret key and the
retrieval procedure reveals nothing about the files or the
keywords except that the files contain a keyword in
This last point is worth discussing further as it is
crucial to understanding the security guarantee provided by
searchable encryption. Notice that over time (i.e., after
many searches) knowing that a certain subset of documents
contain a word in common may leak some useful
information. This is because the server could make some
assumptions about the client’s search pattern and use this
information to make a guess about the keywords being
searched for. It is important to understand, however, that
while searching does leaks some information to the
provider, what is being leaked is exactly what the provider
would learn from the act of returning the appropriate files
to the customer (i.e., that these files contain some keyword
in common). In other words, the information “ leaked” to
the cloud provider is not leaked by the cryptographic
primitives, but by the manner in which the service is being
used (i.e., to fetch files based on exact keyword matches).
It is important to understand that this leakage is in some
sense inherent to any efficient and reliable cloud storage
service and is, at worst, less information than what is
leaked by using a public cloud storage service. The only
known alternative, which involves making the service
provider return false positives and having the client
perform some local filtering, is inefficient in terms of
communication and computational complexity.
Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE)
Proxy Re-Encryption
(PRE)[9,10] is a
cryptographic primitive in which a semi-trusted proxy is
able to convert a cipher text encrypted under Alice’s public
key into another cipher text that can be opened by Bob’s
private key without seeing the underlying plaintext. More
formally, a PRE scheme allows the proxy, given the proxy
re-encryption key rka↔b, to translate cipher texts under
public key pka into cipher texts under public key pkb and
vise versa.
The proposed system identified the problems during multi
owner data sharing and proposed an efficient protocol and
cryptographic technique for solving drawbacks in the
traditional approach. It proposed an efficient and novel
secure key protocol for group key generation, new user
need not to contact the data owner during the downloading
of files and data can be encrypted with Triple DES before
uploading the data in to the cloud. The proposed work
involves the modules as Data owner, Group key manager
and user revocation and the architecture as below
Improved lagrangeous polynomial group key scheme:
In this scheme, any t out of n shares may be used
to recover the secret. The system relies on the idea that you
can fit a unique polynomial of degree (t-1) to any set of t
points that lie on the polynomial. It takes two points to
define a straight line, three points to fully define a
quadratic the four points to define a cubic curveand so on.
That is it takes t points to define a polynomial of degree t1. The method is to create a polynomial of degree t-1 with
the secret as the first coefficient and the remaining
coefficients picked at random. Next find n points on the
curve and give one to each of the players. When at least t
out of the n players reveal their points, there is sufficient
information to fit a (t-1)th degree polynomial to them the
first coefficient being the secret.
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Goal is to divide some data D (e.g., the safe
combination) into n pieces D1,D2….Dn in such a
way that:
– Knowledge of any k or more D pieces
makes D easily computable.
– Knowledge of anyk -1 or fewer pieces
leaves D completely undetermined (in
the sense that all its possible values are
equally likely).
This scheme is called (k,n) threshold scheme. If
k=n then all participants are required together to
reconstruct the secret.
Suppose we want to use (k,n) threshold scheme to
share our secret S where k < n.
Choose at random (k-1) coefficients a1,a2,a3…ak-1
, and let S be the a0
f(x)=a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ……….+ak-1k-1
Construct n points (i,f(i)) where i=1,2…..n
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Cloud Service
3. Reveal key
1. Register
Group Manager
5. Verify files
2. Group key parameters
6. Message
4. Encryption
Recall that the secret is the free coefficient, which means
that S=1234.
After getting group key to data owner’s data owners are
able upload data. The data is to be encrypted and upload
encrypted data. All data owners encrypt their data using
Triple DES algorithm. It is shown below.
TDES is a block cipher operating on 64-bit data
blocks. Some forms of TDES use two 56-bit keys, while
others use three. TDES can however work with one, two or
three 56-bit keys. The parallel implementation improves
performance and reduces gate count.
Map n-bit plaintext blocks to n-bit ciphertextblocks (n =
block length).
• For n-bit plaintext and ciphertext blocks and a fixed key
the encryption function is a bi-jection;
• E :Pn x K → Cns.t. for all key k ∈ K, E(x, k) is an
invertible mapping, written Ek(x).
• The inverse mapping is the decryption function, y = Dk(x)
denotes the decryption of plaintext x under k.
Block size: in general larger block sizes mean greater
• Key size: larger key size means greater security (larger
key space).
• Number of rounds: multiple rounds offer increasing
• Encryption modes: define how messages larger than the
block size are encrypted, very important for the security of
the encrypted message.
The F-function, depicted in Figure 2, operates on half a
block (32 bits) at a time and consists of four stages:
1. Expansion — the 32-bit half-block is expanded to
48 bits using theexpansion permutation,
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denoted E in the diagram, by duplicating half of
the bits. The output consists of eight 6-bit (8 * 6 =
48 bits) pieces, each containing a copy of 4
corresponding input bits, plus a copy of the
immediately adjacent bit from each of the input
pieces to either side.
2. Key mixing — the result is combined with
a subkey using an XOR operation. 16 48-bit
subkeys — one for each round — are derived
the key
schedule (described below).
3. Substitution — after mixing in the subkey, the
block is divided into eight 6-bit pieces before
processing by the S-boxes, or substitution boxes.
Each of the eight S-boxes replaces its six input
bits with four output bits according to a nonlinear transformation, provided in the form of
a lookup table. The S-boxes provide the core of
the security of DES — without them, the cipher
would be linear, and trivially breakable.
4. Permutation — finally, the 32 outputs from the Sboxes are rearranged according to a
fixed permutation, the P-box. This is designed so
that, after permutation, each S-box's output bits
are spread across 4 different S boxes in the next
Given any subset of k of these pairs, we can find the
coefficients of the polynomial by interpolation, and then
evaluate a0=S , which is the secret.
• Let S=1234
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n=6 and k=3 and obtain random integers a1=166
and a2=94
• Secret
• We give each participant a different single point
(both x and f(x) ).
• In order to reconstruct the secret any 3 points will
be enough
• Let us consider
Using lagrangeous polynomials
jlj(x)=1942((1/6)x -(3/2)x+10/3)+3402(2
(1/2)x -(7/2)x-)+4414((1/3)x -2x+8/3)
. Our work efficiently reduces the calculation complexity
while revealing the key. ODBE and MODS are more
complex in nature and processing time also increases for
more number of members in a group.
In this paper, we design a secure data sharing scheme for
dynamic groups in an third party cloud. A user is used to
share data with others in the group withoutrevealing
identity privacy to the cloud. It gives efficient user
revocation and new user joining. User revocation can be
achievedthrough a public revocation list without updating
theprivate keys of the remaining users and new users
candirectly decrypt files stored in the cloud before
theirparticipation. Theencryption computation cost is
moderate. Extensive analysesshow that our proposed
scheme satisfies the desiredsecurity requirements.
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completed his
b.tech in ( information technology), in
swarnandhra institute of engineering &
m.tech (computer science engineering)
inswarnandhra college of engineering &
technology jntukkakinada. His interested
areas are data mining, network security.
l.divya completed m.tech and she is
inswarnandhra college of engineering &
technology, seetharampuram, narsapur.
Her interested areas are data mining,
network security.
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