Appendix E Prudential Indicator Monitoring Period 6 (September) 2012/13 The 2012/13 prudential indicators were calculated based on the Council’s existing commitments, current plans for revenue and capital as recommended in the 2012/13 budget report to 6 February 2012 Cabinet. The 2011/12 outturn figures were reported to Cabinet on 11 June 2012. A AFFORDABILITY A1 Ratio of financing costs to net revenue stream The outturn for 2011/12 along with the estimates and revised position for 2012/13 for the ratio of financing costs to net revenue stream are as follows: Ratio A2 2011/12 2012/13 2012/13 Actual Estimate Rev Est (P6) % % % (3.13) (1.95) (1.95) Estimates of the impact of capital investment decision on Council Tax The code requires the impact of alternative capital investment decisions on Council Tax to be calculated, and reflects the incremental impact of new capital decisions proposed over and above the capital investment decisions that have already been taken in the past by the Council, and therefore relates only to the new resources to be committed. These indicators take into consideration the effects of self-financing and the effects of government support, along with any associated impact on interest receivable/due as a consequence of the financing methods used. They also reflect the revenue implications of capital schemes other than financing costs, such as additional support contracts for new computer systems. The table below indicates the incremental impact of the capital investment decisions proposed for 2012/13 based on a Band D property. This is a purely notional calculation designed to show the effect of changes in capital investment decisions. Band D 2011/12 2012/13 to 2014/15 2012/13 to 2014/15 Actual Estimate Rev Est (P6) £ £ £ 2.65 2.71 1.48 The reduction in this indicator between the original and the revised estimate at period 6 is mainly due to the reduced interest rates assumed for investment returns in the future which are used to calculate the cost of the internal resources to fund the programme. A3 Affordable Borrowing Limit Section 3 of the Local Government Act 2003 requires the Council to determine and keep under review how much it can afford to borrow. The amount determined is termed the “Affordable Borrowing Limit”. The Council must ensure when setting this limit that its capital investment plans remain within sustainable limits, and that the impact upon its future council tax and rent levels is acceptable. The limit includes both external borrowing and other forms of liability, such as credit arrangements. Appendix E Affordable Borrowing Limit 2011/12 2012/13 2012/13 Actual Estimate Rev Est (P6) £,000 £,000 £,000 9,325 9,556 9,556 B PRUDENCE B1 Net Debt and the Capital Financing Requirement This is a key indicator of prudence. In order to ensure that over the medium term net borrowing will only be for a capital purpose, the Council should ensure that the net external borrowing does not, except in the short term, exceed the total of the capital financing requirement in the preceding year plus the estimates of any additional increases to the capital financing requirement for the current and next two financial years. The Council does not intend to enter into any long-term borrowing and therefore had no difficulty meeting this requirement to date in 2012/13, nor is there any difficulties envisaged for future years. C CAPITAL EXPENDITURE C1 Capital Expenditure The capital expenditure estimates for the 2012/13 financial year for the General Fund takes into account current plans and future commitments as updated in the Final Accounts 2011/12 report as presented to Cabinet in June 2012, and the revised estimate therefore takes account of any slippage from the 2011/12 programme. General Fund C2 2011/12 2012/13 2012/13 Actual Estimate Rev Est (P6) £,000 £,000 £,000 4,056 10,438 15,186 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Actual Estimate Rev Est (P6) £,000 £,000 £,000 0 0 0 Capital Financing Requirement General Fund The estimated capital financing requirement takes into account capital expenditure, the application of useable capital receipts, direct charges to revenue for capital expenditure, the application of capital grants and the use of third party contributions towards project costs. It reflects the actual capital financing decisions taken in relation to the current approved capital programme. The programme is financed by internal resources and external grants. In summary, an increase in the capital financing requirement will reflect capital expenditure which is not resourced immediately representing an increase in the underlying need to borrow for capital purposes. Likewise a reduction in the capital financing requirement will reflect future applications of capital receipts or grants and contributions or future charges to revenue. Appendix E D EXTERNAL DEBT D1 Authorised Limit The figures below are based on assumed actual borrowing, new supported debt, and maturing and replacement debt. In addition, headroom for temporary borrowing and borrowing in advance of need has been incorporated. Authorised Limit 2011/12 2012/13 2012/13 Actual Estimate Rev Est (P6) £,000 £,000 £,000 9,325 9,556 9,556 The limit set for 2012/13 gives the Authority flexibility to borrow to finance possible short-term cash flow fluctuations and borrowing in advance of need if required. D2 Operational Boundary The operational boundary is based on the same estimates as the authorised limit but reflects a more prudent additional headroom figure. Operational Boundary 2011/12 2012/13 2012/13 Actual Estimate Rev Est (P6) £,000 £,000 £,000 5,328 5,458 5,458 The limits for D1 and D2 will need to be reviewed in the future if the Authority decides to enter into any long-term borrowing. D3 Actual External Debt The Council’s actual external debt as at 30 September 2012 was zero, as highlighted in C2 above. This reflects the position at one point in time and is therefore not directly comparable to the authorised limit and operational boundary. E TREASURY MANAGEMENT E1 Adopt the CIPFA Code of Practice for Treasury Management The Council has adopted the CIPFA Code of Practice for Treasury Management in the Public Services. E2 Interest Rate Exposure – Variable Rates It was recommended that the Council set an upper limit on its variable interest rate exposures for 2012/13 of 100% of its net outstanding principal sums (100% 2011/12). As the Authority is currently debt free and is not intending to enter into any long-term borrowing in the near future this indicator is not currently relevant. E3 Interest Rate Exposure – Fixed Rates It was recommended that the Council set an upper limit on its fixed rate exposures for 2012/13 of 100% of its net outstanding principal sums (100% 2011/12). However, as with E3 above, this indicator is not relevant at the present time. E4 Appendix E Maturity Structure of Borrowing It was recommended that the Council set upper and lower limits for the maturity structure of its borrowings as follows: Amount of projected borrowing that is fixed rate maturing in each period as a percentage of total projected borrowing that is fixed rate Upper Limit Lower Limit Under 12 months 100% 0% 12 months and within 24 100% 0% months 24 months and within 5 100% 0% years 5 years and within 10 100% 0% years 10 years and above 100% 0% These rates reflected the continuation of current practice but again the Authority’s debt free status makes this indicator irrelevant at present. E5 Total principal sum invested for period longer than 364 days. The indicator for the upper limit for longer-term investments is set at £15m for 2012/13. As at the end of September 2012 the Council had £1.0m invested for periods longer than 364 days.