CABINET – 06 October 2014 Decision List Notes: All decisions in this Decision List which are not identified as RECOMMENDATIONS to Council are capable of being "called-in" under Section 8 of Chapter 4, Part 3 of the Constitution. If not called-in, they will take effect on the expiry of 5 clear working days after the publication of this decision list. For the avoidance of doubt, the deadline for a call-in request for this decision list will be 13 October 2014 The officer listed as taking action will generally be the author of the original report unless otherwise notified to the Democratic Services Team. ACTION BY ITEM 9: INTERNAL AUDIT CONTRACT DECISION RESOLVED: To delegate the decision regarding the provision of Internal Audit Services to the Head of Finance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Finance. Karen Sly Head of Finance 01263 516243 ITEM 10: CAR PARK ORDER – RESULTS OF CONSULTATION PROCESS DECISION RESOLVED: a) That the Cabinet makes the draft order without modification so that the order comes into effect at midnight on 30 October 2014. b) That re-surfacing works (Gridforce – option 2) are undertaken on Mundesley Road car park in North Walsham and a capital budget of £70,000 (funded by capital receipts) is approved to undertake these works. Decision List – 06 October 2014 Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure 01263 516330 ITEM 11: TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRE AND STATION APPROACH TOILETS, SHERINGHAM – EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FROM NORTH NORFOLK RAILWAY Nick Baker Corporate Director DECISION 01263 516221 RESOLVED: a. To approve subjecting the proposal from North Norfolk Railway, to provide and manage the Tourist Information Centre and Public Conveniences at Station Approach, Sheringham, to a tender process by which to compare any alternative bids. b. That the approval of the Tender specification will be delegated to the relevant Corporate Director and s151 officer, after discussion with the Portfolio members for Tourism, Customer Services and Property Assets. c. That following the Tender process a future report is prepared by officers to make recommendations for the provision of these services. ITEM 12: EMPTY HOMES POLICY DECISION RESOLVED: 1. That Cabinet notes the progress made in reducing the number of Long Term Empty homes. 2. That Cabinet approves the revised Empty Homes Policy 3. That Cabinet receives a report regarding performance in this area on a six monthly basis. Decision List – 06 October 2014 Nick Baker Corporate Director 01263 516221 ITEM 13: SHERINGHAM GANGWAY REFURBISHMENT FLAG PROJECT FOR INCLUSION INTO THE CAPITAL PROGRAMME DECISION RESOLVED: A McCloud & R Goodliffe 01263 516190, 01263 516321 To include the Sheringham Gangway Refurbishment Scheme into the capital programme with a budget of £115,000, comprising of £40,000 from the receipt from the sale of Lockerbie Flats, as agreed at the Cabinet meeting of 4 November 2013 and the remaining £75,000 from MMO grant. ITEM 14: SHERINGHAM WEST SEAWALL IMPROVEMENT COAST PROTECTION SCHEME REVISED FUNDING APPROVAL DECISION RESOLVED: a) To update the 2014/15 capital programme budget for the Sheringham West Sea Wall Improvement scheme to £804,000, contingent upon Environment Agency grant approval. To be financed from £419,000 FCERM Grant in Aid funding, £70,000 Local Levy contribution, the existing £215,000 allocated capital programme funding and subject to recommendation b, £100,000 from the allocated revenue programme. b) To approve the revenue contribution to capital of £100,000 from the Coast protection revenue maintenance programme. c) To delegate authority to the Head of Economic & Community Development for the award of the construction contract in consultation with the Coastal Management portfolio holder. Decision List – 06 October 2014 A McCloud & R Goodliffe 01263 516190, 01263 516321 ITEM 15: NEW PRINT SOLUTION – MULTI-FUNCTION DEVICES Sean Kelly 01263 516276 DECISION RESOLVED: a. To approve the release of £60,000 from the previously approved Business Transformation Programme funding to allow the procurement of appropriate devices, and related software. b. To delegate authority to the relevant Corporate Director and s151 Officer in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to procure the goods and services required to implement the new printing solution. ITEM 16: EGMERE BUSINESS ZONE PROJECT DECISION RESOLVED: To agree that the District Council should lead a project proposal to open up a minimum of 1.65 hectares of land within the area covered by the Egmere Local Development Order subject to securing the necessary external funds to deliver the project. Tha in agreeing the above, Cabinet authorises officers to: Obtain cost estimates for the provision of utility services into the proposed Phase 1 development area Pursue applications for external sources of finance to deliver a Phase 1 scheme Conclude discussions with the Walsingham Estate regarding the Council taking a head lease on the land which reflects the risks to the Council in opening up the land for development and, as and when plots are developed by third party businesses, which recognises Walsingham Estate’s continued ownership of the land through some form of income-share arrangement. Promote investment opportunities at Egmere to businesses seeking to invest in this part of the district Decision List – 06 October 2014 Steve Blatch 01263 516232