AWARD WINNER NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL Oddfellows Hall, Lifeboat Plain, Sheringham. Conversion & Extension of Former Lifeboat Station to Community Facility. Entrant: Sheringham Plus Community Partnership The building in question was built in 1867 to house the first RNLI lifeboat to be stationed in Sheringham. Originally a fairly simple brick and flint structure, it lay in a neglected state for many years prior to the current project. Now complete, the works have involved the total refurbishment of the building to provide two floors of disabled friendly community facilities. Included in this was the demolition of a 1950s lean-to which obscured the front elevation, and its replacement with a two-storey entrance porch. The latter is heavily influenced by the building's maritime past and now provides a striking new focal feature, particularly when viewed down Gun Street. Original window openings have also been reinstated, brick surrounds and arches replaced, and the building completely re-roofed and re-furbished. Overall: The judges welcomed this project as it has not only secured the immediate future of this locally important building but it has also significantly enhanced its appearance and character and that of Sheringham's Conservation Area.