Full Council 22 February 2012 Agenda Item No_______13______ COUNCIL TAX 2012/13 Summary: This report presents for approval the budget for 2012/13 and to make statutory calculations in accordance with the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and to set the Council Tax for 2012/13. The report also includes the Chief Financial Officer’s report on the robustness of the estimates and adequacy of reserves. Conclusions: It is the opinion of the Council’s Chief Financial Officer that the budget for 2012/13 has been set within a robust framework and the impact of this resolution will maintain an adequate level of financial reserves held by the Council. Recommendations: That having considered the Chief Financial Officer’s report on the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves, the following be approved: Cabinet member(s): All a) The General Fund Revenue Budget for 2012/13; b) The Policy Framework for the Earmarked Reserves and the Optimum Level of the General Reserve 2012/13 to 2015/16 (Appendix D); c) The level of the General Reserve maintained at a minimum of £950,000; d) The General and Earmarked Reserves are employed as shown in the Reserves Statement (Appendix C); e) That members undertake the council tax and statutory calculations set out at section 4, and set the Council Tax for 2012/13. f) The final demand on the Collection Fund will be; (i) £5,789,171 for District purposes; (ii) £1,538,934 for Parish/Town precepts. Ward(s) affected: All Duncan Ellis, Acting Financial Services Manager, 01263 Contact Officer, telephone number, 516330, duncan.ellis@north-norfolk.gov.uk and e-mail: Sheila Oxtoby, Chief Executive, 01263 516077, sheila.oxtoby@north-norfolk.gov.uk Full Council 22 February 2012 1. Introduction 1.1 This report presents for approval the 2012/13 General Fund revenue and capital budgets along with the Council Tax for 2012/13. It also presents for information only the current budget projections for 2013/14 to 2015/16. 2. 2012/13 General Fund Budget 2.1 The budget for 2012/13, along with detailed projections for the following three financial years, was considered in detail by Cabinet on 6 February 2012 and then by Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 15 February 2012. 2.2 The Comprehensive Spending Review 2010 (CSR 2010) covering the period 2011/12 to 2014/15 was announced in October 2010. In relation to Local Government the statement provided some headline announcements including the following: • Reform of the planning system and introduction of a New Homes Bonus; • Reduction in the size of the Department for Communities and Local Government budget by 33 per cent in real terms by 2014/15; • Funding to enable Local Authorities to freeze their Council Tax in 2011/12. 2.3 Confirmation of the Councils final allocation for 2012/13 was issued on 2 December 2011, this confirmed the amounts that had been provisionally announced back in January 2011.The headline cash reduction in government grant for the Council for 2012/13 was originally estimated to be £833,835, which equated to a further reduction of 11.8%. However, the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced in early October that a further grant would be offered to those Authorities which freeze the Council Tax for 2012/13 at 2011/12 levels, but this grant was to be a ‘one-off grant’. This means the grant will not be paid in future years and therefore it effectively becomes a further cut in 2013/14. Taking account of this £145,000 freeze grant the actual reduction in 2012/13 is £688,835, representing a 10% reduction in cash terms. The reduction for 2013/14 is £467,471 representing a further reduction of 7%. 2.4 2012/13 is the second year of the four year comprehensive spending review and projections have been made covering the three subsequent years. These figures are shown within the updated General Fund Summary at Appendix A. 2.5 In addition since reporting the budget to Cabinet the Council has received notification of the Internal Drainage Board (IDB) Levies for the forthcoming year. This has resulted in a small amendment to the figures previously reported and have been updated in Appendix A. 2.6 Since producing the budget report as reported to Cabinet on 6 February 2012, the final parish precepts have now been confirmed, the final figures are included in the Council Tax Summary at Appendix B which shows the total value of parish and town council precepts as £1,538,934. This means the total District amount billed for an average Band D for 2012/13 will be £176.07, comprising District element £138.87 and parish element £37.20. Full Council 22 February 2012 2.7 In making decisions in relation to setting the Council Tax, section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003 requires the Chief Financial Officer of the Council to report to it on the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves. This is presented in the section 3 of this report. 3. Chief Financial Officer’s Report Robustness of the Estimates 3.1 This part of the report comments on the robustness of the estimates now presented and provides an analysis of the risks facing the Council of not being able to control expenditure or influence the amount of income received as included in the budget being recommended for 2012/13. 3.2 A similar process to that followed in previous years has been adopted for producing the 2012/13 budget. The process is aimed at ensuring all risks are mitigated when approving the budget for the following year. The framework within which the budget for 2012/13 is put together takes account of the following: 3.3 a) b) c) d) e) Previous financial year out-turn position (2010/11) Financial Plan Update 2011/12 to 2014/15 Regular budget monitoring and associated reports Current year revised budgets Cash flow monitoring a) Previous Year Out-turn Position – The out-turn position at the 31 March 2011 as reported to Members provisionally in June and the final audited position in September 2011 provides certainty about the financial position of the Council. Both the Financial Plan Update produced in the year and the estimates for the following financial year take into account the actual final position for the previous financial year, reflecting any significant movements which will have an ongoing impact to the overall finances of the Council. b) Financial Plan Update - The Council has an established system of Financial Planning that begins each year with the preparation and production of the four year Financial Plan, including a financial forecast for the same period. During August to November each year the Council critically examines the proposed expenditure and income on existing services and seeks to identify changed priorities in service delivery and planned future developments in response to both local and national pressures. It also identifies changes to spending plans and income projections. These are informed by the previous years out-turn position and the current year’s budget monitoring projections. The financial forecast does aim to highlight the more significant budget movements as a precursor to producing the full detailed budget for the forthcoming year. At the same time the anticipated level of future external Government funding is reviewed along with estimated increases in Council Tax for the same period. When the financial plan was produced in October 2011, there were a significant number of unknowns in terms of the severity of future government grant reductions for future years and also the impact of a number of new initiatives from central government such as the localisation of business rates and council tax benefit which are due to be implemented in 2013/14. By pulling together the financial forecasts, the Financial Plan seeks to identify future estimated budget requirements and financing shortfalls at an early stage of the annual budget process. c) Regular Budget Monitoring – The regular budget monitoring process is carried out throughout the year with all expenditure and income being monitored on a monthly Full Council 22 February 2012 basis. Not only does it provide an essential tool for ensuring that the current years budget is achievable, but it is also fundamental in ensuring that the most up to date information is incorporated into the future budget and projections taking into account where budget pressures are highlighted during the year. The regular budget monitoring is used to inform the annual financial planning and budget process of changes that will have an ongoing financial impact in future years, as opposed to having only a one-off implication in the current financial year. As part of the budget monitoring process, monthly variance reports are provided to budget managers and regular reports presented to Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Regular reviews of expenditure and commitments to date, along with income streams, are carried out to ensure that overspends or shortfalls in income are identified at the earliest opportunity and reported to Corporate Leadership Team and Members along with recommended action plans where appropriate to ensure that the Councils overall budget can be met. d) Current Year Revised Budgets – The revised budget for the current year is approved in December each year and is informed by the budget monitoring reports throughout the year. It incorporates a detailed review of the current budget whilst highlighting future spending pressures and income streams. e) Cash Flow Monitoring – Throughout the four year period the Council has no cash flow issues given the level of its investments and no long term borrowing. Sufficient liquidity is maintained to cover day to day cash requirements with only limited (if at all) short term borrowing for daily cash flow purposes. The Council’s cash flow position is monitored on a daily basis and managed within the Council’s Treasury Management Strategy which is approved alongside the budget each year. 3.4 Some aspects of the Council’s future spend can be forecast with a reasonable amount of certainty. Other budgets are prepared on the best information available at the time for which the Council has no control over. For example, for employee related expenditure, NNDC is part of a national agreement therefore employee pay increases are set after the budget is approved. There are also other budgets that are less certain, particularly where the service is demand-led. As in previous years, the Council’s budget relies on a number of major income streams, but economic, social and sometimes environmental factors outside of the control of the Council can significantly influence the levels of income actually achieved. This has been particularly evident over the past few years as the economic downturn continues to have a significant reduction in the level of investment income anticipated in 2012/13 and future years compared to previous years. There has also been an impact in a number of demand-led property related budgets for example planning and land charges income for which the actual levels of income generation are dependant upon market conditions. Should these income streams fall short of anticipated levels, then the Council requires sufficient reserves to mitigate losses in current and future years, particularly where the impact may be over the medium-term. 3.5 Income from the Council’s investments is assumed to be £269,900 for 2012/13 and is based upon the Treasury Management Strategy’s view on interest rates as presented to Cabinet on 6 February 2012, for approval by Full Council. A reduction in the Council’s average investment rate of 0.25% potentially reduces future income streams by approximately £60,000 per annum. 3.6 In addition to investment income there are a number of other income streams that have been highlighted as posing significant potential risks for the 2012/13 budget, these include: Full Council 22 February 2012 Car Parking – The anticipated levels of gross car park income for 2012/13 are in excess of £1,921,175. This includes all car parking related income, i.e. pay and display, season tickets and excess parking charges; Planning Fee - Budgeted income from planning fees of £525,000; Building Control - Budgeted income from building control fees is £413,650 Land Charges - Budgeted income for land charges is £198,000 Waste and recycling – Budgeted income from waste and recycling credits of £890,818 3.7 Income from the demand led services of car parking and property related areas, i.e. planning, land charges and building control fees will continue to be closely monitored throughout the year to ensure that where shortfalls are projected, appropriate actions can be taken to ensure the budget remains achievable. 3.8 The budget also includes benefit payments of approximately £34.4 million in respect of payments of rent allowances and council tax benefits. It is assumed that these will be 100% recoverable through subsidy; however, this is closely linked to performance, and again requires close monitoring and an integrated approach to financial and performance management. 3.9 The 2012/13 budget presented for approval does make use of one-off funding from reserves of £200,000 to help cushion the impact of the grant cuts faced by the authority in the year. Use of reserves in this way represents one-off funding and once used the reserves are not available for use in future years, or to earn investment income. 3.10 The budget report to Cabinet on 6 February also outlined financial projections for the following three financial years to 2015/16. Based on the current level of service delivery assumed within the 2012/13 budget, additional resources from savings or additional income will need to be identified and achieved of £266,508 in 2013/14 increasing to £1,072,432 in 2014/15 and finally to £1,232,022 in 2015/16. 3.11 The funding for the future capital programme is reliant on new capital receipts from preserved right to buy disposals and the VAT shelter arrangements for the housing capital programme and other non housing capital receipts from general fund asset disposals for other capital schemes. Prudent estimates have been made and the level and timing of these is monitored as part of the budget monitoring process. 3.12 The ongoing budget monitoring process throughout the year is critical to ensuring the robustness of the estimates. It is through our ability to manage and control the spending within the approved budgets and where appropriate identifying and recommending appropriate actions, which mitigates the Council’s level of financial risk. 3.13 In preparing the budgets detailed information is used to support the figures. The estimates make prudent assumptions about inflation and activity levels on contracts, other fees and charges and future levels of income. Throughout the process of preparing the Council’s budget there is involvement of the Elected Members through Officer/Member meetings and reports to Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 3.14 The Council also takes advice from third party organisations concerning a number of more technical factors that impact on the budget process, for example external advice in relation to treasury management, VAT and Insurance. In this way, trends in interest Full Council 22 February 2012 rates, inflation and employment can be monitored and actions taken to mitigate the level of financial risk faced by the Council. 3.15 The external pressures on public finance have created an environment of budget reductions. In response to this the Council must deliver cashable savings or identify additional income sources. This is a very challenging agenda and there are some risks that the level of savings or additional income may not be achieved or delivered within the timescales anticipated within the budget. The level of risk is considered as part of the commentary on reserves. Commentary on the Planned Use of the General and Earmarked Reserves 3.16 The uncertainty of future grant cuts has had a significant impact on the Council’s overall financial position. The 2012/13 budget assumes a one off use of the general reserve of £200,000 and has been necessary in the year to ensure that a balanced budget position can be achieved. In terms of the medium to long term financial forecast for the Authority further work will need to be carried out at an early stage to ensure that a sustainable budget position can be supported for future years. Adequacy of Reserves 3.17 Reserves are normally held for three main purposes: A contingency to cushion the impact of unexpected events or emergencies. A cushion against the impact of uneven cash flows and to avoid temporary borrowing. As a means of building up funds to meet known or predicted liabilities (earmarked reserves). 3.18 An updated Reserve Statement for the Council is included at Appendix C. In setting the 2012/13 budget all reserves have been reviewed taking into account current and planned commitments against them. 3.19 The adequacy of the unallocated general reserve of the Council has been reviewed in the light of planned service delivery costs contained within the budget and also considers the level of financial risks that the Council is likely to face. The policy framework for assessing the level of general and earmarked reserves has been reviewed alongside setting the budget for 2012/13 and details the Council’s approach to reserves over the period 2012/13 to 2015/16 is included at Appendix D. 3.20 A number of income streams were highlighted above at 3.5 and 3.6 as being potential risk areas should income levels not be achieved as planned. There is also a risk that budgets are overspent, although this is mitigated somewhat by the regular budget monitoring reports and budgetary control procedures that ensure budget ownership and accountability by Managers. The Councils policy on general and earmarked reserves does take into account a number of risk items for example shortfall in demand led services, underachievement of planned savings and sensitivity of inflationary increases above the level assumed within the budget. 3.21 The assessment of the General Fund Reserve included in Appendix D provides a detailed analysis of the individual items that have been taken into account when recommending the minimum balance to be held by the Council in the general reserve. For 2012/13 the indicated level is £899,700 and represents 8.06% of the net budgeted operating expenditure, although this requirement increases to around £950,000 in future Full Council 22 February 2012 years. The actual balance forecast to be held at 31 March 2013 (after taking into account the planned use of the general reserve over the following three years) is £1,028,947 and represents 9.22% of the net budgeted operating expenditure. Therefore at the current time the balance in the general reserve is considered to be satisfactory. 3.22 However the budget for 2012/13 requires savings of £581,258 and additional income/grant of £315,838, totaling £897,096, to be delivered in the year with further savings required in future years in order to produce a balanced position that does not rely on the use of general or earmarked reserves to fund ongoing expenditure. 3.23 The Council holds an earmarked reserve for restructuring proposals to fund initial one-off costs of organisational restructures. Further work on a number of the savings proposals put forward as part of approving the 2012/13 budget will require some one-off costs to be funded from this reserve and are yet to be quantified. The forecast balance at 1 April 2013 is currently £198,749, this is after allowing for the transfer in of the estimated surplus in 2012/13. However there will be further calls on this reserve during 2012/13 although this will be subject to business cases being approved and signed off by Corporate Leadership Team, the Leader and the Portfolio Holder with responsibility for Organisational Development. 3.24 The Council continues to hold an earmarked reserve of £435,000 in respect of Large Scale Voluntary Transfer (LSVT). Following the housing stock transfer in 2006 the Council gave a number of warranties and indemnities to the Housing Trust and its lender, for example risks associated with the level of arrears, pension scheme, disclosures relating to property including environmental issues. The potential financial impact of any claim against the Council has in some of these cases been reduced by bonds and insurance. However, claims could still be made against the Council that would not be covered by these measures of mitigation. No amendment to this earmarked reserve has therefore been recommended for 2012/13, however this will be reviewed further as part of the financial planning process for future years. 3.25 The reserves policy framework as attached at Appendix D is set out for both the earmarked reserves and the general reserve and concludes with the Chief Financial Officer’s opinion of the adequacy and appropriateness of the proposed reserves. Summary of Chief Financial Officer’s Report 3.26 Achievement of the 2012/13 budget is subject to the successful delivery of a number of savings along with additional income and grants across various service headings. Delivery of the savings and income within the timescales assumed in the 2012/13 budget will be closely monitored during the year. Regular reports will be made to the Corporate Leadership Team, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny to monitor progress and where applicable recommend action plans to be implemented to ensure the budget remains achievable. Some risk still does remain that savings and additional income are not delivered either within the timeframe or to the level assumed. This risk is reflected in the policy framework for the reserves as detailed at Appendix D. If there is an unplanned use of the General Reserve in the year the Financial Strategy will need to be updated to reflect a revised strategy which re-establishes the recommended level of General Reserve. 3.27 In support of the medium term financial plan projections for the three financial years 2013/14 to 2015/16 are also presented for information. This assumes the current level of service, predictions of future expenditure and income based on information currently available, along with forecast government grant allocations. In order to produce a balanced budget for 2013/14 savings and/or additional income of £266,508 is required, increasing to £1,072,432 in 2014/15 and to £1,232,022 in 2015/16. Full Council 22 February 2012 3.28 Taking all of the above factors into consideration, it is my considered opinion as the Council’s Chief Financial Officer, that the budget for 2012/13 has been set within a robust framework with an adequate level of financial reserves held by the Council. Workstreams already identified that will deliver future savings will continue to be progressed over the next nine months in preparation of the 2013/14 budget. 3.29 Appendix A provides an updated general fund revenue budget summary for 2012/13. Appendix B shows the effect of this recommended budget on the District’s Council Tax for 2012/13. Appendix E shows the full information regarding the individual Parish and Town Council areas together with a summary of the County, Police and Parish/Town Councils elements. 4. COUNCIL TAX SETTING FOR 2012/13 4.1 The following pages represent the information required for Members to set the Council Tax for the year commencing 1 April 2012. 4.2 Norfolk County Council is scheduled to meet on the 13 February 2012 to set its Council Tax. Norfolk Police Authority’s meeting for the same purpose is scheduled for the 21 February 2012. The County Council is recommending freezing the council tax at the same level as last year, and the Police Authority is considering 3 options - no increase, a 3.0% increase and a 3.75% increase. The figures used in this report are based on the assumption that there will be no increase for North Norfolk District Council (excluding town and parish council precepts) and Norfolk County Council, and a 3.0% increase for Norfolk Police Authority, which is considered the most likely option. If the Police Authority agrees a different figure, replacement tables will be made available at the meeting for consideration. 4.3 The Localism Act 2011 makes provision for council tax referendums to be held if an authority increases its basic amount of council tax in excess of principles determined by the Secretary of State. These excessiveness principles are set each year and the Secretary of State has proposed that for 2012/13 a referendum will be triggered if North Norfolk District Council or Norfolk County Council set a council tax increase which exceeds 3.5% compared to 2011/12, or a 4.0% increase in the case of the Police Authority. Town and parish councils and their precepts are excluded from the excessiveness calculations for 2012/13. 4.4 Local precepting authorities are not subject to council tax referendums in 2012/13 (but could be in future years depending on the excessiveness principles which may apply in those years). 4.5 That it be NOTED that at its meeting on 14 December 2011, Full Council calculated the following Council Tax bases for the year 2012/13 in accordance with regulations made under Section 33(5) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992: a) 41,366 being calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as its Council Tax base for the year; b) PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA COUNCIL TAX BASE PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA Alby with Thwaite 101.59 Little Barningham Aldborough 239.73 Little Snoring COUNCIL TAX BASE 41.70 229.47 Full Council PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA Antingham Ashmanhaugh Aylmerton Baconsthorpe 22 February 2012 COUNCIL TAX BASE PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA 129.06 Ludham 70.55 Matlaske 197.53 Melton Constable 90.67 Morston COUNCIL TAX BASE 530.95 64.05 199.08 58.30 Bacton 516.06 Mundesley 1198.52 Barsham 105.49 Neatishead 244.88 Barton Turf 241.32 North Walsham Beckham East/West 122.08 Northrepps 333.34 Beeston Regis 416.00 Overstrand 459.84 Binham 180.36 Paston 88.85 Blakeney 540.22 Plumstead 53.21 Bodham 176.83 Potter Heigham 435.03 65.81 Pudding Norton 83.31 Briningham 4270.63 Brinton 122.56 Raynham 134.66 Briston 889.03 Roughton 352.39 Brumstead 26.10 Runton 760.81 Catfield 354.27 Ryburgh 243.12 Cley 319.93 Salthouse 123.39 Colby 195.18 Scottow 303.76 Corpusty and Saxthorpe 277.85 Sculthorpe 293.21 3127.55 Sea Palling 224.92 Cromer Dilham 143.47 Sheringham Dunton 51.95 Sidestrand 3252.42 49.36 East Ruston 189.82 Skeyton 88.55 Edgefield 185.87 Sloley 91.96 Erpingham 250.61 Smallburgh 193.75 Fakenham 2674.71 Southrepps 324.74 79.03 Stalham 1142.23 Felmingham 196.07 Stibbard 138.94 Field Dalling 136.83 Stiffkey 128.17 Fulmodestone 180.52 Stody 94.47 Gimingham 163.84 Suffield 58.20 Felbrigg Great Snoring 84.11 Sustead 91.93 Gresham 171.85 Sutton 413.02 Gunthorpe 139.40 Swafield 116.89 Full Council 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA Hanworth COUNCIL TAX BASE PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA COUNCIL TAX BASE 97.67 Swanton Abbott 151.76 Happisburgh 314.97 Swanton Novers 87.74 Helhoughton 135.17 Tattersett 287.66 78.41 Thornage 96.37 Hempstead Hempton 192.34 Thorpe Market Hickling 425.79 Thurning 30.21 High Kelling 287.57 Thursford 108.66 Hindolveston 207.97 Trimingham 151.60 Hindringham 236.45 Trunch 371.43 Holkham Holt 94.49 Tunstead 1697.13 Upper Sheringham 113.42 274.09 95.81 Honing 126.48 Walcott 243.46 Horning 618.98 Walsingham 379.52 Horsey 39.15 Warham Hoveton 808.98 Wells-next-the-Sea Ingham 151.75 Westwick 82.46 1107.11 31.81 Ingworth 44.83 Weybourne Itteringham 62.93 Wickmere Kelling 91.26 Wighton 111.39 Kettlestone 93.58 Witton 132.23 Knapton 156.49 Wiveton 88.59 Langham 196.76 Wood Norton 101.01 Lessingham 246.91 Worstead 329.24 Letheringsett with Glandford 123.95 332.96 61.56 being the amounts calculated by the Council, in accordance with Regulation 6 of the Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) Regulations 1992, as the amounts of its Council Tax base for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which special items may relate (parish precepts). 4.6 That the following amounts be now CALCULATED by the Council for the year 2012/13 in accordance with Sections 31A to 36 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and the relevant regulations and directions as follows:- a) £63,840,201 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council estimates for the expenditure items set out in Section 31A(2) (a) to (f) of the Act. b) £56,556,771 being the aggregate of the amounts which the Council Full Council 22 February 2012 estimates for the income items set out in Section 31A(3) (a) to (d) of the Act. This includes the amount the Council estimates will be transferred in the year from its collection fund to its general fund in accordance with Section 97 (3) of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 (council tax surplus of £44,675). c) £7,283,430 being the amount by which the aggregate at (a) above exceeds the aggregate at (b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31A(4) of the Act, to be its council tax requirement for the year. d) £176.0729 being the amount at (c) above divided by the amount at 4.5(a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 31B(1) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year. e) £1,538,934 being the aggregate amount of all special items referred to in Section 34(1) of the Act. f) £138.8700 being the amount at (d) above less the result given by dividing the amount at (e) above by the amount at 4.5 (a) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(2) of the Act, as the basic amount of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which no special item relates. g) PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA BASIC AMOUNT PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA £ BASIC AMOUNT £ Alby with Thwaite 162.4943 Little Barningham 148.4623 Aldborough 159.7267 Little Snoring 167.1961 Antingham 156.3037 Ludham 155.4534 Ashmanhaugh 179.9755 Matlaske 143.5538 Aylmerton 171.6498 Melton Constable 189.1010 Baconsthorpe 155.4135 Morston 156.0226 Bacton 167.9363 Mundesley 180.6323 Barsham 156.8811 Neatishead 162.6244 Barton Turf 157.5174 North Walsham 174.5204 Beckham East/West 158.5292 Northrepps 182.2311 Beeston Regis 170.1200 Overstrand 171.8597 Binham 163.8200 Paston 188.3916 Blakeney 181.4452 Plumstead 169.8792 Bodham 174.2146 Potter Heigham 166.2244 Full Council PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA 22 February 2012 BASIC AMOUNT PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA £ BASIC AMOUNT £ Brinton 157.2283 Pudding Norton 160.4760 Briston 170.6180 Raynham 180.4562 Catfield 165.6857 Roughton 167.2476 Cley 160.7497 Runton 149.3851 Colby 215.7221 Ryburgh 171.7755 Corpusty and Saxthorpe 172.5572 Salthouse 165.2092 Cromer 198.2995 Scottow 161.9145 Dilham 168.7299 Sculthorpe 155.9226 East Ruston 154.6744 Sea Palling 185.1620 Edgefield 168.4605 Sheringham 187.7161 Erpingham 164.8067 Sidestrand 163.1811 Fakenham 191.3654 Skeyton 151.2923 Felbrigg 164.1768 Sloley 166.8713 Felmingham 146.5203 Smallburgh 170.8700 Field Dalling 160.7950 Southrepps 174.1289 Fulmodestone 161.0282 Stalham 182.6440 Gimingham 167.8616 Stibbard 176.2962 Great Snoring 180.4821 Stiffkey 177.8806 Gresham 165.0556 Stody 164.2748 Gunthorpe 151.7824 Suffield 164.6431 Hanworth 159.3471 Sustead 155.1867 Happisburgh 161.6499 Sutton 155.4309 Helhoughton 168.4623 Swafield 167.9571 Hempstead 159.9132 Swanton Abbott 169.1810 Hempton 171.1045 Swanton Novers 170.2126 Hickling 158.5416 Tattersett 149.2989 High Kelling 168.4280 Thornage 154.4350 Hindolveston 167.2394 Thorpe Market 174.1371 Hindringham 162.1307 Thursford 166.4790 Holkham 165.3278 Trimingham 180.6905 Holt 184.9525 Trunch 182.6198 Honing 154.6827 Tunstead 162.9496 Horning 162.2956 Upper Sheringham 191.0983 Horsey 158.0270 Walcott 171.7296 Full Council 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL'S AREA BASIC AMOUNT PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA BASIC AMOUNT £ £ Hoveton 191.4003 Walsingham 181.0285 Ingham 147.4367 Warham 199.5054 Ingworth 187.7212 Wells-next-the-Sea 200.2911 Itteringham 168.2677 Weybourne 186.9238 Kelling 171.7431 Wickmere 195.7251 Kettlestone 174.1339 Wighton 170.2911 Knapton 166.0282 Witton 146.4325 Langham 169.9738 Wiveton 189.1014 Lessingham 153.0452 Wood Norton 160.2342 Letheringsett with Glandford 155.0055 Worstead 166.2056 being the amounts given by adding to the amount at 4.6(f) above to the amounts of the special item or items relating to dwellings in those parts of the Council’s area mentioned above divided in each case by the amount at 4.5(b) above, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 34(3) of the Act, as the basic amounts of its Council Tax for the year for dwellings in those parts of its area to which one or more special items relate. h) PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Alby with Thwaite 108.32 126.38 144.43 162.49 198.60 234.71 270.82 324.98 Aldborough 106.48 124.23 141.97 159.72 195.22 230.71 266.21 319.45 Antingham 104.20 121.56 138.93 156.30 191.03 225.77 260.50 312.60 Ashmanhaugh 119.98 139.98 159.97 179.97 219.97 259.96 299.95 359.95 Aylmerton 114.43 133.50 152.57 171.64 209.79 247.93 286.08 343.29 Baconsthorpe 103.60 120.87 138.14 155.41 189.94 224.48 259.02 310.82 Bacton 111.95 130.61 149.27 167.93 205.25 242.57 279.89 335.87 Barsham 104.58 122.01 139.44 156.88 191.74 226.60 261.46 313.76 Barton Turf 105.01 122.51 140.01 157.51 192.52 227.52 262.52 315.03 Beckham East/West 105.68 123.30 140.91 158.52 193.75 228.98 264.21 317.05 Beeston Regis 113.41 132.31 151.21 170.12 207.92 245.72 283.53 340.24 Binham 109.21 127.41 145.61 163.82 200.22 236.62 273.03 327.64 Blakeney 120.96 141.12 161.28 181.44 221.76 262.08 302.40 362.89 Full Council 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Bodham 116.14 135.50 154.85 174.21 212.92 251.64 290.35 348.42 Brinton 104.81 122.28 139.75 157.22 192.16 227.10 262.04 314.45 Briston 113.74 132.70 151.66 170.61 208.53 246.44 284.36 341.23 Catfield 110.45 128.86 147.27 165.68 202.50 239.32 276.14 331.37 Cley 107.16 125.02 142.88 160.74 196.47 232.19 267.91 321.49 Colby 143.81 167.78 191.75 215.72 263.66 311.59 359.53 431.44 Corpusty and Saxthorpe 115.03 134.21 153.38 172.55 210.90 249.24 287.59 345.11 Cromer 132.19 154.23 176.26 198.29 242.36 286.43 330.49 396.59 Dilham 112.48 131.23 149.98 168.72 206.22 243.72 281.21 337.45 East Ruston 103.11 120.30 137.48 154.67 189.04 223.41 257.79 309.34 Edgefield 112.30 131.02 149.74 168.46 205.89 243.33 280.76 336.92 Erpingham 109.87 128.18 146.49 164.80 201.43 238.05 274.67 329.61 Fakenham 127.57 148.83 170.10 191.36 233.89 276.41 318.94 382.73 Felbrigg 109.45 127.69 145.93 164.17 200.66 237.14 273.62 328.35 Felmingham 97.68 113.96 130.24 146.52 179.08 211.64 244.20 293.04 Field Dalling 107.19 125.06 142.92 160.79 196.52 232.25 267.99 321.59 Fulmodestone 107.35 125.24 143.13 161.02 196.81 232.59 268.38 322.05 Gimingham 111.90 130.55 149.21 167.86 205.16 242.46 279.76 335.72 Great Snoring 120.32 140.37 160.42 180.48 220.58 260.69 300.80 360.96 Gresham 110.03 128.37 146.71 165.05 201.73 238.41 275.09 330.11 Gunthorpe 101.18 118.05 134.91 151.78 185.51 219.24 252.97 303.56 Hanworth 106.23 123.93 141.64 159.34 194.75 230.16 265.57 318.69 Happisburgh 107.76 125.72 143.68 161.64 197.57 233.49 269.41 323.29 Helhoughton 112.30 131.02 149.74 168.46 205.89 243.33 280.77 336.92 Hempstead 106.60 124.37 142.14 159.91 195.44 230.98 266.52 319.82 Hempton 114.06 133.08 152.09 171.10 209.12 247.15 285.17 342.20 Hickling 105.69 123.31 140.92 158.54 193.77 229.00 264.23 317.08 High Kelling 112.28 130.99 149.71 168.42 205.85 243.28 280.71 336.85 Hindolveston 111.49 130.07 148.65 167.23 204.40 241.56 278.73 334.47 Hindringham 108.08 126.10 144.11 162.13 198.15 234.18 270.21 324.26 Holkham 110.21 128.58 146.95 165.32 202.06 238.80 275.54 330.65 Full Council 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Holt 123.30 143.85 164.40 184.95 226.05 267.15 308.25 369.90 Honing 103.12 120.30 137.49 154.68 189.05 223.43 257.80 309.36 Horning 108.19 126.22 144.26 162.29 198.36 234.42 270.49 324.59 Horsey 105.35 122.90 140.46 158.02 193.14 228.26 263.37 316.05 Hoveton 127.60 148.86 170.13 191.40 233.93 276.46 319.00 382.80 Ingham 98.29 114.67 131.05 147.43 180.20 212.96 245.72 294.87 Ingworth 125.14 146.00 166.86 187.72 229.43 271.15 312.86 375.44 Itteringham 112.17 130.87 149.57 168.26 205.66 243.05 280.44 336.53 Kelling 114.49 133.57 152.66 171.74 209.90 248.07 286.23 343.48 Kettlestone 116.08 135.43 154.78 174.13 212.83 251.52 290.22 348.26 Knapton 110.68 129.13 147.58 166.02 202.92 239.81 276.71 332.05 Langham 113.31 132.20 151.08 169.97 207.74 245.51 283.28 339.94 Lessingham 102.03 119.03 136.04 153.04 187.05 221.06 255.07 306.09 Letheringsett with Glandford 103.33 120.55 137.78 155.00 189.45 223.89 258.34 310.01 Little Barningham 98.97 115.47 131.96 148.46 181.45 214.44 247.43 296.92 Little Snoring 111.46 130.04 148.61 167.19 204.35 241.50 278.66 334.39 Ludham 103.63 120.90 138.18 155.45 189.99 224.54 259.08 310.90 Matlaske 95.70 111.65 127.60 143.55 175.45 207.35 239.25 287.10 Melton Constable 126.06 147.07 168.08 189.10 231.12 273.14 315.16 378.20 Morston 104.01 121.35 138.68 156.02 190.69 225.36 260.03 312.04 Mundesley 120.42 140.49 160.56 180.63 220.77 260.91 301.05 361.26 Neatishead 108.41 126.48 144.55 162.62 198.76 234.90 271.04 325.24 North Walsham 116.34 135.73 155.12 174.52 213.30 252.08 290.86 349.04 Northrepps 121.48 141.73 161.98 182.23 222.72 263.22 303.71 364.46 Overstrand 114.57 133.66 152.76 171.85 210.05 248.24 286.43 343.71 Paston 125.59 146.52 167.45 188.39 230.25 272.12 313.98 376.78 Plumstead 113.25 132.12 151.00 169.87 207.63 245.38 283.13 339.75 Potter Heigham 110.81 129.28 147.75 166.22 203.16 240.10 277.04 332.44 Pudding Norton 106.98 124.81 142.64 160.47 196.13 231.79 267.46 320.95 Raynham 120.30 140.35 160.40 180.45 220.55 260.65 300.76 360.91 Roughton 111.49 130.08 148.66 167.24 204.41 241.57 278.74 334.49 Full Council 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Runton 99.59 116.18 132.78 149.38 182.58 215.77 248.97 298.77 Ryburgh 114.51 133.60 152.68 171.77 209.94 248.12 286.29 343.55 Salthouse 110.13 128.49 146.85 165.20 201.92 238.63 275.34 330.41 Scottow 107.94 125.93 143.92 161.91 197.89 233.87 269.85 323.82 Sculthorpe 103.94 121.27 138.59 155.92 190.57 225.22 259.87 311.84 Sea Palling 123.44 144.01 164.58 185.16 226.30 267.45 308.60 370.32 Sheringham 125.14 146.00 166.85 187.71 229.43 271.14 312.86 375.43 Sidestrand 108.78 126.91 145.04 163.18 199.44 235.70 271.96 326.36 Skeyton 100.86 117.67 134.48 151.29 184.91 218.53 252.15 302.58 Sloley 111.24 129.78 148.33 166.87 203.95 241.03 278.11 333.74 Smallburgh 113.91 132.89 151.88 170.87 208.84 246.81 284.78 341.74 Southrepps 116.08 135.43 154.78 174.12 212.82 251.51 290.21 348.25 Stalham 121.76 142.05 162.35 182.64 223.23 263.81 304.40 365.28 Stibbard 117.53 137.11 156.70 176.29 215.47 254.65 293.82 352.59 Stiffkey 118.58 138.35 158.11 177.88 217.40 256.93 296.46 355.76 Stody 109.51 127.76 146.02 164.27 200.78 237.28 273.79 328.54 Suffield 109.76 128.05 146.34 164.64 201.23 237.81 274.40 329.28 Sustead 103.45 120.70 137.94 155.18 189.67 224.15 258.64 310.37 Sutton 103.62 120.89 138.16 155.43 189.97 224.51 259.05 310.86 Swafield 111.97 130.63 149.29 167.95 205.28 242.60 279.92 335.91 Swanton Abbott 112.78 131.58 150.38 169.18 206.77 244.37 281.96 338.36 Swanton Novers 113.47 132.38 151.30 170.21 208.03 245.86 283.68 340.42 Tattersett 99.53 116.12 132.71 149.29 182.47 215.65 248.83 298.59 Thornage 102.95 120.11 137.27 154.43 188.75 223.07 257.39 308.87 Thorpe Market 116.09 135.43 154.78 174.13 212.83 251.53 290.22 348.27 Thursford 110.98 129.48 147.98 166.47 203.47 240.46 277.46 332.95 Trimingham 120.46 140.53 160.61 180.69 220.84 260.99 301.15 361.38 Trunch 121.74 142.03 162.32 182.61 223.20 263.78 304.36 365.23 Tunstead 108.63 126.73 144.84 162.94 199.16 235.37 271.58 325.89 Upper Sheringham 127.39 148.63 169.86 191.09 233.56 276.03 318.49 382.19 Walcott 114.48 133.56 152.64 171.72 209.89 248.05 286.21 343.45 Walsingham 120.68 140.79 160.91 181.02 221.25 261.48 301.71 362.05 Full Council 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Warham 133.00 155.17 177.33 199.50 243.83 288.17 332.50 399.01 Wells-next-the-Sea 133.52 155.78 178.03 200.29 244.80 289.30 333.81 400.58 Weybourne 124.61 145.38 166.15 186.92 228.46 270.00 311.53 373.84 Wickmere 130.48 152.23 173.97 195.72 239.21 282.71 326.20 391.45 Wighton 113.52 132.44 151.36 170.29 208.13 245.97 283.81 340.58 Witton 97.62 113.89 130.16 146.43 178.97 211.51 244.05 292.86 Wiveton 126.06 147.07 168.09 189.10 231.12 273.14 315.16 378.20 Wood Norton 106.82 124.62 142.43 160.23 195.84 231.44 267.05 320.46 Worstead 110.80 129.27 147.73 166.20 203.14 240.07 277.00 332.41 All Other Parts of the Council’s Area 92.58 108.01 123.44 138.87 169.73 200.59 231.45 277.74 being the amounts given by multiplying (as appropriate) the amounts at 4.6(f) or 4.6(g) above by the number which, in the proportion set out in Section 5(1) of the Act, is applicable to dwellings listed in a particular valuation band divided by the number which in that proportion is applicable to dwellings listed in valuation Band D, calculated by the Council, in accordance with Section 36(1) of the Act, as the amounts to be taken into account for the year in respect of categories of dwellings listed in different valuation bands. 4.7 That it be NOTED that for the year 2012/13 the Norfolk County Council and Norfolk Police Authority have stated the following amounts in precepts issued to the Council, in accordance with Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:- VALUATION BANDS A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Norfolk County Council 763.38 890.61 1,017.84 1,145.07 1,399.53 1,653.99 1,908.45 2,290.14 Norfolk Police Authority 131.28 153.16 175.04 196.92 240.68 284.44 328.20 393.84 4.8 That, having calculated the aggregate in each case of the amounts at 4.6(h) and 4.7 above, the Council, in accordance with Section 30(2) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992, HEREBY SETS the following amounts as the amounts of Council Tax for the year 2012/13 for each of the categories of dwellings shown below:- Full Council 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Alby with Thwaite 1,002.98 1,170.15 1,337.31 1,504.48 1,838.81 2,173.14 2,507.47 3,008.96 Aldborough 1,001.14 1,168.00 1,334.85 1,501.71 1,835.43 2,169.14 2,502.86 3,003.43 Antingham 998.86 1,165.33 1,331.81 1,498.29 1,831.24 2,164.20 2,497.15 2,996.58 Ashmanhaugh 1,014.64 1,183.75 1,352.85 1,521.96 1,860.18 2,198.39 2,536.60 3,043.93 Aylmerton 1,009.09 1,177.27 1,345.45 1,513.63 1,850.00 2,186.36 2,522.73 3,027.27 Baconsthorpe Bacton 998.26 1,164.64 1,331.02 1,497.40 1,830.15 2,162.91 2,495.67 2,994.80 1,006.61 1,174.38 1,342.15 1,509.92 1,845.46 2,181.00 2,516.54 3,019.85 Barsham 999.24 1,165.78 1,332.32 1,498.87 1,831.95 2,165.03 2,498.11 2,997.74 Barton Turf 999.67 1,166.28 1,332.89 1,499.50 1,832.73 2,165.95 2,499.17 2,999.01 Beckham East/West 1,000.34 1,167.07 1,333.79 1,500.51 1,833.96 2,167.41 2,500.86 3,001.03 Beeston Regis 1,008.07 1,176.08 1,344.09 1,512.11 1,848.13 2,184.15 2,520.18 3,024.22 Binham 1,003.87 1,171.18 1,338.49 1,505.81 1,840.43 2,175.05 2,509.68 3,011.62 Blakeney 1,015.62 1,184.89 1,354.16 1,523.43 1,861.97 2,200.51 2,539.05 3,046.87 Bodham 1,010.80 1,179.27 1,347.73 1,516.20 1,853.13 2,190.07 2,527.00 3,032.40 Brinton 999.47 1,166.05 1,332.63 1,499.21 1,832.37 2,165.53 2,498.69 2,998.43 Briston 1,008.40 1,176.47 1,344.54 1,512.60 1,848.74 2,184.87 2,521.01 3,025.21 Catfield 1,005.11 1,172.63 1,340.15 1,507.67 1,842.71 2,177.75 2,512.79 3,015.35 Cley 1,001.82 1,168.79 1,335.76 1,502.73 1,836.68 2,170.62 2,504.56 3,005.47 Colby 1,038.47 1,211.55 1,384.63 1,557.71 1,903.87 2,250.02 2,596.18 3,115.42 Corpusty and Saxthorpe 1,009.69 1,177.98 1,346.26 1,514.54 1,851.11 2,187.67 2,524.24 3,029.09 Cromer 1,026.85 1,198.00 1,369.14 1,540.28 1,882.57 2,224.86 2,567.14 3,080.57 Dilham 1,007.14 1,175.00 1,342.86 1,510.71 1,846.43 2,182.15 2,517.86 3,021.43 East Ruston 997.77 1,164.07 1,330.36 1,496.66 1,829.25 2,161.84 2,494.44 2,993.32 Edgefield 1,006.96 1,174.79 1,342.62 1,510.45 1,846.10 2,181.76 2,517.41 3,020.90 Erpingham 1,004.53 1,171.95 1,339.37 1,506.79 1,841.64 2,176.48 2,511.32 3,013.59 Fakenham 1,022.23 1,192.60 1,362.98 1,533.35 1,874.10 2,214.84 2,555.59 3,066.71 Felbrigg 1,004.11 1,171.46 1,338.81 1,506.16 1,840.87 2,175.57 2,510.27 3,012.33 Felmingham 992.34 1,157.73 1,323.12 1,488.51 1,819.29 2,150.07 2,480.85 2,977.02 Field Dalling 1,001.85 1,168.83 1,335.80 1,502.78 1,836.73 2,170.68 2,504.64 3,005.57 Fulmodestone 1,002.01 1,169.01 1,336.01 1,503.01 1,837.02 2,171.02 2,505.03 3,006.03 Gimingham 1,006.56 1,174.32 1,342.09 1,509.85 1,845.37 2,180.89 2,516.41 3,019.70 Great Snoring 1,014.98 1,184.14 1,353.30 1,522.47 1,860.79 2,199.12 2,537.45 3,044.94 Gresham 1,004.69 1,172.14 1,339.59 1,507.04 1,841.94 2,176.84 2,511.74 3,014.09 Full Council 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA Gunthorpe VALUATION BANDS A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 995.84 1,161.82 1,327.79 1,493.77 1,825.72 2,157.67 2,489.62 2,987.54 Hanworth 1,000.89 1,167.70 1,334.52 1,501.33 1,834.96 2,168.59 2,502.22 3,002.67 Happisburgh 1,002.42 1,169.49 1,336.56 1,503.63 1,837.78 2,171.92 2,506.06 3,007.27 Helhoughton 1,006.96 1,174.79 1,342.62 1,510.45 1,846.10 2,181.76 2,517.42 3,020.90 Hempstead 1,001.26 1,168.14 1,335.02 1,501.90 1,835.65 2,169.41 2,503.17 3,003.80 Hempton 1,008.72 1,176.85 1,344.97 1,513.09 1,849.33 2,185.58 2,521.82 3,026.18 Hickling 1,000.35 1,167.08 1,333.80 1,500.53 1,833.98 2,167.43 2,500.88 3,001.06 High Kelling 1,006.94 1,174.76 1,342.59 1,510.41 1,846.06 2,181.71 2,517.36 3,020.83 Hindolveston 1,006.15 1,173.84 1,341.53 1,509.22 1,844.61 2,179.99 2,515.38 3,018.45 Hindringham 1,002.74 1,169.87 1,336.99 1,504.12 1,838.36 2,172.61 2,506.86 3,008.24 Holkham 1,004.87 1,172.35 1,339.83 1,507.31 1,842.27 2,177.23 2,512.19 3,014.63 Holt 1,017.96 1,187.62 1,357.28 1,526.94 1,866.26 2,205.58 2,544.90 3,053.88 Honing 997.78 1,164.07 1,330.37 1,496.67 1,829.26 2,161.86 2,494.45 2,993.34 Horning 1,002.85 1,169.99 1,337.14 1,504.28 1,838.57 2,172.85 2,507.14 3,008.57 Horsey 1,000.01 1,166.67 1,333.34 1,500.01 1,833.35 2,166.69 2,500.02 3,000.03 Hoveton 1,022.26 1,192.63 1,363.01 1,533.39 1,874.14 2,214.89 2,555.65 3,066.78 Ingham 992.95 1,158.44 1,323.93 1,489.42 1,820.41 2,151.39 2,482.37 2,978.85 Ingworth 1,019.80 1,189.77 1,359.74 1,529.71 1,869.64 2,209.58 2,549.51 3,059.42 Itteringham 1,006.83 1,174.64 1,342.45 1,510.25 1,845.87 2,181.48 2,517.09 3,020.51 Kelling 1,009.15 1,177.34 1,345.54 1,513.73 1,850.11 2,186.50 2,522.88 3,027.46 Kettlestone 1,010.74 1,179.20 1,347.66 1,516.12 1,853.04 2,189.95 2,526.87 3,032.24 Knapton 1,005.34 1,172.90 1,340.46 1,508.01 1,843.13 2,178.24 2,513.36 3,016.03 Langham 1,007.97 1,175.97 1,343.96 1,511.96 1,847.95 2,183.94 2,519.93 3,023.92 Lessingham 996.69 1,162.80 1,328.92 1,495.03 1,827.26 2,159.49 2,491.72 2,990.07 Letheringsett with Glandford 997.99 1,164.32 1,330.66 1,496.99 1,829.66 2,162.32 2,494.99 2,993.99 Little Barningham 993.63 1,159.24 1,324.84 1,490.45 1,821.66 2,152.87 2,484.08 2,980.90 Little Snoring 1,006.12 1,173.81 1,341.49 1,509.18 1,844.56 2,179.93 2,515.31 3,018.37 Ludham 998.29 1,164.67 1,331.06 1,497.44 1,830.20 2,162.97 2,495.73 2,994.88 Matlaske 990.36 1,155.42 1,320.48 1,485.54 1,815.66 2,145.78 2,475.90 2,971.08 Melton Constable Morston 1,020.72 1,190.84 1,360.96 1,531.09 1,871.33 2,211.57 2,551.81 3,062.18 998.67 1,165.12 1,331.56 1,498.01 1,830.90 2,163.79 2,496.68 2,996.02 Mundesley 1,015.08 1,184.26 1,353.44 1,522.62 1,860.98 2,199.34 2,537.70 3,045.24 Neatishead 1,003.07 1,170.25 1,337.43 1,504.61 1,838.97 2,173.33 2,507.69 3,009.22 Full Council 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ North Walsham 1,011.00 1,179.50 1,348.00 1,516.51 1,853.51 2,190.51 2,527.51 3,033.02 Northrepps 1,016.14 1,185.50 1,354.86 1,524.22 1,862.93 2,201.65 2,540.36 3,048.44 Overstrand 1,009.23 1,177.43 1,345.64 1,513.84 1,850.26 2,186.67 2,523.08 3,027.69 Paston 1,020.25 1,190.29 1,360.33 1,530.38 1,870.46 2,210.55 2,550.63 3,060.76 Plumstead 1,007.91 1,175.89 1,343.88 1,511.86 1,847.84 2,183.81 2,519.78 3,023.73 Potter Heigham 1,005.47 1,173.05 1,340.63 1,508.21 1,843.37 2,178.53 2,513.69 3,016.42 Pudding Norton 1,001.64 1,168.58 1,335.52 1,502.46 1,836.34 2,170.22 2,504.11 3,004.93 Raynham 1,014.96 1,184.12 1,353.28 1,522.44 1,860.76 2,199.08 2,537.41 3,044.89 Roughton 1,006.15 1,173.85 1,341.54 1,509.23 1,844.62 2,180.00 2,515.39 3,018.47 Runton 994.25 1,159.95 1,325.66 1,491.37 1,822.79 2,154.20 2,485.62 2,982.75 Ryburgh 1,009.17 1,177.37 1,345.56 1,513.76 1,850.15 2,186.55 2,522.94 3,027.53 Salthouse 1,004.79 1,172.26 1,339.73 1,507.19 1,842.13 2,177.06 2,511.99 3,014.39 Scottow 1,002.60 1,169.70 1,336.80 1,503.90 1,838.10 2,172.30 2,506.50 3,007.80 Sculthorpe 998.60 1,165.04 1,331.47 1,497.91 1,830.78 2,163.65 2,496.52 2,995.82 Sea Palling 1,018.10 1,187.78 1,357.46 1,527.15 1,866.51 2,205.88 2,545.25 3,054.30 Sheringham 1,019.80 1,189.77 1,359.73 1,529.70 1,869.64 2,209.57 2,549.51 3,059.41 Sidestrand 1,003.44 1,170.68 1,337.92 1,505.17 1,839.65 2,174.13 2,508.61 3,010.34 Skeyton 995.52 1,161.44 1,327.36 1,493.28 1,825.12 2,156.96 2,488.80 2,986.56 Sloley 1,005.90 1,173.55 1,341.21 1,508.86 1,844.16 2,179.46 2,514.76 3,017.72 Smallburgh 1,008.57 1,176.66 1,344.76 1,512.86 1,849.05 2,185.24 2,521.43 3,025.72 Southrepps 1,010.74 1,179.20 1,347.66 1,516.11 1,853.03 2,189.94 2,526.86 3,032.23 Stalham 1,016.42 1,185.82 1,355.23 1,524.63 1,863.44 2,202.24 2,541.05 3,049.26 Stibbard 1,012.19 1,180.88 1,349.58 1,518.28 1,855.68 2,193.08 2,530.47 3,036.57 Stiffkey 1,013.24 1,182.12 1,350.99 1,519.87 1,857.61 2,195.36 2,533.11 3,039.74 Stody 1,004.17 1,171.53 1,338.90 1,506.26 1,840.99 2,175.71 2,510.44 3,012.52 Suffield 1,004.42 1,171.82 1,339.22 1,506.63 1,841.44 2,176.24 2,511.05 3,013.26 Sustead 998.11 1,164.47 1,330.82 1,497.17 1,829.88 2,162.58 2,495.29 2,994.35 Sutton 998.28 1,164.66 1,331.04 1,497.42 1,830.18 2,162.94 2,495.70 2,994.84 Swafield 1,006.63 1,174.40 1,342.17 1,509.94 1,845.49 2,181.03 2,516.57 3,019.89 Swanton Abbott 1,007.44 1,175.35 1,343.26 1,511.17 1,846.98 2,182.80 2,518.61 3,022.34 Swanton Novers 1,008.13 1,176.15 1,344.18 1,512.20 1,848.24 2,184.29 2,520.33 3,024.40 Tattersett 994.19 1,159.89 1,325.59 1,491.28 1,822.68 2,154.08 2,485.48 2,982.57 Thornage 997.61 1,163.88 1,330.15 1,496.42 1,828.96 2,161.50 2,494.04 2,992.85 Thorpe Market 1,010.75 1,179.20 1,347.66 1,516.12 1,853.04 2,189.96 2,526.87 3,032.25 Full Council 22 February 2012 PART OF THE COUNCIL’S AREA VALUATION BANDS A B C D E F G H £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ Thursford 1,005.64 1,173.25 1,340.86 1,508.46 1,843.68 2,178.89 2,514.11 3,016.93 Trimingham 1,015.12 1,184.30 1,353.49 1,522.68 1,861.05 2,199.42 2,537.80 3,045.36 Trunch 1,016.40 1,185.80 1,355.20 1,524.60 1,863.41 2,202.21 2,541.01 3,049.21 Tunstead 1,003.29 1,170.50 1,337.72 1,504.93 1,839.37 2,173.80 2,508.23 3,009.87 Upper Sheringham 1,022.05 1,192.40 1,362.74 1,533.08 1,873.77 2,214.46 2,555.14 3,066.17 Walcott 1,009.14 1,177.33 1,345.52 1,513.71 1,850.10 2,186.48 2,522.86 3,027.43 Walsingham 1,015.34 1,184.56 1,353.79 1,523.01 1,861.46 2,199.91 2,538.36 3,046.03 Warham 1,027.66 1,198.94 1,370.21 1,541.49 1,884.04 2,226.60 2,569.15 3,082.99 Wells-next-the-Sea 1,028.18 1,199.55 1,370.91 1,542.28 1,885.01 2,227.73 2,570.46 3,084.56 Weybourne 1,019.27 1,189.15 1,359.03 1,528.91 1,868.67 2,208.43 2,548.18 3,057.82 Wickmere 1,025.14 1,196.00 1,366.85 1,537.71 1,879.42 2,221.14 2,562.85 3,075.43 Wighton 1,008.18 1,176.21 1,344.24 1,512.28 1,848.34 2,184.40 2,520.46 3,024.56 Witton 992.28 1,157.66 1,323.04 1,488.42 1,819.18 2,149.94 2,480.70 2,976.84 Wiveton 1,020.72 1,190.84 1,360.97 1,531.09 1,871.33 2,211.57 2,551.81 3,062.18 Wood Norton 1,001.48 1,168.39 1,335.31 1,502.22 1,836.05 2,169.87 2,503.70 3,004.44 Worstead 1,005.46 1,173.04 1,340.61 1,508.19 1,843.35 2,178.50 2,513.65 3,016.39 All Other Parts of the Council’s Area 987.24 1,151.78 1,316.32 1,480.86 1,809.94 2,139.02 2,468.10 2,961.72 4.9 Excessiveness Determination 4.9.1 The Council’s basic amount of council tax as calculated in paragraph 4.6 (f) above is the same as that calculated for 2011/12, and therefore within the 3.5% increase limit above which a referendum would be required. 4.9.2 Accordingly, it be DETERMINED that the Council’s basic amount of Council Tax is not excessive for 2012/13 in accordance with the principles approved under Section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. 5. Implications and Risks to the Council 5.1 Financial implications - The Council is required to set the Council Tax each year in accordance with the legislation set out above in this report. If this is not done, there is a risk that the council will be unable to bill in a timely manner with a consequential loss of revenue, and this may prevent the prudent management of the Council’s financial affairs. By maintaining the council tax at the same level as 2011/12, the Council will receive a council tax freeze grant of £145,000. This will not be payable if members decide to set a higher level of council tax. The Council will be required to hold a referendum if it decides to increase its council tax by more than 3.5%. Full Council 5.2 22 February 2012 Equality and diversity implications - The Council is legally required to consider the equality duty in its decision-making and this includes the budget process. As part of any savings or investments the Council must consider how it can: 1. 2. 3. Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation; Advance equality of opportunity between different groups; and Foster good relations between different groups by tackling prejudice and promoting understanding. 5.3 As part of the 2012/13 budget process papers were issued during August and senior managers were asked to explore service savings and options for additional income. Part of the pack of information received by managers included a ‘Budget Equality Form’ which provided the framework to undertake an Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA), which managers were required to complete. This form requested details of the bid, and whether it had any affect on a number of protected groups, and where any negative affect was identified, how this could be minimised or removed. 5.4 The completed forms can be found on the Council’s website on the Finance page under the section which covers the Council Budget (http://www.northnorfolk.org/council/9208.asp). A cumulative assessment has been undertaken in relation to the equality forms and the savings proposals and no negative impact has been highlighted as a result of this exercise. 6. Recommendations It is recommended that having considered the Chief Financial Officer’s report on the robustness of the estimates and the adequacy of the proposed financial reserves, the following be approved: a) The General Fund Revenue Budget for 2012/13; b) The Policy Framework for the Earmarked Reserves and the Optimum Level of the General Reserve 2012/13 to 2015/16 (Appendix D); c) The level of the General Reserve maintained at a minimum of £950,000; d) The General and Earmarked Reserves are employed as shown in the Reserves Statement (Appendix C); e) That members undertake the council tax and statutory calculations set out at section 4, and set the Council Tax for 2012/13; g) The final demand on the Collection Fund will be; (i) £5,789,171 for District purposes; (ii) £1,538,934 for Parish/Town precepts