SGA Senate Minutes Tuesday, September 16, 2014 II. Roll Call

SGA Senate Minutes
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
I. Call to Order 7:00 PM
II. Roll Call
III. Pass last week’s minutes 7:07 PM
IV. Curriculum Committee - Julia Collins 7:08 PM
1. They gather feedback from the student body and meet with the administration to discuss
changes in the curriculum.
2. Elected:
A) Senator Sarena Shafner
B) Senator Jessica Feinberg
C) Senator Sowoon Park
V. Vote on Elections and Appointments Bylaw changes 7:22 PM
1. Pass: 50
2. Fail: 0
3. Abstain: 0
VI. Discussion of ad hoc committees: 7:32 PM
1. Committees will include ITS, Disability, Dining, Athletic, Publicity, Campus Police, and
7 Sisters Conference - SGA Secretary Aisha Amin 7:35 PM
1. The sister schools come together to discuss issues, from Friday, November 7, to Sunday,
November 9; this year, the Cabinet and two senators will be representing Smith.
2. The two senators will be selected next week.
Vote on Sustainability Bylaw changes 7:39 PM
1. Pass: 45
2. Fail: 2
3. Abstain: 3
IX. Concerns/Issues Discussion 7:46 PM
A. Senators made lists of the issues they've brought back from their houses
X. Announcements 7:54
a. Senators will be able to vote on t-shirts on the social network
b. Send out weekly emails to your house, and please remember to CC SGASenate
c. Share Leslie Hillsamer’s e-mail on the Lean In Event
d. Come next week with any issues and concerns your house may have
e. Restructure Meeting following Senate, all are encouraged and welcomed to
XI. Adjournment 7:58 PM