.,c' ..,..:', ~-~'"'-- 6---"- " J ; ~u.Fin(PR)B(7)-li:2QO4 .('t1:I\r(~rlliw~nt:ofHinlacl1(u Pr(\dcsl1 Finan~ .(:p~yI\e\~sio~)D(:partm~ Dalt-tlShinila-171002; the: I J "..fuly, 2006 OFFT(.:F.~1F.\10RA~r?tJM . Subjet.:l: ~f.)rms fur fixciliun uf ernulunienl~ of whul,e Lime eunlingenl pnirl en1pl()~'~~~-'('1:}I;fi('nti()n l'f:g.'1I'oing. .. In parlial mu<lifit'uliun uf lhis Deparlmenl'.s OFFIC.E ~1EMOR.\.i.~DT_iM ~o" FIN(C)B(7)-G7/30-1v'c:latc.r:l.l.8th M8.}', 1994, "c:llll:l in supersession of this D~l)artmept's letter ~Q. Fin-(PR)D(7)-1:j!98 Jate~ 30th ~Ia):-.. 1998 the unqersigned is directed to say that the maller regarding <lelerminiJ.1g lh~ l;c.lt~~ uf ~mulum~nl$lwages \Va:) '-,ngaging tlLlenlionuf lhe Gi_'vernmenllrJl" the 8'-)me Lilli;:' pa~l anuai'ler c:n,'etil1 ~~oI1~ii1~1'i)tji)n, it 1\;1.'11~\,:11i1e('jrlf~rl th;}t tht"":emo\IJl11eI1t~/'V;)gf'.'\ of the emploj:-ees en,ga~ed as whole time contingent paid, shalll)e dctcrmincd:w-.e-~f.1u AUg'L~~t, 2006 in the manner pl'csclibed bclo\v: 1. ~liniml~m uf the pay .'il.:ale(lumi~sible llJ .Clas~-I\T~lalT I)n '1'~g111i1r~5t;1 hli~11111~11t.prf-~~ntly th~ 111il1i1)1t111~.pf tilt". P;'Y .scale admissible to Class-IV is Rs. 2520/~'P..M~ 2. Sint'e .Dearne~~All(Jwant~' e(-ltlallu 50% u[exisling pay hn-, ht"~n mel'g~rl \\;th hasl\"'; pay ,il1' r~Spff~t of Government employees incl~ldin~ Oa5s-'I\", as such an amount appropliate to Go~16 of the minimum of pay scale i,e, Rs. .1,260/- ma):' also be ta.~ell into account i.e. Rs. 2520+ 12.60/- =. Rs, 3780;-. anu Di\ fillY be VI'lw\rkeu UllL 1:lnthl:' i;ullotmti.1~,~. 3780;-. . Other ler,ffiS -and I.:un'fiiliun~ as pr{;'~<:liueu in (~)l'i"il:'t' \1r"1l)Oril11l-1\lm ~\I)., T:'in(C)R(7)-57!8o-1\', rli!l(~J 1Rth M;lY, 1994 sh.111 .. fE-main unchanp;ed and the emoluments so determined' shall remam static for a financ,ial ycar. .' 1 ~.. t:1.~ .'f)~J""" at llJI -Tl\~ ~W.Qve '~e.c,~Ii~GJt', i "~,, ~j'."' ~..'. -.~~.I".'f"'." " , " ' .' , .i~~ '»-~~~~ Z (Ol'.l{,~. L~att(') .~","dditian31~Se~reta~' (FIN-PR) t,o the Go,".ernment of I-Iimacha 1 Pradesh" ..." " }c " ~u,Fin(rR)B(7)-li2004 ,tr P~llt'uShimla-+7101)2.the '~ly, 2006 Cop:" ti1i'\\':i1'Ot'() t'1r info\1'1'1:.\timl ;'Inl-1J1l:'l~t"\.';~311r nrtiol1 ttl;, 1. 'r~e i\cc9~nta.nt General, Him~1chal Pradesh: Shimla-3 \\'ith 20 ~[.I.l1'l~l:.rJl-Il~S. ' '!1'1e ~\'IiOrn~pllt~,. .\l"t'.i,\1111i)nt (}'\&f:) H.P., Shi\'I1Ia'-3 \\It\1 20 SI';lr~ )l es .." ' ' . " \.; , , ~ n O1 "", , .' 3. ..The ftegistrar General. H.P. High Court. Shimla-2. " 2. . 4. l'he 5. _"\11I"lf"C,l~!,)[lh~~Devarlmerit.o; fi.' 7.; ;\11'nt~p\1t}"(~omm"isSl()11f'rsh'l 1'he Reside~tCommi5sioner; Ne\v'Deihi," .;:, T.he I\e~i4ehlC't~\mrni~~iuilt.r. '8: " S.el'~.elary, H,P., \ritlhttn S.luli:,iiShim1a-4 ,\ in:l-liffii.leh.u ,, Pratlt'sh. ' ", Him:1t"';hi)} Pr:1lit".:;,h., : Himachal ~hawan, Sikencil.,i ltoad, ;'",' , " ." p~mgi .ll lGlial', Di~lli(.'l C,hilml~a, HP: ~1. " :~rll~Tr~n~m'}'OfI1(1?r. (~rJl)itrJl"I'i.~.1~\11)'1:<.~hott3 Sl1im1:1, Sl1imln-2. 10.' Dist1;ct 1'reas~ny Omcers/T~'ea,SUl). Officers ~n , 11.', ,'J .t~L (}uard'ril.,c.:.~obsparl::copic:s:;": " , " H.P. ', ",'. c .". , ..t..'.:, '."c' , ," .c ,.~.:..,,' ;'c..:': ..':' I' .,~'J;. "'. ": :,.' ,~. .." ","";", ." :, " "', : i.~':: II.. "';r;" ...' ~ '"' ,.; ' ,. ~ 'L .,,;'. (L ) l' ,:' ' i..'" , ,: ,!/t)t/~ ' l -;'.; L..t; \) ' L" t'l... 'Additional S"eCl~et(lry (~fi~-Pl~) to the ':. CovL:\rnnient 6'fHimac,halPJ'adc3h. , .,'!, ~ I i ..~: ..'; : ; " , ~ ,; , '