This document was created with free TRIAL version of eXPert PDF.This watermark will be removed after purchasing the licensed full version of eXPert PDF. Please visit for more details Lampiran 6.2 Form 6.2 – Procurement Plan Procurement Unit: Type of Procurement: Consultant Services Source of Fund: Financing Document: Time Schedule of Consultants Selections (date) No: C o m p o n e n t S u b - C o m p. Category Reference No. For contract pa cka ge 1 2 3 4 Description 5 Contra ct T y p e : E s t i m a t e d C o s t for t h e total contra c t S election Lum p S um Method and/or in R u p i a h s US D Time B a s ed (Rp ) E quivalent 6 7 8 9 P rior / P o s t Review P la n n e d / R evis ed P lan/Actua l 10 11 T e r m s of R e f e r e n c e (TOR ) S e n d to WB WB NOL 12 13 Advertisem e n t / E OI/ a nnouncem ent 14 E v a lua tion of EOI / P r e p a ra tion of S hortlist S e n d to WB WB NOL 15 16 P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l P la n n e d R evis ed Actua l Total Cost Estimate 0 0 Note (*) Pemasukan Proposal Teknis dan biaya, dilanjutkan dengan pembukaan proposal teknis; sedangkan proposal biaya harus disimpan utuh dan tetap tertutup oleh Notaris, yang akan dibuka setelah menerima NOL untuk hasil evaluasi proposal teknis dari Bank Dunia. (**) Sebelumnya dilakukan "public financial opening", Berita Acara pembukaan yang ditanda tangani oleh semua yang hadir disampaikan ke Bank Dunia. Demikian juga Laporan hasil evaluasi gabungan dgn nominasi ranking pertama yg akan diundang disampaikan ke Bank Dunia Project Operational Manual BERMUTU Hal VI-39 This document was created with free TRIAL version of eXPert PDF.This watermark will be removed after purchasing the licensed full version of eXPert PDF. Please visit for more details BAB I PENDAHULUAN Lampiran 6.2 Time Schedule of Consultants Selections (date) P reparation of R e q u e s t for P ropos a l ( R F P ) S e n d to WB WB NOL Is s u a n c e of invita tion letter /R FP 17 18 19 Hal VI-40 S ubmis s ion of Technical Evaluation P ropos a l (QCB S (*) /CV S e nd to WB WB NOL Ind.Cons 20 21 22 Opening of Financial P ropos a l s (**) 23 Negotiation/Draft Contract Contract value S end to WB WB NOL in R p US D Equivalent 24 25 26 27 Contract s igning da te contract period contract completion date remarks 28 29 30 31 Project Operational Manual BERMUTU