High Resolution Laboratory UV Spectroscopy for Cassini UVIS Model at Titan Joseph Ajello JPL Alan Heays Leiden Observatory H IGH R ESOLUTION UV S PECTROSCOPY FOR C ASSINI UVIS GOAL AND RESULT: Obtain High Resolution Optically Thin Laboratory 20 and 100 eV Spectra of N2 by Electron Impact (FWHM= 0.2Å) wavelength range of 800 to 1350 Å to establish UV ab initio Emission Model Constants. Identify ~800 N2 (~500) and N I,II (~300) features (same also under 16 features in Cassini UVIS Titan EUV Airglow Spectrum -FWHM 4Å). Produce First Emission ab initio Quantum Model of Electron Excited Induced UV Fluorescence of N2 of 9 electronic states (b 1Πu, b' 1Σu+, c4' 1Σu+ c3 1Πu, o3 Πu, c4 1Πu, c5 1Πu, c5 1Σu+ c6 1Σu+ X 1Σg+ from 1215 eV (+ a 1Πg X 1Σg+ Lyman-Birge-Hopfield system) for UVIS model to ionization limit. All UV Emission states are perturbed (>20% admixture) and weakly-to-strongly predissociated. Determine from Laboratory Spectra Rotational Predissociation and Emission Yields for complete & accurate N2 model. COMPARISON HIGH RESOLUTION LAB SPECTRUM & TITAN LOW RESOLUTION UVIS LIMB SPECTRUM Lab Spectrum 0.2Å FWHM vs Titan Airglow 4-5Å FWHM 10-40 N2 Molecular Bands or NI,II lines per UVIS feature 16 UVIS features vs 800 Lab features (8001350 Å) Quantum Model (Coupled-Schroedinger Equation [CSE]) Based on High Resolution Laboratory Spectra Observed 20 and 100 eV Lab Emission (black) Compared to CSE Model of N2 Excitation, Predissociation, & Fluorescence (red). Output quantummechanical model simulates electronimpact excitation and fluorescence (grey = each band)– to aid the assignment of complex and blended UVIS spectrum. Accurately Modeled optical excitation (hi energy) Emission, Predissociation Cross Sections Five (n=3,4,5) RydbergValence (12-15 eV) States of N2 state Qex (10-19 cm2) Qem(10-19 cm2) Qpre (10-19 cm2) c 1 S u+ 155a 119a 36a b' 1Su+ 128b 20.4 107.6a,e b 1P u 121b 6.9a 114.1a c3 1P u 161b ~0.7 160.3a o3 1Pu 75b ~0.4 74.6a totals 640 148 492 Average Predissociation) yield (Qpre/Qex) =77%, EUV photon yield=23%, 175K Titan). Five singlet-ungerade states predissociate, eject fast N-atoms (>1 eV) of N(4So) + N(2Do) & N(4So) + N(2Po)