UVIS SCIENCE TEAM MEETING AGENDA 4-6 January 2006 Radisson, Whittier, CA ***DRAFT 4*** WEDNESDAY — 4 JANUARY 9:00 am 9:45 10:15 10:45 11:30 12:00 12:15 1:30 pm 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:30 5:00 5:30 Cassini, Huygens, UVIS status HDAC status and preliminary analysis Break Operations update; instrument setup descriptions DAPS and PDS: Updates and feedback UVIS Website update LUNCH Ring occultations, photometry and interpretation More on ring history Ring statistics Saturn dayglow, N2 physical chemistry, OI Titan occultation results and plans Titan dayglow and ionosphere, Saturn starocc Adjourn ESPOSITO REULKE JOUCHOUX JOUCHOUX BLOOM (telecon) COLWELL ESPOSITO SREMCEVIC HALLETT SHEMANSKY SHEMANSKY THURSDAY —5 JANUARY 9:00 9:30 10:15 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:15pm 1:30 2:30 3:30 4:30 5:15 5:45 UVIS performance summary Electron impact products and cross sections for CH4, H2* properties as a product of dissociation of low density H2O Break LBH Cross Sections Titan images and interpretations Titan aerosols Lunch Flatfielding and calibration: Status and feedback Saturn aurora and future observation plans Icy satellite spectral modeling Enceladus Plume geometry Adjourn McCLINTOCK LIU AJELLO LARSEN WEST McCLINTOCK PRYOR HENDRIX HANSEN STEWART 6:30 Dinner at Bob West’s house FRIDAY — 6 JANUARY 9:00 am 10:00 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:45 12:00 New reference trajectory & adjustments Upcoming observations in 2006 Titan Solar occultation planning Special issues and other publications planned Team presentations at upcoming events Action items and future team meetings Boulder meeting 10-12 July 2006 Adjourn HANSEN SHEMANSKY ALL ALL ESPOSITO BLOOM (Telecon)