SUMMER! AN INTERESTING FORONCE.....HAVE Archaeology:Dig it!!! & Flint Knapping EarnCollegeCredit 2010 ExploringNorthernlllinoisArchaeology Choosefrom: FieldSchoolWorkshops Two 2-weekArchaeological and HistoricSitesat Pre-Historic Rockton,lL Macktown: Session1: July 5 - July 17 Session2: July 19 - July 31 Contact:Dr.HelmutPubl of Anthropology Department WilliamRaineyHarperCollege 1200W. AlgonquinRoad lL. 60067-7398 Palatine, 847 -925-6433or hpubl@harpercol 2010 lllinoisArchaeology Northern Exploring ,""31i3:r,H#[TlHlJf J,::'.','.1},r:#"J3ffi ll"f," l e s s i o n1 : J u l y 5 - J u l y 1 7 F i e l dS c h o oS Session2: July 19- July 31 School Field with MidwestArchaeological sponsoredby william RaineyHarpercollege in cooperation ResearchServices,Inc. (MARS) pursuing participationin.archaeologicalexcavationshas been traditionalfyreservedfor students involved has fields of study' This training advanced degrees in anthropology,or other related in the developmentof archaeological the commitment to semesterJongperiods of time spent of archaeologicalexposure'wlliam periods techniques and theory. Due to requestsfor shorter periods of summer school workshops that long RaineyHarper Cotlegl now offers-two2-week (MARS)' Inc', are conducted by ui?west ArchaeologicalResearchServices, CourseCreditand EligibilitY RaineyHarpercollege grants 3 Archaeotogicalworkshopshavefulf academicstanding. william course of study' No previous hours of credit to any student successfullycompletingihe summer are also eligible to apply' archaeologicat experience is necessaw Hig.?...:5ho9lseniors RaineyHarper Collegecoordinator and Appticationsare subject -fieldto the app-rovaiof thtwilliam school. As a course requirement,a researchpaper concerning the the director of the to Mr' Norris,Professorof survey,excavation,and field techniquesemployed shall be submitted field session'lPriorto finished the after week one than later Anthropology at Harpercollege,no students the of all with discussed Participatingin be will the sessions,the nature of thE paper the field school.) Fees(Per2-WeekWorkshopCourse): withinthe HarpercollegeDistrict Forstudentsresiding $400.00 Fees(MARS) lnstructional (HarPer) $295.50 CourseCredit $695.50 For students4! residingwithinthe HarperCollegeDistrict $ 400'00 Fees (MARS) lnstructional $ 1066'50 CourseCredit (HarPer) $ 1466.50 TechFee57.00Perhour- SZI'00 Fee- Sl5.00 Persemester Registration studentor SZt.00for Part-time A.iiuity Fee S42.00for full-time How to APPIY (Donot sendpayment Fillin the form on the followingpageand sendto the addressbelow' with this form) HelmutPubl,Departmentof Anthropology' or Professor Emeritus charlesE.Norris,Professor lL 60067-7398 williamRaineyHarper-ollege,l2o0 w. AlgonquinRoad,Palatine' Phone:847-9254433 oc G; lFULLFAC.PR4HA N rc Lt75\PuBL Wch aeotog/' d INFORMATION FOR PAYMENT PROGRAM SUMMERARCHAEOLOGICAL 2O1O WORKSHOP FIELDSCHOOL MARSProgramin Archaeology Research withthe Midwest Archaeological HarperCollegein cooperation Service,Inc. Programof SummerArchaeology2010 S e s s i o n1 : J u l y 5 - J u l y 1 7 Session2: July 19- July 31 PaymentSteps: in a 3 1. Sendcheckto HarperCollegefor $295.50plusfees,for enrollment hourcourse,eitherANT250or ANT255. semester sendtwochecksfor $295.50eachplusfees,to aredesired, lf bothsessions courseby writingit on the "memo" the appropriate HarperCollege.ldentify portionof the check. plusfees,for each3 hourcourse willremit$1,066.50 students Out-of-District desired. 2. Sendcheckto MARSfor the amountof $400.00for eitherANT250or ANT aredesired,senda checkfor $800.00.ldentifyon the 255. lf bothsessions "memo"portionof the checkspecifying whichsessionis to be attended. 3. Checksto MARSshouldbe madeoutby June30, unlessotherarrangements address: havebeenmade. Pleasesendthe checkto the following Research MidwestArchaeological Service,Inc.(MARS) 505 NorthStateStreet Marengo, lL 60152 FIELDSCHOOL2O1O ARCHAEOLOGICAL HARPERCOLLEGE FORM ENROLLMENT (MARS)2010 NorthernlllinoisArchaeology Exploring Site Sessionat the Macktown FieldSchoolWorkshop SocialSecurit1l Name (Print) Home Phone Address ZiP City, State I I tr - Work Phone S e s s i o n1 : J u l y 5 - J u l Y1 7 Session2: July 19- July 31 | have no previous fieldwork experiencewith Harper College,enroll in ANT 25O Ih61E previousfield work experiencewith Harper College,enrollin ANT 255 fj Ves I Ves n ruo I have previouslyanended William RaineyHarper Colfege. fJ wo I residewithin the WilliamRaineyHarper CoflegeDistrict:. Staff and FieldSchool Workshop Experience The Fietd Schoot will be directed by Dr. Rochelle Lurie. Ph.D., of Midwest Archaeological ResearchServices,tnc., (MARS).Studentswill work with her and staff memberspursuingfour fields of interest in archeology in ordef to develop an understanding of the goals and techniquesbeing currentlyusedin research. A. Field Methods: Studentswill participatein both surveyingand excavationof archaeological sites. B. ArchaeologicalLaboratoryMethods: Basicartifactprocessingand analysiswill be employed and recorded. C. Methods of ArtifactAnalysis:Studentswift learn to processand identifymaterialremainsas well as their interPretation. D. CutturalAdaptation: Studentswill reconstructthe interactionthat the people of the past had with their natural environment. Arrangements and TransPortation partici-pants can chooseto commuteto the site each day to Rockton,lL {carpoolpossible)or camp near the site in a forestpreserve{Hononegah}campgrounds. The Harper college cataloguedescriptionwilf be found under: ANT 250 - FieldMethodsin ArchaeologyI ANT 255 - FieldMethodsin Archaeologyll G: IF ULLFA C.PRl4 HA Nrc U75IPUBL lA rch a eotog/. do c