Introduction to Anthropology Anthropology: the study of humankind

Introduction to Anthropology
Anthropology: the study of humankind and human cultures
Subfields of anthropology:
Biological anthropology: the study of the physical development of the human species
(ANT 101)
Cultural anthropology: The study of cultural variation among humans and the impact of
global economic and political views (ANT 102)
Linguistic anthropology: the study of variation in language and how language influences
social life (ANT 103)
Archaeology: The study of human history and prehistory through material remains (ANT
104) [Always tie your reasoning to physical remains]
o Prehistory: period before a complex written system
o History: period after creation of complex written system
o Old World: everything not the Americas
Regardless of what field you go into, you can find connections to others. That’s why being a
‘Jack of all trades’ can come in handy.
Some things this class will be looking at:
The Neolithic Revolution (How people went from being hunter/gatherers to agriculture
and settlements)
The change in technology (toys, instruments)