June 12, 2012 Volume 1, No. 8 On the web at: www.prevention.psu.edu Welcome to PR-eViews, our new source of internal news for the PRC community. This newsletter will be distributed on a biweekly basis to share news, information, upcoming events, and other items with PRC staff, faculty and research teams. Please send news or announcements to prevention@psu.edu. Welcome! New and Recently Revised Penn State Policies on Minors NIH Grant Announcements SPR Cup! Commonwealth Prevention Alliance Meeting—Another Success! PRC greetings to Gabe Schlomer, the postdoctoral scholar on Bo Cleveland’s and Mark Feinberg’s NIDA-funded project, “Implications of Genetic Variance for Substance Use Interventions in Adolescence”. He joins us from the University of Arizona—welcome, Gabe! Policy AD39 Minors Involved in University-Sponsored Programs or Programs Held at the University and/or Housed in University Facilities (Additional clarifications include update of requirements for high school students visiting on pre-enrollment visits with Penn State students, clarification of reporting process, and exclusion of client representation clinics in Dickinson School of Law from policy); Policy AD72 Reporting Suspected Child Abuse (This new policy provides guidance to University employees, regarding mandated reporting requirements, per the University and the Pennsylvania Child Protective Services Law.) Specialized Alcohol Research Centers (P50) (RFA-AA-13-001)/National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Application/Receipt Date(s): December 04, 2012 • Comprehensive Alcohol Research Centers (P60) (RFA-AA-13-002)/National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism/Application Receipt Date(s): December 04, 2012 • Research Education Grants for Statistical and Computational Training in the Genetics of Addiction (R25) (PAR-12-199)/National Institute on Drug Abuse Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): September 14, 2012, August 21, 2013, August 21, 2014 Congratulations to Shu Xu, Kathleen Zadzora, Alexis Harris, Jacqui Cox, and Charlie Beekman—the Penn State team who won the Sloboda and Bukoski Cup at this year’s Society for Prevention Research meeting. The team was mentored by Donna Coffman and Stephanie Lanza. Good work! . . . thanks to the very hard work of EPIS staff members, including Sandy Hinkle, Phyllis Law, Kim Morgan, and so many others. Rob Turrisi’s outstanding keynote address on Thursday a.m. focused on his lab’s development of parent-based interventions to reduce underage drinking, and what it takes to move research findings into the field. The Innovative Programs Showcase included PATHS (Kim Peters), Family Foundations (Kari-Lyn Sakuma), Have You Seen the Light? (Aimee Read), and CARE (Kari Snowberg and Sebrina Doyle). Well done! Send news about awards, new and forthcoming publications and reports, presentations, grants, and other information of interest to the PRC community to: prevention@psu.edu •Prevention Research Center•College of Health and Human Development• The Pennsylvania State University•S109 Henderson Building•University Park, PA 16802•