September 31, 2013 On the web at: Volume 2, No. 16

September 31, 2013
Volume 2, No. 16
On the web at:
Welcome to PR-eViews, our new source of internal news for the PRC community. This newsletter will be distributed on a bi-weekly
basis to share news, information, upcoming events, and other items with PRC staff, faculty and research teams.
Please send news or announcements to
Next Seminar,
Fall 2013 Series
Next Center
NIH Grant
ORP Workshops
New Financial
Conflict of
Interest Policy
NSF/IES Release
Guidelines for
Research and
Save the Date!
October 9, 4 p.m., 022 BBH—Jesse Boring, Ph.D., Research Associate, Bennett Pierce Prevention
Research Center, Penn State, “Working toward Realizing the Potential of Internet-based Prevention
Programs: Results of the Children of Divorce – Coping with Divorce RCT”
Wednesday, October 9, 12 noon, 312 BBH
Due to the shutdown of the Federal government, the NIH is not distributing information on funding
announcements and opportunities at this time.
The Office of Research Protections recently announced its fall 2013 education workshops, which
includes scholarship and research ethics brownbags, IRB 101 brownbags, Research in Focus, and
Survival Skills and Ethics. For more information and to pre-register, visit its website.
Policy AD83 Institutional Financial Conflict of Interest: A NEW policy has been created, replacing
policy RA21, to set forth standards and procedures for reporting and reviewing potential institutional
financial conflicts of interest, and provide a process by which the University will manage, reduce or
eliminate those conflicts. For more information.
A new report from the Department of Education and the National Science Foundation explains how
the two agencies hope to realize the full potential of their education research and development
investments—including obtaining meaningful findings and actionable results—through a more
systematic development of knowledge. The report describes six types of research studies that can
generate evidence about how to increase student learning. Research types include those that generate
the most fundamental understandings related to education and learning; examinations of associations
between variables; iterative design and testing of strategies or interventions; and assessments of the
impact of a fully-developed intervention on an education outcome.
2013 Schmitt Russell Research Lecture—Tuesday, October 15, 4 p.m., Living Center: Susan McHale,
Ph.D., “Love, hate, tolerate: The puzzles of sibling relationships”
Send news about awards, new and forthcoming publications and reports, presentations, grants, and other information of interest to the PRC
community to:
•Prevention Research Center•College of Health and Human Development•
The Pennsylvania State University•314 Biobehavioral Health Building•University Park, PA 16802•