An article published by Susan Baxter about germs living on phones had impressed me for a moment. It is something we do not pay any attention to. Plus, we are dealing with as a postulate-matter. But everyone should take care; your phone maybe the dangerous intruder in your life, at your place and in every single moment. Baxter said, our phones may carry bacteria greater than the any other places even more than the "toilet bench," because they flourish on heat; this heat is either by the phones it self or by bodies, Ms. Susan mentioned. Depending on a study presented within "Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials Journal" in 2009, survey on a hospital staff has been made, and the results were embarrassing since a large number of the staff has infected by the bacteria. It is mentioned that these kinds of bacteria are own. But the most frighten ones are from other people we contact with either by touch or lending the mobiles. Nowadays, many companies offer anti-bacteria shielding covers to protect us, Baxter said.