ATF Meeting: 30th January 2003 Attendees: Malcolm Atkinson, National e-Science Centre (Chair) Steve Tuecke, Argonne National Laboratories and OGSI/OGSA Groups Rob Baxter, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre Tony Hey, UK e-Science Core Programme Directorate Neil Chue Hong, Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre David De Roure, University of Southampton Vijay Dialani, University of Southampton Andrew Martin, Oxford e-Science Centre Ken Moody, Cambridge Computer Laboratories Tony Storey, UK IBM Hursley Steven Pickles, University of Manchester Steven Newhouse, Imperial College London (via Access Grid) 0830: Registration Cramond Room 0900: Wellcome and Introductions– Malcolm Atkinson 0915: Overview of OGSI & OGSA Developments– Steve Tuecke 1015: Overview of UK Activity • • • 1100: Grid Markets and Workload Management– Steven Newhouse Security, progress & issues– Andrew Martin & Ken Moody Discussion Coffee (exhibition area) Carstairs Room, Old College 1130: OGSA-DAI, progress & issues– Neil Chue Hong 1145: Portals and Programming Models– Rob Baxter 1155: Dependability– Conrad Hughes 1200: Discussion (Carstairs Room, Old College) 1230: Lunch 1245: Future Work of the Architecture Task Force– Rob Baxter • • 1345: Close Request to meet the HPC Technical Group Review of UK projects: common architectural components which should be developed for general purpose application