Dean’s Council Tuesday, January 10, 2012 11:00 – 12:30a Lakeview Room

Dean’s Council
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
11:00 – 12:30a
Lakeview Room
Meeting Notes
Present: Jeff, Utpal, Rachel, Pat, Anita, Geisce, Connie Carlson, Crislyn
1. Datatel Reports: Run in Batch Mode
 Counseling and advising would benefit by student tracking reports. Often students
apply for both certificates and degrees, and there is no way to track this. It could be a
capacity issue and not having staff to deal with it. Utpal will put on his VPI hat and
determine how we can better utilize our data to assist in counseling and advising, how
to get reports run and who has access. It might be an issue of training. One suggestion
is to connect certificates to degree applications.
 Another area of concern is program learning outcomes and mapping course SLOs to
degrees and certificates. Rachel noted some of this is completed. Current PLOs are in
MyCR – Assessment. Utpal would like all PLOs put into a PDF make and made
public. It is noted that CTE DOL programs have completed PLOs and there should be
coordination with Pru for consistency.
2. “TBA” Classes
 We need to revise how we publicize ”TBA” courses. Legally, the number of hours of
a course and how much work is required cannot be “TBA”, but how the course is
structured can be. The course outline of record already has this information and it
must appear in both the catalog and schedule. Utpal will work with Tiffany to put
together a list of what was offered the last few years and send to areas. This
especially applies to online courses
4. TLU Allocation Overview (Jeff)
 Jeff gave a brief update on the current findings of the TLU Allocation/Prioritization
model. He would be happy to meet with the Deans for feedback and ideas on how to
allocate the TLUs for DN and MC. It has not yet gone to the EMP.
5 Faculty Position Requests/Faculty Prioritization Committee
 There are 19 requests for full-time faculty. Regarding retirement/replacement faculty
requests, Utpal believes replacement should only go back about two; after that it
becomes growth.
 If a tenure track position is approved, and the person leaves, it will be re-filled.
 After discussion on the prioritization process and the SERP, it was decided to have
two rounds of faculty prioritization (should the need arise) so the process is not held
up currently. The TLU rubric discussed previously, will inform prioritization, not
 Utpal would like to step out of the prioritization process as a voting committee
member. All Deans are on the committee.
Dean’s Council
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
11:00 – 12:30a
Lakeview Room
6. Online Class Evaluations (Associate Faculty-Connie Carlson)
Times New Roman
 Online faculty are charged to the site at which they are located so evaluations will
be done by that dean or administrator. The assumption is the online evaluation is
done with the same frequency as in-seat classes. There are 32 online classes and
only four are completed: the student portion is done; the peer evaluator is done in
many cases, but not the conference. Some issues have been in communicating with
the online instructor to give permission to the peer evaluator to attend the “class”.
A work ticket has to be submitted to allow the peer to gain access to MyCR. CTE
uses some of the TLU area coordinator time to coordinate evaluations. Most
important is to be sure everyone understands how the process works. Also, area
coordinators cannot sign for the dean. The immediate supervisor must be a dean or
peer designee with disciplinary authority; however, an area coordinator can send a
recommendation to dean.
 Another issue is that faculty can file a grievance if they feel they were evaluated
outside the schedule. The current MOU doesn’t address modality, and since online
courses have not been evaluated, we have to get it done. Utpal will report to
ACCJC we are completing the process.
 It was suggested before we do online evaluations in spring; Connie will meet in
person with deans to tighten up the process.
7. Other
 There have been some issues with instructors being paid at a higher level than should,
then reduced to the correct level. One reason is official transcripts were not
submitted but a larger issue has to do hiring instructors under grant funding as
temporary faculty, paying a rate commensurate with their experience, then having to
revert to the associate faculty pay scale. Because these are contract negotiations with
CRFO, exceptions can’t be made.
Adjourned 12:30pm/cp