Dean’s Council Wednesday, January 9, 2013 8:30am - 10:00am Office of Instruction Conference Room Notes Present: Utpal Goswami, Keith Snow-Flamer, Jeff Cummings, Rachel Anderson, Pat Girczyc, Joe Hash, Anita Janice/phone, Geisce Ly/phone, Crislyn Parker-notes 1. Fine Tune Faculty Prioritization Interests Crislyn will collate the faculty requests list from PR as soon as possible following receipt of instructional program reviews. The Vice-Presidents will meet with the Academic Senate coPresidents prior to the first faculty prioritization meeting, scheduled for Saturday, February 9, 9am to noon. A copy of the SSTF recommendations will be sent to prioritization committee members. The Council agreed the faculty prioritization process should be followed regardless of budgetary restrictions, and suggested the sites contact Eureka faculty to coordinate faculty requests, but still submit their own faculty requests for this round of prioritizations. There should be discussion to determine if Mendocino and Del Norte have the right faculty in right places. A draft document of administrative interests was discussed. The council agreed only two interests were sufficient and is noted in the revised draft. “Shared interest” is only one aspect in the prioritization rubric (the last) and worth five points. The rubric leans toward instructional faculty justification, rather than non-teaching faculty. Senate has relayed to Keith that counseling and matriculation are shared interests. 2. Toward Centralization: a. Instructional and student services processes The Dean’s Council will expand to include Utpal Goswami, Keith Snow-Flamer, Rachel Anderson, Jeff Cummings, Pat Girczyc, Joe Hash, Anita Janis, Geisce Ly, MaryGrace McGovern, Lynn Thiesen and Cheryl Tucker. Meetings will be held in SS 109 conference room. b. Deans/Directors Job descriptions Council discussed President Smith’s restructuring timeline; the possibility that dean/director position descriptions will be in flux until after negotiations with CBA and a completed realignment process; and agreed to start now and coordinate with writing of descriptions. Director duties empower dean responsibilities, which empower the VPs, who empower the president. Changes at MC and DN will impact what duties go where. To increase efficiencies and functionality, and reduce redundancies, two mini-summits will be held at the end of January: 1. Response to Re-Org Gaps; 2. Leadership Roles and Responsibilities. Recommended attendees include: Joe Hash, Carla Spalding, Lynn Thiesen, Gary Patrick, Steve Stratton, Mary Grace McGovern, Rachel Anderson, Utpal Goswami, Jeff Cummings, Pat Girczyc, Anita Janis, Geisce Ly, Ron Waters, and a facilitator. Suggested starting with lists of day to day operations/responsibilities of the VPs; list of terminated positions and the duties; list of process inefficiencies gathered by deans and directors and bring to the 1/23/13 Dean’s Council/Student Success Leadership Group. Discussion at the expanded cabinet level will include how everyone is informed, and who will handle what. 3. Summer schedule development Review the pattern of spring 2013 enrollments, cross reference and determine what can be done to help MC and where the drop in enrollments is occurring. (Possibly nine late-add courses will be Presenter: 4115746 added to spring from Transfer, CTE and SS.) Athletics offers summer courses that don’t fall into the two-, six-, and ten-week schedule. Joe Hash will contact Lynn Thiesen in financial aid. 4. Flex Forms in Associate Faculty Evaluations Concern over the minimal compliance of flex activities being included in associate faculty evaluations. This should be addressed by the reviewing committee. When evaluations are due, Utpal will remind that flex needs to be included in the evaluation and conferences. It is suggested the F4 evaluation form should include the flex activities requirement. 5. Future Agenda Items: 1/23/13 Meeting: Review Spring 2013 Enrollment Patterns Review VP, Responsibilities, Dean and Director Inefficiencies List, List of terminated positions and duties Presenter: 4115746