Annual Program Review Update *Be sure to include information from all three campuses. Program/Discipline: __Journalism Date: __October 23, 2007________ Trends and Relevant Data 1. Has there been any change in the status of your program or area? (Have you shifted departments? Have new degrees or certificates been created by your program? Have you added or deleted courses? Have activities in other programs impacted your area or program? For example, a new nursing program could cause greater demand for life-science courses.) If not, skip to #2. Note: curricular changes should be addressed under 12-14. During the last regular program review of Journalism, the opening lines of the review read, “The Journalism Program was once extensive at College of the Redwoods, employing both full-time and associate faculty. Full-time journalism faculty retirements have not been restaffed, and most of the courses are currently being taught by associate faculty.” Now, a little over a decade later, we can more clearly see the ramifications of full-time faculty retirements that remain unfilled. In the Journalism area, the cost of this benign neglect has been paid in dwindling course offerings (from four courses offered in Fall of ’96 to one during the current Fall semester), in reduced opportunities for students (e.g. discontinuance of a student-generated news publication), and in reduced resources available to students (In 1996, Journalism students had a dedicated classroom that housed six computers, one printer, and two scanners available for student use.). In effect, this “once extensive” program has been allowed to atrophy to the point where we are offering one section per semester of one key course (JOURN 5) which is taught by one associate faculty member. Recommendations borne out of the last program review cycle are as follows: 1. The Dean of Arts and Humanities and the Dean of Business and Technology should establish a process for reviewing the proper relationship between the Journalism Program and CR’s programs in graphics communications, art, and CIS. 2. The Journalism Program should focus on scheduling only JOURN 4 and JOURN 5. The College should discontinue publication of the current student newspaper pending the outcome of the study referenced in Recommendation #1 above and until the appropriate nature of student publications at CR can be determined. 3. The Journalism Program should continue to coordinate the laboratory work in JOURN 4 with the Multimedia Program and the Art Department. No new degrees or certificates have been created in Journalism. As a result of the program review process, we have inactivated two courses (JOURN 2, Newspaper Practice and JOURN 3, Newspaper Practice Lab). These inactivations were justified by the fact that there is currently no full-time faculty member in Journalism to supervise the production of a student-generated, CR-sanctioned student newspaper. Additionally, the area coordinator for Journalism has rewritten and has secured curriculum committee approval for an updated JOURN 5 course outline. Additionally, the area coordinator is currently working with the associate faculty member in Journalism to update the remaining curriculum in the discipline with JOURN 1 and JOURN 4 due to be updated by the end of the Fall ’07 semester. 2. Have there been any significant changes in enrollment, retention, success rates, or student demographics that impact your discipline? If so, please include data sheets (Excel or Word format) showing these changes. Active sections for Journalism have grown from one section in ’05-’06 to four sections in ’06-’07. During that same time, the section fill rate dropped from 91.9% in ’05-’06 to 53.1% in ’06-’07. This may indicate the need to balance section offerings with anticipated fill rates – perhaps offering one section of a Journalism course each Fall and each Spring would help meet student demand and would also allow those classes to achieve reasonable fill rates. Data provided by the Institutional Research Office and summarized in the Program Review, Annual Review, Fall 2007 Data Sheet indicates that student retention rates have averaged 89.6% from ’05 – ’07. During this same time period, student success rates (as measured by students completing the course with a grade of A, B, C, or CR) average 86.1%. 3. Occupational programs must review the update of their labor-market data, some of it provided by Institutional Research, to illustrate that their program: a. Meets a documented labor market demand, b. Does not represent duplication of other training programs (in the region), and c. Is of demonstrated effectiveness as measured by the employment and completion success of its students. Not applicable. Other Resources 4. Do you have needs (professional development, library resources, and so forth) not previously required by the discipline or not previously addressed in budget or equipment considerations? Please describe. Not applicable. 5. Does your discipline need additional support from Student Services beyond that previously provided? In light of the demographic of our student population in terms of the numbers of students who come to CR under-prepared to engage in college-level coursework, we must rely on Student Services personnel to provide adequate counseling of these students. It is our belief that students who are unable to read and write at the collegiate level should be counseled against enrolling in Journalism courses until they have achieved college-level skills. Like other college departments that serve large numbers of transfer students, the Journalism discipline would benefit from the hiring of an articulation officer to serve the District’s articulation needs. Human Resource Needs 6. Complete the Faculty Employment Grids below (please list full- and part-time faculty numbers in separate rows): Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name (e.g., Math, English, Accounting) Total Teaching Load for fall 2006 term Journalism 4 % of Total Teaching Load by Full-Time Faculty % of Total Teaching Load Taught by PartTime Faculty Changes from fall 2005 0% 100% There was no change from Fall ‘05 Explanations and Additional Information (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) Faculty Load Distribution in the Program Discipline Name (e.g., Math, English, Accounting) Total Teaching Load for spring 2007 term % of Total Teaching Load by Full-Time Faculty % of Total Teaching Load Taught by PartTime Faculty Changes from spring 2006 Explanations and Additional Information (e.g., retirement, reassignment, etc.) Journalism 4 0% 100% Total TLUs in program increased by 4 TLUs over Spring ’06. Do you need more full-time faculty? Associate faculty? If yes, explain why and be sure to include data sheets justifying the need. Over the last few years, the journalism department has relied on one associate faculty member to teach all of the journalism courses we offer. Those classes are currently being offered only at the Eureka campus. In the past, a full-time faculty member in the English Department at Del Norte has offered Journalism courses at that campus. Since she resigned her position several years ago, however, we have not offered Journalism courses at Del Norte. We have recently cross-listed our Journalism 5 course with both Speech Communication and Sociology. This gives the district some flexibility in terms of being able to offer that course in the absence of qualified associate faculty provided there are full- or part-time faculty members in either Speech Communication or Sociology who possess an appropriate background in Mass Communication. It would, however, be in the district’s best interest to recruit additional associate faculty members in Journalism throughout the district. 7. Complete the Staff Employment Grid below (please list full- and part-time staff numbers in separate rows: Staff Employed in the Program Assignment Full-time (e.g., Math, (classified) staff English) (give number) Part-time staff (give number) Gains over Prior Year Journalism 0 1 NA - Losses over Prior Year (give reason: retirement, reassignment, health, etc.) D. Silverbrand (Eka) Do you need more full-time staff? Part-time staff? If yes, explain why and be sure to include data sheets justifying the need. Please see the answer to question #6 above for a detailed response to our need for additional associate faculty members in journalism. 8. If necessary, to clarify your needs, please comment on current available staff and distribution of FTE's for contract and part-time faculty. Describe strengths and weaknesses of faculty/staff as appropriate to program's current status or future development. NA Facilities 9. Comment on facilities the program uses, their current adequacy, and any immediate needs. Have your discipline’s facilities needs changed? If so, how? Please provide a data-based justification for any request that requires new or additional facilities construction, renovation, remodeling or repairs. While the Journalism courses have been scheduled in various rooms on the Eureka Campus, the room best suited to the increasingly technological nature of the discipline content is FM100. The theaterstyle seating and large-screen projection capabilities make this classroom ideally suited to the critical viewing of mass media content. In light of the impending construction of a new academic building on the Eureka campus, journalism faculty are eager to consult with the appropriate facilities planning group to provide input regarding the unique classroom needs of the discipline and about how those needs might best be accounted for in the new building. Since renovations have recently been made to classrooms at both the Mendocino Coast and Del Norte campus locations, any Journalism classes we may offer at those locations would benefit from those modernized classrooms. Equipment 10. Have your discipline’s equipment needs changed? If so, how? Is equipment in need of repair outside of your current budget? Please provide a data-based justification for any request that requires a new or additional budget allotment. Not applicable. Learning Outcomes Assessment Update 11. How has your area or program been engaged in student learning outcomes assessment? a. Summarize your results. As a result of recent course outline updating efforts, Student Learning Outcomes have been written at the course level for Journalism courses. This was a collaborative effort among both full- and parttime faculty members in journalism, speech, and, where appropriate, sociology. b. What did your program learn from these results that enabled you to improve teaching and learning in the discipline? Since the curricular changes that include SLOs have just been approved by the curriculum committee, the discipline has not had an opportunity to formally assess the impact that “official” SLOs will have on teaching and learning. Additionally, the area coordinator will meet with the part-time instructor in the discipline to discuss how best to assess the impact that formalizing SLOs at the course level has had on teaching and on student learning. c. How have part-time faculty been made aware of the need to assess SLOs? The associate faculty member in journalism has been included in discussions regarding curricular changes to incorporate SLOs. Recently revised course outlines will be presented to all faculty members scheduled to teach those courses for the upcoming semester as soon as the course revisions are approved by the Board of Trustees. Additionally, at the start of the Spring semester, the area coordinator will meet with the associate faculty member in the discipline to discuss teaching methods, goals, and desired outcomes for students. We will continue to meet periodically and will emphasize the need to assess SLOs as defined in our updated course outlines. Curriculum Update (Reminder: Send updated course outlines to the Curriculum Committee.) 12. Identify curricular revisions, program innovations, and new initiatives undertaken in the last year. Working in conjunction with the part-time faculty member in the discipline, the area coordinator for journalism will have written updated course outlines and submitted them for curricular approval by the end of November ’07. In the Journalism 5, Introduction to Mass Media course, the associate faculty member has worked with students to produce a CR News Magazine which is aired on MyNetworkTV monthly and on a regular schedule on Access Humboldt (public access channel). A sample of CR-related projects highlighted in this news magazine include: Economic Fuel, seasonal coverage of Corsairs football, CR’s theater production of “The Odd Couple,” and the CR Art Department. Additionally, students in these classes have written and produced a variety of public service announcements highlighting children’s health issues, concerns about drug abuse, domestic violence prevention, and global warming. Some of these ads have been produced in Spanish and have been aired locally on Univision. 13. Identify curricular revisions, program innovations, and new initiatives planned for the next year. The student-produced pieces referenced in #12 above have been shared with CR’s public information officer, Paul DeMark, for possible wider use in the local media. Dave Silverbrand, the JOURN 5 instructor, will work with DeMark to identify potential story ideas for students in the JOURN 5 classes to pursue as PSA or news magazine stories and he will continue to share them with the Marketing and Communications/Public Information Department. 14. Complete the grid below Course Year Course Outline Year Next Update Last Updated Expected JOURN 1, Beginning Reporting 9/89 JOURN 2, Newspaper Practice JOURN 3, Newspaper Practice JOURN 4, Writing for Publication Inactivated, 10/07 Update currently in progress. Expected completion by 11/30/07. Not applicable Inactivated, 10/07 Not applicable 2/91 JOURN 5, Intro to Mass Communication October, 2007 Update currently in progress. Expected completion by 11/30/07. 10/12 Goals and Plans 15. If you have recently undergone a comprehensive review, attach your Quality Improvement Plan if applicable. Not applicable. 16. If you do not have a QIP, what goals and plans does your area have for the coming year? Goals for the discipline over the next year include: • • • Determine process for assessing the impact of incorporating formalized SLOs on teaching and student learning Provide orientation to associate faculty on course-level SLOs Continue work with Public Information Officer regarding wider distribution/airing of student-produced public service announcements and news magazine stories.