REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC) Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Boardroom Monday, May 9, 2011 1:10 p.m. NOTES PRESENT Anna Duffy, David Gonsalves (phone), Kathy Goodlive, Melissa Green, Anita Janis (phone), Allen Keppner, Geisce Ly (phone), Mike Peterson, Juana Tabares, Keith Snow-Flamer, Ken Strangfeld, Bruce Wagner and Danny Walker. ALSO PRESENT Michael Regan, Melissa Ruiz (phone) and Cheryl Tucker. MINUTES The minutes from the April 19, 2011 meeting were approved as presented. ACTION SUMMER CANCELLATION PROCESS AND DATES The summer cancellation process was discussed at length. The first date of potential review will be May 16. The committee agreed that some flexibility should be built into the process to allow for special cases should they occur. Mike gave the example of if an AT class gets cancelled too early there will be no option for a student in that program to find another class. ENROLLMENT PRIORITIES BP/AP Cheryl reported that she and Kathy met and one of the concerns that they tried to address was regarding the enrollment priorities for matriculated students. At this time it is not clear Datatel allows for documenting if students matriculate. There are some concerns with how the data is being entered and there is an issue regarding defaults in the system that make it appear that all students are exempt from matriculation. Cheryl noted that there will be further investigation over the summer and this item will be revisited in the fall. SUMMER EMC WORK After brief discussion it was decided that it is not necessary for the entire EMC to continue to meet over the summer. However, work will continue on two year enrollment management plan. It was agreed that a special meeting of the EMC may be called if an emergency budget situation should arise that requires program cuts. REVISED OPERATING AGREEMENT There was discussion regarding the revisions to the EMC Operating agreement. It was noted that the committee will continue to meet at the same time (1:10-2:40) on the first and third Mondays of the month. It was suggested that a different location be secured as the board room is an awkward location for phone participation. The committee agreed that the revised operating agreement will stand as presented with the noted grammatical corrections. DISCUSSION FALL 2011 HRC SCHEDULING RECOMMENDATION Mike reported that the decision was made not to offer any culinary (Kitchen) classes at the Arcata site in the fall as it has not had sufficient enrollment in the recent past. There will be an effort to help students in the HRC program shift their emphasis more to hotel management. This was flagged by the program review committee and identified to need revitalization or discontinuance. Community Ed may be able to offer culinary courses that will bring in enough money to continue at this site. Mike noted that this is not discontinuing a program. MATRICULATIO N PROCESS AND MULTIPLE MEASURES Cheryl reported that the Multiple Measures documentation materials have been sent out to advisors and faculty and staff will meet to go over training. The process should be in place after May 19. Matriculation – until Kathy and Cheryl can work with IT to set up a better system to track students not much can be done. It was noted that according to a recent IR report it appeared that approximately 85 percent of students are receiving assessment even though it is not mandatory at this time. DEREGISTRATION PROCESS Kathy reported that she met last Friday with Maggie Lynch, Lynn Thiesen, Lee Lindsey and Keith and the De-registration process is a very complicated one and more details are yet to be ironed out. One thing that came out of this meeting was that there must be a limited number of staff that is allowed to override a debt on the system. There will be a follow-up meeting later this week to continue to problem solve the process. FINANCIAL AID UNIT LEVEL Anna reported that a decision was reached by the Financial Aid department to switch to suspension of financial aid eligibility after students have attempted a total of 125 % of required program units. For example, a student in a 60 unit program will have their FA suspended at 75 units. Anna also noted that this is a recommendation of a federal mandate. REPORTS SUMMER/FALL SCHEDULE Keith reported that Summer registration has begun and classes are filling quickly. There will be a discussion at cabinet tomorrow to decide if more classes will be added to the Summer schedule. Tiffany will be sending an update and Keith will forward to the entire committee by 4 p.m. today. Kathy reported that she and Keith attended the CACCRAO conference where they learned that there is an investigation into California schools that use Datatel and how FTES are being calculated. It was determined that calculations were based on catalogue hours however; they should be based on weekly or daily contact hours. Some of our classes were fine some were not. The chancellor’s office will be training auditors on how to track daily or weekly contact hours not catalogue hours and this will be something that they will look for. It will also be necessary to go back and recalculate the 320 reports that were submitted for fall and summer. It was also noted that a portion of the problem occurred when the change was made to a compressed calendar from 18 to 16 week semesters and some schools are considering going back to 18 week semesters. ADJOURNED The meeting adjourned at 2:30 p.m. SUBMITTED lw