REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)

Meeting of the Enrollment Management Committee (EMC)
Monday, April 30, 2012
Present: Jennifer Bailey, Sheila Hall, Angelina Hill, Anita Janis (phone), Allen Keppner, Pam
Kessler, Melissa Ruiz (phone), Keith Snow-Flamer, Juana Tabares, and Bruce Wagner.
1. Call to Order: Keith Snow-Flamer called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m.
2. Approve April 16 Meeting Notes: Correction to 4.4 Update on Multiple Measures
Process from the Advising Perspective (4th sentence)—the sentence should read--As far as
English course placement, the advisors will continue to use intake questions and multiple
measures to assist with placement. The notes were approved with the change.
3. Action Items: None
4. Discussion Items
4.1 Updated Committee Scope: The EMC Current Scope and Updated Scope were reviewed
and discussed. Bruce explained the changes that were made to the document. A change was
made to Updated Scope, item 6—the word “institutional” was inserted before “enrollment.” The
EMC made a recommendation that there be a moratorium on new general education courses. It
was suggested that the EMC follow up on the status of this recommendation. It was
recommended that we spell out the acronyms in the Updated Scope document. Allen said there is
a need for someone to monitor the distance education classes. If 50 percent of a certificate or
degree could be offered online, we need to notify the Chancellor’s Office of the change. The
EMC Updated Scope was approved.
4.2 Set 2012-13 EMC Planning Agenda: The EMC Planning Agenda was reviewed. There
was a discussion about what the EMC would like to do next year. The following suggestions
were made:
Early in the fall evaluate the TLU allocation framework
Review the FTES projection for the year early in the fall
Monitor whether course offerings directly support student need versus classes that can be
Regarding schedule blocks, the college hour issue should be discussed
The Matriculation Plan should be a priority. It will be in the EM Plan.
The following additional comments were made:
There was a discussion about how the EMC could develop initiatives to enhance student
retention. Keith said it is a Student Services’ responsibility based on the EM Plan. An
“action” needs to be added in the EM Plan and on the Planning Agenda.
Keith and Bruce will work on a detailed timeline for the Planning Agenda.
It is very difficult for the Mendocino, Del Norte, and KT sites to attract associate faculty.
We can’t continue to offer stand-alone classes that are not a part of a certificate or degree.
If we had a sophisticated Student Education Plan system, we might be able to predict the
courses that we need to offer.
The Student Success Task Force requirements will influence the tasks of the EMC.
The EMC agreed to continue to meet every two weeks.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, May 14, from 1:30-3:30. At the May 14
meeting, we will have an updated EM Plan that will be put in the format of the Strategic
and Master Plans. The EMC will make sure it is aligned with the Education Master Plan.
The EMC will discuss the action items.
4.3 Presentation of AARC data: Angelina reviewed the AARC data. She said the patterns are
similar to last year. The indicators below our peer group average are persistence rate and basic
skills course completion. Before this year, Math 372 was not being counted as a basic skills
course. It will be counted next year. There was a discussion about the ARCC data.
Angelina reviewed the virtual online course data. She said at census the drop rate is consistently
higher in online courses. This is a good reason to encourage students to take the distance
education online orientation course (DE 101). Keith said, based on data, DE 101 could be made
5. Reports
5.1 Summer Enrollment Update: The updated enrollment data was not available. Keith said
the summer courses are 67 percent full (district-wide), based on last week’s data. Bruce
reviewed the enrollment status of the summer courses. The framework for cancelling classes
was discussed (two weeks from the beginning of summer classes). A comment was made that
there is a need for flexibility in course scheduling because of the small associate faculty pool.
6. Future Agenda Items
Discuss EM Plan Action Items (May 14 meeting)
Review PRC Executive Summary (May 14 meeting)
7. Announcements: None
8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:35.