Minutes of the Meeting of the Curriculum Committee  REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 

REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Minutes of the Meeting of the Curriculum Committee Eureka, AD 201 (Board Room); Mendocino Coast, Room 201; Del Norte, Room D5 January 27, 2012 Members Present: Peter Blakemore, Mike Cox, Utpal Goswami (Ex‐Officio), Toby Green, Michelle Haggerty, Allen Keppner, Erik Kramer, Ken Letko, Mike Peterson, George Potamianos, Gary Sokolow, Janice Tatum. Members Absent: 1. Call to Order: Curriculum Committee Chair, Peter Blakemore, called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. 2. Introductions and Public Comment: There were no comments at this time. 3. Approval of the Minutes: Allen Keppner moved to approve the minutes of the Dec. 9, 2011 meeting, seconded by Michelle Haggerty. There being no objections, the minutes were approved as written. 4. Action Items 4.1 SOC‐13 Environment, Culture, Society – Philip Mancus Jan Tatum [M], Erik Kramer [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green Y Haggerty Y Keppner
Potamianos Y
Sokolow Y Tatum
Discussion: 1. When a course is being submitted in multiple areas for CSU and IGETC GE categories, the student will get credit in only one area. The granting institution that accepts the transfer gets to decide which category the course will fulfill. 2. This course is being proposed as a stand‐alone course but it will also fit into the requirements for the Associate in Arts in Environmental Studies for Transfer. This course is a fairly standard course that is offered around the state and would be accepted by other schools for their Environmental Studies degree that. Erik Kramer [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve this course to be CR General Education was PASSED by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green Y Haggerty Y Keppner
Potamianos Y
Sokolow N Tatum
Discussion: 1. Comparable courses are a classified as general education at Berkeley, San Jose State, Santa Barbara and other institutions around the state. 2. Several faculty members have discussed how CR does not have an Environmental Studies program that will benefit students for transfer who might want to go into the new fields that are not only scientific. CSU and UC, in the past, have focused on environmental studies as a science‐track; however around the country, schools have programs that focus on policy, sociological and historical issues. A group of CR faculty have developed a plan to put together an Associate of Arts in Environmental Studies that would allow them to pursue the non‐science track. 3. If the college decides not to pursue the AA in Environmental Studies the Curriculum Committee will discuss that when the degree comes before them. 4. According to Allen Keppner, if the CSUs have comparable courses as general education, it should not be a problem getting this course accepted when we submitted it to the system. 4.2 Non‐substantial Change: AG.AS.Plant Science – Associate of Science – Franz Rulofson Gary Sokolow [M], Jan Tatum [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green Y Haggerty Y Keppner
Potamianos Y
Sokolow Y Tatum
Discussion: 1. This degree was inactivated last academic year. When Franz Rulofson reviewed this degree to make sure it was in line with the Chancellor's Office found that this degree was designed to have a focus on the production of "food, feed or fiber". The old degree had ornamental horticulture courses as requirements, which have now been removed. New courses were developed and priority courses were added as requirements for this degree. The list of additional courses was also streamlined. 4.3 ANTH‐6 Forensic Anthropology – Justine Shaw & Rachel Anderson Gary Sokolow [M], Erik Kramer [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green Y Haggerty Y Keppner
Potamianos Y
Sokolow Y Tatum
With the following revisions: 1. Page 1 and 3 of 8 – Course Title: Change to “Introduction to Forensic Anthropology. 2. Page 5 of 8 – Course Types #1: Check the “yes” and “restricted elective for degree” boxes. Add the degree code “BEHAV.LA.A.AA”. George Potamianos [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve this course as CR General Education was NOT passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green N Haggerty Y Keppner
Potamianos N
Sokolow N Tatum
Discussion: 1. This course is being reviewed to maintain CR GE status. 2. Justine Shaw explained that the course has specific technical ways to gather information but then look at the evidence through a much larger context. Anthropology touches many disciplines like geology, biology, and the other social sciences because there are so many different ways to learn about humanity. 3. The definition of breadth that CR has adopted is if the course touches on multiple areas within the field of study, it does not have to have breadth across disciplines. Utpal Goswami said this course should be examined to see if it touches multiple areas within the field of study. Page 2 of 3 4. Gary Sokolow thinks this course, even within the field, has too narrow of a focus to fulfill the Breadth and Generality GE requirement. 4.4 CT‐95 Intermediate Carpentry I – Ted Stodder This item was pulled by the author. 4.5 CT‐95L Intermediate Carpentry III – Ted Stodder This item was pulled by the author. 4.6 CT‐96 Intermediate Carpentry II – Ted Stodder This item was pulled by the author. 5. Announcements and Open Forum 5.1 The GE outcome to be assessed this Spring semester is the “Global/Cultural Context”. Some of the feedback that Assessment Chair Justine Shaw has received gives the impression that the first bullet point is too vague and may need to be clarified in the future. Peter Blakemore will set aside time for committee discussion. 5.2 Peter Blakemore has been working the Chancellor’s office getting the Psychology and Mathematics Associate of Arts for Transfer Degrees approved and has a better idea of what information needs to be included in the 501 packet. He would like to have a discussion with the committee on some simple fixes that will make the approval process more efficient. 5.3 There will be some minor changes to the Curriculum proposals forms to bring the forms in line with the guidelines set up by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges. One of the changes will be to change “Representative Learning Activities” to “Methods of Instruction”. 5.4 Another future discussion will cover submitting courses for CB00 (unique identifying numbers and when courses can be offered. Peter Blakemore will ask Kathy Goodlive to review MIS with the Committee. 6. Adjournment: On motion by George Potamianos, seconded by Michelle Haggerty, the meeting was adjourned at 2:25p.m. Next Meeting: Feb. 10, 2012 Page 3 of 3 