REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Minutes of the Meeting of the Curriculum Committee Eureka, AD 201 (Board Room); Mendocino Coast, Room 201; Del Norte, Room D5 Feb. 11, 2011 Members Present: Peter Blakemore, Utpal Goswami (Ex-Officio), Toby Green, Allen Keppner, Paul Kinsey, Ken Letko, George Potamianos, Janice Tatum. Members Absent: Erik Kramer, Michelle Haggerty, Mike Cox, Gary Sokolow, 1. Call to Order: Committee Chair, Peter Blakemore, called the meeting to order at 1:08 p.m. 2. Introductions and Public Comment: There were no comments at this time. 3. Approval of the Minutes: Allen Keppner moved to approve the minutes of the Jan. 28, 2011 meeting, seconded by George Potamianos. 3.1. Jan Tatum requested the minutes be corrected to note she voted "yes" on Action Item 5.6 Introduction to Law Enforcement. 4. Discussion 4.1 Course Outline of Record Transferability Language A revision to the course transferability section to make it easier to understand and complete. This will be an action item on the Feb. 25th agenda. 4.2 General Education and Course Outline of Record The CR General Education Philosophy and Outcomes have been revised by the Academic Senate. The Senate’s ad hoc committee on GE has proposed changes to the course outline and forwarded them to the Curriculum Committee, which will determine if the revision to CR General Education section of the form is adequate. This will be an action item on the Feb. 25th agenda. 5. Action Items 5.1 DT-30 Civil Design Drafting – Steve Brown Allen Keppner [M], Paul Kinsey [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox - Green Y Haggerty - Keppner Y Kinsey Y Kramer - Letko Y Potamianos Y Sokolow - Tatum Y With the following revisions: 1. Page 2 of 6 - TOPs code: 0953.20 2. Page 2 of 6 - CIP code: 15.1304 3. Page 2 of 6 - Catalog Description Special Advisory: Add "This course is not available to students who have previously taken DT-31 and DT-32." 4. Page 4 of 6 - Course Types #2: mark "No" this course is not a part of a Chancellor Office approved Certificate. Allen Keppner [M], George Potamianos [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve the prerequisite was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox - Green Y Haggerty - Keppner Y Kinsey Y Kramer - Letko Y Potamianos Y Sokolow - Tatum Y 6. Announcements and Open Forum: 7. Adjournment: On motion by Allen Keppner, seconded by George Potamianos, the meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m. Next Meeting: Feb. 25, 2011 Page 2 of 2