REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Minutes of the Meeting of the Curriculum Committee Eureka, SS 202 (Board Room); Mendocino Coast, Room 201; Del Norte, Room D5 October 12, 2012 Members Present: Peter Blakemore, Mike Cox, Michelle Haggerty, Erik Kramer, Ken Letko, Mike Peterson, George Potamianos, Harry Pyke, Gary Sokolow. Members Absent: Toby Green, Lisa Liken, Utpal Goswami. 1. Call to Order: Curriculum Committee Chair, Peter Blakemore, called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. 2. Introductions and Public Comment: There were no comments at this time 3. Approval of the Minutes: Gary Sokolow moved to approve the minutes of the Sept. 28, 2012 meeting, seconded by Erik Kramer. There being no objections, the minutes were approved as written. 4. Action Items 4.1 Inactivation: ENGL‐47 – Dave Holper Gary Sokolow [M], Erik Kramer [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos AB Pyke Y Sokolow Y Discussion: 1. Course has not been offered for many years and less transferable then other English courses. 4.2 Inactivation: AG‐18 – Franz Rulofson Gary Sokolow [M], Mike Cox [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke ‐ Sokolow Y 4.3 AG‐30 Intro to Agriculture Business and Economics – Franz Rulofson Gary Sokolow [M], Erik Kramer [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke ‐ Sokolow Y With the following revisions: 1. Page 2 of 8 ‐ Summary of change box: In the "Other" box change to new SLOs. George Potamianos [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve this course as CR General Education was not passed by the following roll call vote: 1. Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty N Kramer N Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos N Pyke Y Sokolow N Discussion: 1. This course was brought before the committee last year and was approved to be Area B ‐ Social Sciences for CRGE. 2. Erik Kramer asked is this really as broad and general as a regular economics course, because this is economics within a specific discipline. He also stated he didn't think how large an area is does not necessarily make it broad enough to be GE. 3. Gary Sokolow feels this course is a specialized subset of either economics or agriculture. 4. Franz Rulofson modeled this course on Agriculture Economic curriculum in the C‐ID, which is approved at other colleges as general education. Franz will submit this course to be approved C‐ID. 5. Erik Kramer said during the Assessment Summit, many faculty from the sciences did not think the way the Agriculture degrees are structure that agriculture students can fulfill GE requirements by taking only agriculture courses. 6. Franz Rulofson will be bringing the Agriculture degrees back at the next Curriculum Committee. The degrees have all been revised to meet student needs. 7. Michelle Haggerty said when she thinks of a GE course it would be broadly taken not just by students following a set pattern. 8. Mike Peterson asked if this course is not approved to retain GE status if it will hamper agriculture students’ progress. Franz Rulofson said it will not hinder students they can take the course as an elective instead of fulfilling a GE area. 4.4 AG‐41 Agriculture Work Experience – Franz Rulofson Gary Sokolow [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y Discussion: 1. This course is modeled after the CE‐41. 2. If the student wants to take this course they would have to request it from the faculty of the Dean. The Dean has to approve the creation of a section and can double check to make sure the student is registered for at least 7 units which includes AG‐41. The Admissions office will not be able to stop a student from registering but the faculty member would be able to drop the student. 3. Peter Blakemore asked Franz Rulofson to write a sentence about where this course fits into the rest of the Agriculture program and why its being put forward. 4.5 AG‐43 Intro to Agriculture – Franz Rulofson Gary Sokolow [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y With the following revisions: 1. Page 3 of 8: Change the first term course may be offered will be changed to Fall 2013. Discussion: 1. The title is being change to better describe what the course is about. The course is not just about careers, it is about the study of agriculture and using different careers/fields to explore it. 4.6 AG‐51 Tractor Operation – Franz Rulofson George Potamianos [M], Mike Peterson [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y With the following revisions: 1. Page 2 of 7: Change the first term course may be offered will be changed to Fall 2013. 2. Page 4 of 7 ‐ Course Types: #7: Economic Workforce Development funding, check "yes" for not applicable. 4.7 ESL‐102 ESL Beginning Level, Part III – Deanna Herrera‐Thomas & Josephine Johnson George Potamianos [M], Mike Peterson [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y With the following revisions: 1. Change "ESOL" to "ESL" to be consistent with courses currently in the catalog. 2. Page 2 of 7: Change the first term course may be offered will be changed to Fall 2013. 3. Page 5 of 7 ‐ Course Types: #4 change to "NBS ‐ Not Basic Skills". Discussion: 1. This course is a part of a series of ESL courses modeled after the English Composition sequence. This course is the parallel to ENGL‐150. Gary Sokolow [M], Erik Kramer [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve the prerequisite was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y 4.8 ESL‐302B ESOL Beginning Level, Part II – Deanna Herrera‐Thomas Erik Kramer [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y With the following revisions: 1. Change "ESOL" to "ESL" to be consistent with courses currently in the catalog. 2. Page 2 of 7: Change the first term course may be offered will be changed to Fall 2013. 3. Page 3 of 7: Revise the SLO 2 to "Demonstrate an understanding…" to make it easier to assess. Discussion: 2. This course is a part of a series of ESL courses modeled after the English Composition sequence. This course is the parallel to ENGL‐350. George Potamianos [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve the prerequisite was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y 4.9 SNLAN‐1A Elementary American Sign Language I – Julie Symons George Potamianos [M], Erik Kramer [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos ‐ Pyke Y Sokolow Y With the following revisions: 1. The course number and title will not be changed to SNLAN‐1 American Sign Language 1 because this change would require the course be re‐articulated. 2. Page 4 of 8 ‐ Representative Learning Activities: Combine #6 and 7 to be "Writing and reading assignments outside of class". 3. Page 5 of 8 ‐ Accounting Method: change to "weekly". Gary Sokolow [M], Mike Peterson [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve this course as CR General Education was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos ‐ Pyke Y Sokolow Y 4.10 SNLAN‐1B Elementary American Sign Language II – Julie Symons Gary Sokolow [M], Erik Kramer [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos ‐ Pyke Y Sokolow Y With the following revisions: 1. The course number and title will not be changed to SNLAN‐2 American Sign Language 2 because this change would require the course be re‐articulated. 2. Page 3 of 8 – Prerequisite: change to “SNLAN‐1A”. 3. Page 4 of 8 ‐ Representative Learning Activities: Combine #6 and 7 to be "Writing and reading assignments outside of class". 4. Page 5 of 8 ‐ Accounting Method: change to "weekly". Gary Sokolow [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve this course as CR General Education was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y Mike Peterson [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve the prerequisite was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y 4.11 Distance Education: BUS‐1A Principles of Accounting – Pamela Netzow Erik Kramer [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y Discussion: 1. Pamela Netzow feels it is an excellent fit for online teaching because answers are generally right or wrong. She has made the face‐to‐face and online courses as parallel as possible. Her online courses are highly structured and she provides the information in multiple places for students. She watches the statistics and communicates with students that appear to have trouble. 2. The course is ADA compliant because all homework is problems at the end of the chapter. The course focuses on the textbook, which is the primary source of information. She's working on podcasts that will be textbook focused and will hopefully be launched this spring semester for BUS‐1A. 3. Pamela Netzow conducted assessments on her courses before the new system was in place. She will forward her data to Erik Kramer. 4.12 Distance Education: BUS‐1B Principles of Accounting – Pamela Netzow Gary Sokolow [M], Michelle Haggerty [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson Y Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y 4.13 IT‐88A Intro to Industrial Robots – Steve Brown & Mike Peterson Erik Kramer [M], George Potamianos [2nd]. Following discussion, the motion to approve was passed by the following roll call vote: Cox Y Green ‐ Haggerty Y Kramer Y Letko Y Peterson AB Potamianos Y Pyke Y Sokolow Y Discussion: 1. This course was developed because of student interest and in formalizing articulation with Oregon Tech. 2. The college wants to provide a pathway to transfer to Oregon Tech for students interested in studying technology or engineering. When assessing the program's curriculum, they determined there was a weakness in lower‐division robotics. 5. Announcements and Open Forum There were none at this time. 6. Adjournment: On motion by Gary Sokolow, seconded by Michelle Haggerty, the meeting was adjourned at 2:55p.m. Next Meeting: October 26, 2012