Teacher Education Council Minutes

Teacher Education Council Minutes
November 2, 2009
Members Present: Sharon Christensen, Jennifer Dennis, Mike Dunn, Courtney Glazer, Russell
Graves, Jennifer Holloway, Paulette Hood, Joe Jones, Howard Kuchta, Kurtis Koll, Tobias Kuhn,
Teresa Lubrano, Michelle Smith, Debbie Stoll, Jan Thomas, and Ronna Vanderslice
Members Absent: Claudia Edwards, John Hodgson, Greg Hoepfner, Vivian Thomlinson, and
Philip Zaninelli
Meeting called to order at 3:45 p.m. by Chair, Ronna Vanderslice
Director of Teacher Education Report
A. Discussion of HB 1333 – The legislature has determined that, rather than
testing in, candidates may add elementary, early childhood, and special
education certification if they “complete a program.” This is especially
important when our students move out of state. The deans across the state
tried to define “program” and were unable reach consensus with opinions
ranging from a single weekend workshop to a set number of course hours.
A committee has been formed to determine what would be required from
candidates in these three areas so that Cameron would recommend them
for licensure.
B. The RSU requested meeting with English, Social Studies, and Biology will
happen on Wednesday. The discussion will focus on what data our
programs would need from RSU courses – something that was a challenge
in creating our elementary program there.
Last month’s meeting minutes were approved.
Admission and Retention Committee Report
The committee moved to accept 9 candidates from Lawton and 2 candidates from RSU
for full admission to teacher education. The committee also moved to accept 4
candidates from Lawton and 25 candidates from RSU for conditional admission to
teacher education.
Jennifer Dennis seconded the motion, which was approved.
Other Business
Old Business
1. Packet contains approved minutes from August 13, 2009 meeting
New Business
1. Request for course modification to CHEM 1364 – The prerequisites
for General Chemistry I are being changed after being referred by the
Curriculum Committee to TEC because it was determined that the
changes will affect education programs. Michelle Smith made a
motion to accept the changes. Jennifer Dennis seconded the motion,
which was approved.
2. Request for course modification to SPED 5413 – This change is to
delete the prerequisite for the course and was referred to TEC from
the education department’s graduate faculty. Russell Graves made a
motion to accept the change (after amending the form to show that
the change was made to the prerequisite). Mike Dunn seconded the
motion, which was approved.
A. Undergraduate preview night for all education programs will take place
on February 2 at 6:00. It is currently in the planning stages, but please
be prepared to provide bodies and handouts/degree plans.
B. Paperwork and payment for student teaching supervision, travel, and
mentoring will be handled out of Dean Vanderslice’s office. Please
initiate travel through your department chair so that they know that
you are traveling for Cameron business.
C. OACTE/ATE/OCTP Conference & Program Report Training will be
November 13 in Norman.
D. New program data due January (reminder from summer meetings). See
Howard Kuchta for data as needed. Also, secondary advisory
committee meetings will meet on January 27 at 4:00 p.m. Send your list
of participants to Dr. Kuchta.
E. New programs must meet minimum productivity standards. The
recommended standards are 5 degrees conferred and 12.5 majors
enrolled in 5 years. The start date for the new programs was when the
regents’ approved the program (fall ’07). It seems reasonable to have
the majors in place but probably not the graduates after 5 years. It is
possible to ask for an extension.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Minutes submitted by Courtney Glazer