Warwick ESRC Impact Acceleration Account Application Form Applicant Details

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Warwick ESRC Impact Acceleration Account
Application Form
Applicant Details
PI Name
PI Status: Please confirm that you have an
employment contract for the duration of the
proposed activity.
Co-Investigators and Departments:
External, Academic Partners:
External, Non-academic Partners:
Organisation and Contact name/details (this
is mandatory for all applications)
Project Details
Project Title
Start Date
End Date
Please specify which IAA pathway you would
like this to be considered for.
Indicate the activity type that best describes
your project (as laid out in the guidelines)
Amount of funding sought from the Social
Sciences Impact Account
Describe how you proposed activity and how
it will result in impact (3-4 sentences, plain
English Summary)
RAPID RESPONSE ONLY: Please explain why
the application is urgent and therefore
requires an expedited review process.
Click here to enter a date.
Click here to enter a date.
☐Standard pathway [up to £20,000]
☐Rapid-Response pathway [up to £3,000]
☐Knowledge Mobilisation
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Case for Support
1. What is your underpinning research? (200 words)
NB the IAA funds the conversion of established research into impact through support for new engagement activities. IAA
does not fund basic research development and expects that in most cases research will be well established at the time of
application (except in the case of exchanges, secondments and rapid response requests).
2. Describe your Proposed Activity (300 words)
3. What is Your Anticipated Impact? (i.e. the change you expect to occur as a result of your
activity) (300 words)
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4. How will you measure and evidence your impact? (200 words)
5. Where proposed activities link to existing funded research and projects, describe the ‘added
value’ that this activity will deliver and explain why the activity cannot be funded from the
project grant. (100 words)
6. Project Management and Justification of Costs (200 words)
- Describe the roles played by the applicant, co-applicants and any external partners.
- Provide justification of your expected costs.
Financial Summary:
Costs should not be FEC
Please break down costs by Project Year (nb. IAA award ends 31st March 2018, all expenditure
must be incurred by that date).
The maximum awards allowed in each of the categories are:
Responsive pathway: Up to £20,000
Rapid -response pathway - Up to £3,000
Project Year
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Amount of funding
requested from the Social
Sciences Impact Account
Expenditure Details
Travel and Subsistence
Other (please specify)
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External Partner’s funding
Other University
Total project costs
External partner (non-academic): statement of support and involvement
[A letter of support can be attached to the application as well as, or in place of the external partner
statement of support]
Head of Department statement of support
Please submit the completed form, together with the relevant supporting statements and documents
to ESRCImpactAccount@warwick.ac.uk