FAQ's THE AORTA WHAT are the signs& symptoms? Symptoms include weakness, fatigue, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, poor feeding and low oxygen levels. WHEN dosymptomspresent? Symptoms generally present at 1-2 days old. HOW isit diagnosed? IAA is diagnosed with an echo-cardiogram. (Lumen Learning, n.d.) WHAT isthe cause? IAA is caused by improper development of the aortic arch. This defect is often associated with a chromosomal abnormality called DiGeorge syndrome. (Cincinatti Children's Medical Center, 2018) Blood vessels in various sections of the aorta supply blood to different parts of the body. In IAA, vessels beyond the gap will not receive blood from the left side of the heart, and therefore will not be able to transport oxygen to various parts of the body. Lack of blood and oxygen to the bodies organs can be life threatening. Reparation of the gap is essential for survival. (Baffa, 2018) INTERRUPTED AORTIC ARCH (IAA) Information for Families Healt hy Hear t Int er r upt ed Aor t ic Ar ch What Is IAA? IAA is a r ar e hear t condit ion that occurs when the baby's aor t a does not for m pr oper ly during fetal development. The aor t a is an essent ial " pipeline" that carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body. A properly developed aorta is shaped like an arch, however in IAA, par t of t he ar ch is missing, or "interrupted" leaving a gap. The gap is closed off on each end, meaning there is no blood flow bet ween t he sect ions. HOW isit treated? THE SURGERY The child must undergo ur gent sur ger y (within the first few days of life) t o r econnect t he aor t ic ar ch. Open heart surgery is performed to connect the two separate parts of the aorta. Sur vival is not possible wit hout sur ger y. This surgery is of a higher risk if the baby is unstable, extremely ill, or has a significantly small portion of the aorta. Treatment prior to surgery: - Given IV infusion of prostaglandin to keep the blood vessels open Insertion of a breathing tube "Water pills" to get rid of excess fluid Medications to keep the heart pumping Close monitoring of oxygen, carbon dioxide and electrolyte levels Adequate nourishment (Cincinatti Children's Medical Center, 2018) There are 3 types of IAA, which are diagnosed based on the location of the (Baffa, 2018) interruption. (Wheeler & Jeanty, 2018) Survival after a complete aortic repair is approximately 90%. Type A: Interruption occurs just beyond left subclavian artery. LONG TERM CONSIDERATIONS Type B (Most Common): Interruption occurs between left carotid artery and left subclavian artery. Only 10-20% of children require a second surgery, however life-long surveillance with a cardiologist is important. (Cincinatti Children's Medical Center, 2018) Type C (Least Common): Interruption occurs between brachiocephalic artery and left carotid artery. (Cincinatti Children's Medical Center, 2018) Refer ences Cincinatti Children's Medical Center. (2018, September). Interrupted Aortic Arch - Ventricular Septic Defect. Cincinatti Children's. https:/ / www.cincinnatichildrens.org/ patients/ child/ encyclopedia/ defects/ iaa Lumen Learning. (n.d.). Circulatory Pathways. Lumen Learning. https:/ / courses.lumenlearning.com/ ap2/ chapter/ circulatory-pathways/ Gaffa, G. (2018, January). Interrupted Aortic Arch (IAA). Neumers KidsHealth. https:/ / kidshealth.org/ en/ parents/ aortic-arch.html