Two Cameron projects receive OCAST funding

For Immediate Release – Lawton, OK, May 14, 2004
Two Cameron projects receive OCAST funding
The board of the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST) has
approved two internship grants for Cameron University totaling nearly $50,000.
A proposal submitted by CU psychology professor Dr. Mary Dzindolet, has been funded in the amount of
$28,992. The grant, “Maximizing Human-Computer Interactions,” will be matched by the Army Research
Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
During this project, Dzindolet will mentor three undergraduate student interns as they develop methods and
test procedures to maximize human-computer interactions
The second grant was awarded to Cameron associate multimedia professor Dr. Linda Wright-Smith and
Janie Lytle of Eagle Systems and Services, Inc., in Lawton. This $20,600 grant, “Emergency Management
CBTs,” is a collaborative effort between CU and the local company. Eagle Systems will provide matching
funds in support of this project.
Wright-Smith’s project will employ two undergraduate student interns during the development phase.
Dzindolet’s and Wright-Smith’s projects were among six grants funded by the OCAST board during its most
recent round of announcements.
OCAST is the state’s only agency focusing solely the development, transfer, commercialization and impact
of technology on Oklahoma’s economy. Its projects are designed to increase the economic well-being of
rural and urban Oklahoma by building bridges between companies and education.
The Oklahoma Legislature created the OCAST in 1987 to build an infrastructure of expertise and
equipment to conduct nationally competitive research and development in the state and stimulate local
firms applying and producing technology.
Since inception, OCAST has administered $118 million in state-appropriated money and leveraged $5.68
for every dollar spent. That leverage represents more than $500 million invested in Oklahoma research.
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