Communication Disorders Major Field Test Review Topics for CDIS Courses
CDIS 3400,4800,4850,4950
Cranial and facial bones
Oral cavity/articulator structures and functions
Muscles, including tongue, soft palate, and facial
Velopharyngeal closure
Larynx, including cartilages, nerves, muscles, physiology, and conditions/causes
Cerebral structures (lobes) and functions
Neurological conditions and causes
Cranial nerves important for speech and hearing
Assessment and Treatment
Measures of central tendency
Test concepts, including reliability, validity, standard error of measurement
Test administration, including basal, ceiling, and types of scores
Standardized vs. criterion referenced measurement
Criteria of well-designed tests
Clinical data collection
Documenting clinical behaviors
Multicultural issues in assessment and treatment
Approaches to speech and language intervention, including milieu, behavioristic,
interactive, naturalistic, child-directed, clinician-directed, normative, and client-specific
Phonetics and Phonological Disorders
CDIS 3300,4550-70,4900
CDIS 3150,3200,3300
Consonant phoneme classification, including voicing, placement, and manner
Vowel phoneme classification, including high, low, front, back, middle vowels
Traditional vs. phonological process assessment
Phonological intervention approaches
Variables related to speech maturity and speech errors
Language and Language Disorders
CDIS 3260,4500,4550-70,4850,4900
Brown’s stages of morphological development
Language facilitation/stimulation techniques
14 developmental morphemes and examples, including computing MLU
Definitions: communication, speech, dialect, semantics, type-token ratio, syntax,
morpheme, phonology, pragmatics
Characteristics of specific language impairment
Prevalence of language disorders in children, adults, and elderly
Professional Issues
Responsibilities of professional organizations (see ASHA website)
ASHA publications
ASHA Code of Ethics
Requirements for speech-language pathology/audiology ASHA certification
Fluency Disorders
CDIS 3050,4550-70,4850
CDIS 3050,3450,4850
Fluency shaping and stuttering modification approaches
Methods for determining stuttering severity
Myths and truths about stuttering, including stuttering theories
CDIS 3350,4500,4800
Anatomy of the outer, middle, and inner ear
Audiological evaluation, including pure tone air and bone conduction, speech, and
Hearing screening protocol
Hearing conditions/causes, including otosclerosis, otitis media, atresia, Meniere’s
Disease, presbycusis, ototoxicity
Representation of conductive, sensorineural, and mixed losses on audiograms
Aural Rehabilitation
CDIS 3350,4500
Communication methodologies including Manual Systems, Cued Speech, Total
Communication, Oral, Auditory-Oral, and Auditory-Verbal methods
Habilitation strategies, including auditory training, speech and language development
Amplification, including hearing aids
Organic and Related Areas
CDIS 3200,3400,4750,4800,4850
Conditions that indicate an auditory processing disorder
Characteristics of voice disorders, including hoarseness, spasmodic dysphonia, aphonia,
diplophonia, breathiness, hypernasality, and hyponasality
Vocal nodules, including causes and prevention
Types of degenerative conditions that result in speech disorders
Types of adult aphasia and associated characteristics
Causes and characteristics of child conditions, including Down syndrome, cerebral palsy,
spina bifida, autism, cleft lip, cleft palate, submucous cleft
Characteristics of dysphagia, agnosia, anomia, apraxia, dysarthria