TEXAS JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION CENTER 2015-16 BROWN BAG SERIES The impact of racism, discrimination and racial socialization on African American offending Robin Jackson, PhD Based on Unnever and Gabbidon?s (2011) Theory of African American offending, the current research utilized logistic regression analyses to investigate crime and deviance among a university sample African American students. Findings from the study suggest that African Americans’ unique worldview, perceptions of and experiences with racism and discrimination, and their racial socialization experiences may have an impact on offending. Specifically, racial discrimination experienced in the form of criminal justice injustices seem to increase the odds of engaging in criminal and deviant behavior for African Americans included in the current research. DATE & TIME Friday February 26, 2016 3:30 – 5:00 pm LOCATION PVAMU College of Juvenile Justice & Psychology Don Clark Building Training Room #137, 1st Floor