Sub-Rayleigh-diffraction-bound quantum imaging The MIT Faculty has made this article openly available. Please share how this access benefits you. Your story matters. Citation Giovannetti, Vittorio et al. “Sub-Rayleigh-diffraction-bound quantum imaging.” Physical Review A 79.1 (2009): 013827. © 2009 The American Physical Society As Published Publisher American Physical Society Version Final published version Accessed Thu May 26 08:41:56 EDT 2016 Citable Link Terms of Use Article is made available in accordance with the publisher's policy and may be subject to US copyright law. Please refer to the publisher's site for terms of use. Detailed Terms PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 013827 共2009兲 Sub-Rayleigh-diffraction-bound quantum imaging 1 Vittorio Giovannetti,1 Seth Lloyd,2 Lorenzo Maccone,3 and Jeffrey H. Shapiro2 NEST-CNR-INFM and Scuola Normale Superiore, Piazza dei Cavalieri 7, I-56126, Pisa, Italy MIT, Research Laboratory of Electronics, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA 3 QUIT, Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Volta,” Universitá Pavia, via Bassi 6, I-27100 Pavia, Italy and Institute for Scientific Interchange, I-10133 Torino, Italy 共Received 5 May 2008; published 28 January 2009; publisher error corrected 3 March 2009兲 2 The spatial resolution of an imaging apparatus is limited by the Rayleigh diffraction bound, a consequence of the imager’s finite spatial extent. We show some N-photon strategies that permit resolution of details that are smaller than this bound, attaining either a 1 / 冑N enhancement 共standard quantum limit兲 or a 1 / N enhancement 共Heisenberg-like scaling兲 over standard techniques. In the incoherent imaging regime, the methods presented are loss resistant, since classical light sources suffice. Our results may be of importance in many applications: microscopy, telescopy, lithography, metrology, etc. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.79.013827 PACS number共s兲: 42.50.Dv, 03.67.⫺a, 42.30.Va Quantum effects have been used successfully to provide resolution enhancement in imaging procedures. Among the many proposals that have been made 关1兴, arguably the most famous is the quantum lithography procedure 关2兴. These methods take advantage of the fact that the effective wavelength of a multiphoton light state is shorter than its electromagnetic field wavelength: the light generation, propagation, and detection can be performed at optical wavelengths, where it is simple to manipulate, whereas the quantum correlations in the employed states allow one to perform imaging at the shorter multiphoton wavelength. Such proposals are then based on entangled or squeezed light sources, as entanglement or squeezing are necessary for efficient quantum enhancements 关3兴. If, however, efficiency considerations are dropped, it is also possible to employ classical-state light sources and post-selection at the detection stage to filter desirable quantum states from the classical light 关4兴. In fact, in many practical situations efficiency considerations do not play any role, as the quantum enhancement is typically of the order of the square root of the number of entangled systems 关3兴, whereas in practical situations the complexity of generating the required quantum states has a much worse scaling. Many post-selection imaging procedures employing only classical light sources have been proposed and analyzed 关5–17兴, and cover a wide range of interesting situations. Analogous methods have been employed successfully also in fields not directly related to imaging 关18兴. Here we show how one can achieve a resolution enhancement beyond what the apparatus’ structural limits impose for conventional imaging, i.e., the Rayleigh diffraction bound xR. In particular we show that employing appropriate light sources together with N-photon coincidence photodetection yields a resolution ⬃xR / 冑N. A resolution ⬃xR / N can also be obtained by introducing, at the lens, a device that is opaque when it is illuminated by fewer than N photons. The first type of enhancement—a 1 / 冑N standard quantum limit 共SQL兲 for imaging—is an N-photon quantum process, but it is roughly equivalent to the classical procedure of averaging the arrival positions of N photons that originate from the same point on the object. The second type of 1050-2947/2009/79共1兲/013827共4兲 enhancement—a 1 / N Heisenberg-like scaling for imaging— is a quantum phenomenon that derives from treating the N photons as a single field of N-times higher frequency. In the incoherent imaging regime, both methods can tolerate arbitrary amounts of loss at the expense of reduced efficiency but without sacrificing resolution. To compare the performance of our technique with conventional imaging methods, an explicit setup that uses visible light will be analyzed in detail, and shows that the decrease in efficiency is manageable for N ⱗ 5. It is worth stressing that, via proper scaling of the system parameters, our analysis can be applied to a broader context 共not necessarily involving optical frequencies兲. We start by reviewing some basics of conventional imaging. Then we discuss the SQL coherent and incoherent subRayleigh imaging procedures. We conclude with a procedure achieving the 1 / N Heisenberg scaling. Rayleigh bound. Consider monochromatic imaging using a circular-pupil thin lens of radius R and focal length f that is placed at a distance Do from an object of surface area A, and at a distance Di from the image plane, where 1 / D0 + 1 / Di = 1 / f. In conventional imaging, the object is illuminated by an appropriate 共spatially coherent or incoherent兲 source and the image plane distribution of the light intensity, corresponding to the probability of detecting a photon at each image-plane point rជi, is recorded. For photodetectors whose spatial-resolution area S and temporal-resolution time ⌬t are sufficiently small, the preceding probability is P1共rជi兲 ជi , t兲E共+兲 ជi , t兲典, where angular brackets de⯝ 共Sc⌬t兲具E共−兲 i 共r i 共r note ensemble average over the illumination’s state, is the detector quantum efficiency, and E共+兲 = 关E共−兲兴† is the positivefrequency component of the electric field. This field compoជi , t兲 = 兰d3kជ E共+兲 ជi ; kជ 兲e−ikt/ca共kជ 兲, where a共kជ 兲 is nent obeys E共+兲 i 共r i 共r the field annihilation operator for the optical mode with wave vector kជ and E共+兲 i is the solution to the associated Helmholtz equation at the image plane. The latter can be written in terms of the corresponding object-plane field ikជ t·rជo ជ ជ ជ 共r , k 兲 = e , where k is the transverse component of kជ , E共+兲 o t o using classical imaging equations. For monochromatic light in the paraxial regime kt Ⰶ k, it follows that 关19,20兴 013827-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 013827 共2009兲 GIOVANNETTI et al. a b a b c d c d f e FIG. 1. Coherent imaging. 共a兲 Object to be imaged. 共b兲 Conventional coherent image 共3兲 computed for Do / R = 200 共e.g., corresponding to Do = 10 cm and R = 0.5 mm兲, k = 8.57⫻ 105 m−1 共red light兲, and m = 1 共note that, modulo a rescaling, the same images would be found for any value of m兲. Owing to diffraction, no object details below the Rayleigh bound xR = 0.89 mm 共segment in the top right corner of the pictures兲 are discernible in the image. 共c兲 N-fold coincidence detection 共N = 5兲 through Eq. 共6兲: resolution is not enhanced over the previous image despite the Nth-order compression of the point-spread function. 共d兲 SQL reconstruction with illumination by the superposition of Fock states from Eq. 共7兲 with N = 3 and ⌬kt / k = 0.1. Sub-Rayleigh resolution is present. 共e兲 The same as 共d兲 for N = 5; more resolution enhancement occurs. 共f兲 Heisenberg-like coherent reconstruction from Eq. 共11兲 with N = 5; still further enhancement is evident. All plots are normalized so that the minimal and maximal intensities are 0 and 1, respectively. ជi ;kជ 兲 = E共+兲 i 共r 冕 d2rជo ជo ;kជ 兲, A共rជo兲h共rជi,rជo兲E共+兲 o 共r A 共1兲 where rជi and rជo are two-dimensional vectors in the image and object planes, A共rជo兲 is the object aperture function 关22兴, and h共rជi , rជo兲 is the point-spread function of the imaging apparatus given by 关12,19,20兴 h共rជi,rជo兲 = R 2k 2A 4 D oD i eisomb共Rk兩rជo + rជi/m兩/Do兲, 共2兲 somb共x兲 ⬅ 2J1共x兲 / x being the Airy function and m = Di / Do the image magnification factor. The phase in Eq. 共2兲 plays no role in the protocol, and can be neglected or compensated using standard imaging techniques 关19兴. Coherent imaging prevails when collimated coherent-state illumination is employed, i.e. 关see Figs. 1共a兲 and 1共b兲兴, ជi兲 = Sc⌬tIo P共c兲 1 共r 冏冕 d2rជo A共rជo兲h共rជi,rជo兲 A 冏 2 , 共3兲 共+兲 with Io ⬅ 具E共−兲 o Eo 典 being the field intensity on the object plane. Incoherent imaging occurs when the object is illuminated by independent 共monochromatic兲 beams propagating from all directions 关see Figs. 2共a兲 and 2共b兲兴 whence FIG. 2. Incoherent imaging of the object shown in Fig. 1共a兲 with the same parameters. 共a兲, 共b兲 Conventional incoherent images from Eq. 共6兲 with N = 1 and 5, respectively. The images are featureless blurs, because the Rayleigh bound xR 共segment in top right corner兲 is too large to resolve the details. 共c兲, 共d兲 Reconstruction via Eq. 共10兲 using the mixture of coherent states for N = 3 and 5, respectively. The price one has to pay for the increase in resolution of 共c兲 and 共d兲 is a reduction in intensity of the images by a factor 103 and 105, respectively 共for the parameters given in the text兲. ជ i兲 = P共inc兲 1 共r Sc⌬t Io 2 k 2A 冕 d2rជo 兩A共rជo兲h共rជi,rជo兲兩2 . A 共4兲 When the lens radius R is sufficiently large, Eqs. 共4兲 and 共3兲 produce inverted, magnified, perfect images of the object, because R2somb共R兩xជ 兩兲 → 4␦共2兲共xជ 兲 for R → ⬁ 关19兴. For small R, the convolution integrals in Eqs. 共4兲 and 共3兲 produce blurred images. The amount of blurring can be gauged through the Rayleigh bound: for a point source at rជo in the object plane, the resulting image-plane intensity is proportional to somb2共Rk兩rជo + rជi / m兩 / Do兲, which comprises a pattern of circular fringes in rជi that are centered on −mrជo. The radius of the first fringe, xR ⯝ 0.61⫻ 2mDo / 共kR兲, about −mrជo encloses ⬃84% of the light falling on the image plane 关20兴. Intuitively, the image of an extended object is then a weighted superposition of radius-xR circles off centered about each −mrជo. This is the Rayleigh bound; using conventional imaging techniques, one cannot resolve details smaller than xR. SQL. The main idea of SQL sub-Rayleigh imaging is to use an appropriate light source and to replace intensity measurement with spatially resolving N-fold coincidence detection strategies. The probability of detecting N photons at position rជi on the image plane is 关21兴 PN共rជi兲 ⯝ 共Sc⌬t兲N N! ជi,t兲兴N典, ជi,t兲兴N关E共+兲 具关E共−兲 i 共r i 共r 共5兲 which can be accomplished by means of doppleron absorbers 关23兴, photon-number resolving detectors, or N-fold coincidence counting 共which exploits the full photon statistics: the N value needs not be predetermined兲. Note that multiphoton detection alone does not guarantee sub-Rayleigh performance. In fact, for the coherent imaging of Eq. 共3兲, N-photon detection gives 013827-2 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 013827 共2009兲 SUB-RAYLEIGH-DIFFRACTION-BOUND QUANTUM IMAGING ជi兲兴N/N!. PN共rជi兲 = 关P共c兲 1 共r 共6兲 The N in the exponent gives an N-fold compression of the fringes in the point-spread function. It amounts to taking the Nth power of the light intensity, which is formally equivalent to a classical post-processing of the signal of Eq. 共3兲. As shown in Fig. 1共c兲 no resolution enhancement is obtained using only N-photon detection: an appropriate light source is also needed. A first example of such an input source is a superposition of N-photon Fock states, focused in a small area s ⬅ 共⌬k2t 兲−1 Ⰶ A centered at positions rជo on the object 兩典 ⬅ 1 冑M 冕 d2rជo兩N典rជo, 兩N典rជo ⬅ 1 ជ 冑N! 关b 共ro兲兴 † N 兩0典, 共7兲 where b共rជo兲 is the annihilator of the associated localized spa4A tial mode 关24兴 and M ⯝ ⌬k 2 is the normalization. Inserting t this state into Eq. 共5兲, we find PN共rជi兲 ⯝ Q共rជi,rជo兲 ⬅ ⌬k2t A 4 冕 N 冏冕 d2rជo N Q 共rជi,rជo兲 A 冏 2 , d2rជ A共rជ兲h共rជi,rជ兲F⌬kt共兩rជo − rជ兩兲, A 共8兲 ⌬⌬t where F⌬kt共x兲 ⬅ ⌬k2t A somb共⌬ktx兲, and ⬅ ⌬k2A AS is a t dimensionless quantity that is typically very small because of the monochromatic 共⌬⌬t Ⰶ 1兲 and focusing assumptions 共⌬k2t A Ⰷ 1兲. Equation 共8兲 can be simplified by assuming Do / R Ⰷ k / ⌬kt, which implies that each number state in the superposition is focused to a spot much smaller than the object-plane Rayleigh limit of the lens. In this case, h can be extracted from the integral yielding Q共rជi , rជo兲 ⯝ h共rជi , rជo兲Ã共rជo兲 d2rជo with Ã共rជo兲 ⬅ 兰 A A共rជ兲F⌬kt共兩rជo − rជ兩兲. Now Eq. 共8兲 becomes PN共c兲共rជi兲 ⯝ ⌬k2t A 4 N 冏冕 d2rជo 关Ã共rជo兲h共rជi,rជo兲兴N A 冏 2 , 共9兲 which, contrary to Eq. 共6兲, cannot be obtained through classical post-processing of P1. It generalizes coherent imaging 共3兲 to N-photon detection. The point-spread function that governs spatial resolution is now hN—which is narrower than h—so that when A共rជo兲 ⯝ Ã共rជo兲 there is an enhancement in resolution, see Figs. 1共d兲 and 1共e兲. An analogous generalization for incoherent imaging is obtained by replacing the state Eq. 共7兲 with an incoherent mixd2rជo ture of focused Fock states, i.e., = 兰 A 兩N典rជo具N兩. In this case, Eq. 共9兲 becomes PN共inc兲共rជi兲 ⯝ N 冕 d2rជo 兩Ã共rជo兲兩2N兩h共rជi,rជo兲兩2N , A 共10兲 which generalizes Eq. 共4兲 to N-photon detection. The attainable resolution is shown in Figs. 2共c兲 and 2共d兲. The Fock states employed in Eqs. 共7兲 and 共10兲 are highly sensitive to loss and are quite difficult to create. Nevertheless, N-fold incoherent imaging can be realized with lossresistant and easy to create light sources, which are prefer- able in most situations. One can use an incoherent mixture of coherent states that randomly illuminate all points on the d2rជ object: = 兰 A o 兩␣典rជo具␣兩, where 兩␣典rជo ⬅ exp关␣b†共rជo兲 * − ␣ b共rជo兲兴兩0典. Equation 共10兲 still applies with an extra multiplicative factor of 兩␣兩2N / 共N!兲. The state can be easily prepared by shining a highly focused laser beam on the object, one point at the time. This state is robust to loss, as the loss parameter just takes 兩␣典 into 兩冑␣典. An arbitrary amount of loss can be tolerated—without sacrificing resolution—simply by increasing 兩␣兩. In the same way, we can overcome the reduction in efficiency 共exponential in N兲 associated with the low intensities of the signals that come from the factor N. To show that this procedure is practical, we calculate the reduction in image intensity for realistic values of the parameters = 10−3, ⌬⌬t ⬃ 10−1, S = A ⫻ 10−6 共and the values given in the figure captions for the remaining ones兲. Then, the ratio between the maximum intensities of our method and the classical procedure can be straightforwardly evaluated from the coefficients in front of the function h of Eq. 共2兲 and in front of the probability 共10兲. It follows that for a pulsed laser with an easily attainable 兩␣兩2 ⬃ 5 ⫻ 1011, the light intensity reaching the image plane is ⬃105 times lower for N = 5 than a classical procedure with the same illumination: the resolution increase of Fig. 2共d兲 comes at the cost of a 105 reduction in the absolute intensity. Nonetheless, a good quality image can easily be obtained: the ⬃107 N-photon events necessary for imaging can be obtained in ⬃105 laser pulses, i.e., typically in a small fraction of a second. The amount of resolution gain from the procedures detailed above can be roughly estimated by gauging by narrowing of the point-spread function h that results from taking its Nth power. For instance, one can evaluate the radius xR共N兲 that contains 84% of the area under somb2N. Numerical analysis shows that xR共N兲 / xR ⬃ 1 / 冑N, which suggests an SQL 关3兴 for imaging. This should be taken only as a rough estimate, as xR共N兲 is also the radial dimension of a pointlike object imaged using the post-processing strategy of Eq. 共6兲. For more extended objects, the resolution enhancement depends also on ⌬kt. The 1 / 冑N scaling exposes the classical nature of this enhancement: the same effect can be attained by averaging the arrival positions of N photons at the image plane. This is surely advantageous over N-photon detection in many situations, but it is impractical for lithography or film photography, and it cannot reproduce the coherent imaging case of Eq. 共9兲. Moreover, from general principles 关1,3兴 one would expect that also a 1 / N Heisenberg-like scaling is achievable, i.e., a resolution ⬃xR / N, not achievable with classical strategies. Heisenberg-like scaling. The 1 / N scaling can be obtained by treating the N photons as a single entity of N-times higher frequency. This situation can be simulated, at least in principle, by inserting immediately in front of the lens a screen divided into small sections each of area sF such that, if less than N photons reach one section, they are absorbed, otherwise they are coherently transmitted. Such a screen does not currently exist but, in principle, one could be built, e.g., by using doppleron materials 关23兴. Then, if the object is illuminated by the focused coherent states described above, only N 013827-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 79, 013827 共2009兲 GIOVANNETTI et al. photons that originate at rជo, successfully transit the screen within one of its area-sF segments, and get detected at rជi can contribute to the image at that point. Again loss just reduces the efficiency, but not the resolution. In this case, the operaជi , t兲兴N of the N-photon absorption probability 共9兲 tors 关E共+兲 i 共r 共or N-fold coincidence detection兲 are approximately given by 关25兴 ជi,t兲兴N ⯝ ␥ 关E共+兲 i 共r 冕 d2rជo hN共rជi,rជo兲关Ã共rជo兲b共rជo兲兴N . A 共11兲 s order 共 RF 2 兲N. Equation 共11兲 describes the absorption of N frequency- photons that originated near rជo and then propagated through the imaging apparatus as if they were a single frequency-N photon. It gives rise to coherent and incoherent images that are formally equivalent to those of Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲 for a light beam of wave number Nk, thus realizing the Heisenberg-like scaling of an N-fold resolution improvement over the Rayleigh bound, albeit with an even worse efficiency than the N-photon detection methods given above—see Fig. 1共f兲. Here hN is obtained from Eq. 共2兲 by replacing k with Nk, i.e., hN is the point-spread function for photons having N-times higher frequency than the illumination; and ␥ accounts for the spatial resolution of the doppleron screen, i.e., it is of We thank F.N.C. Wong for comments. This research was supported in part by the W. M. Keck Foundation for Extreme Quantum Information Theory and by the DARPA Quantum Sensors Program. 关1兴 E.g., see M. I. 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The exact expression for M N is 兰d2rជo兰d2rជ⬘oF⌬k2共兩rជo − rជ⬘o兩兲 / AN, which, for highly localized t 2 modes ⌬kt A Ⰷ 1, gives M ⯝ 4A / ⌬k2t . ជi , t兲兴N as 关25兴 Use the screen-to-lens transfer function to write 关E共+兲 i 共r 共+兲 共1兲 共+兲 共N兲 a convolution of the products El 共rជl , t兲 ¯ El 共rជl , t兲, ជl , t兲 being the electric field on the screen. The screen E共+兲 l 共r removes all contributions but those for which the rជ共j兲 l fall in the same area-sF region. Equation 共11兲 follows by writing the re共+兲 共N兲 ជ共1兲 ជo , t兲 sulting operator as a convolution of E共+兲 o 共r o , t兲 ¯ Eo 共r through the object-to-lens transfer function, and noting that for N focused sources it is approximated by 关b共rជ共1兲 o 兲兴 . 013827-4