PUBLIC HEALTH MANAGEMENT AND POLICY CONCENTRATION COMPETENCIES Concentration Core Courses MPH Graduates with a concentration in Public Health Management and Policy are expected to have entry-level competence in the following: 1. Apply principles and methods of strategic and program planning in public health contexts 2. Effectively manage public health programs and projects 3. Identify, retrieve, summarize, manage and communicate public health information HSA 6114 X PHC HSA 6104 5174 X X X X 4. Apply principles and theory of budget preparation, managerial accounting, and financial management to organizations in the health sector PHMP Concentration Competencies PHC 6103 PHC 6421 PHC 6601 PHC 6946 X X X P P X X P P X X P P P P P P P P P P X 5. Demonstrate the principles of problem solving and crisis management 6. Monitor and evaluate programs for their effectiveness and quality 7. Apply principles and methods of health policy development and analysis to key public health issues HSA HSA 6115 6152 X X X X X X X 1 Student Assessment X X 8/11/09 Achieved/Not Achieved X: Learning objectives in this course contribute to achievement of the competency P: Competency may be addressed through this course. PHC 6601 and PHC 6946 have clear objectives but variable content that is tailored to individual student needs and goals. One or more competencies are addressed through the special projects conducted and reported in these courses. Notes: HSA 6114 PHC 6104 HSA 5174 HSA 6115 PHC 6103 PHC 6421 HSA 6152 PHC 6601 PHC 6946 Introduction to the US Health Care System Evidence-based Management of Public Health Programs Fundamentals of Healthcare Finance Introduction to Management of Health Services Organizations Systems Thinking for Public Health Public Health Law and Ethics Health Policy Seminar in Contemporary Public Health Issues Public Health Internship Visit for a detailed map of the Public Health Management and Policy concentration competencies and the course learning objectives designed to contribute to them. PHMP Concentration Competencies 2 8/11/09