,(1 ! MAINTENANCE OF FENDER SYSTEMS AND CAMELS NAVFAC MO-104.1 SEPTEMBER 1990 iIllI! Illl/!/l Ill! III!! ill! illi!!il II118 11111 lllli Ill!! II!! Ill! SNDL (25 DISTRIBUTION copies FEAlC (10 each): FEN1 COMNAVFACENGCOM Copies FA46 FB54 each): PWCLANT PWCPAC HQ U.S. AIR FORCE Engineering And Services Tyndall AFB, FL32403 (2 Copies I EFDs FEP7 FT104 Center NAVSHIPYDs PWCCNET U.S. ARMY Office of Engineers Washington, DC 20314 , (DAEN-MPO) each): E3A FA6 FA7 FAlO FA18 FA24 FB7 FBlO FB13 FB21 FB28 FB30 FB36 FB45 FC3 FC5 FC7 FC14 FD4 FFl FF3 FF6 FF32 FF38 FF42 FG2 FH3 FJA4 FEA8F5 FEM9 LABONR NASLANT NAVSTALANT SUBASELANT NAVPHIBASELANT COMNAVBASELANT NASPAC NAVSTAPAC SUBBASEPAC NAVPHIBASEPAC COMNAVBASEPAC NAVSHIPREPFAC NAVFACPAC TRIREFFACPAC COMNAVACTEUR NAVSUPACTEUR NAVSTAEUR NASEUR OCFANCEN COMNAVDICT Washington,DC NAVSTACNO NAVOBSY FLDSUPPACT USNA NAVPGSCOL NAVCOMMSTA NAVHOSP NAVAL HOME SUBASE . NSC Additional Copies may be obtained from: Navy Publications and Forms Center 5801 Tabor Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19120 FEMl2 FEM13 FEN2 FEN3 FEN7 FEN10 FEN11 FEPlB FKPlJ FEP16 FKRlA FKRlB FER3A FR3 FR4 FT6 FT9 FT13 FT28 FT31 FT37 FT38 FT39 FT55 v3 v4 v5 V8 V16 V23 NAVPETOFF SPCC CBCS OICCS NEESA NAVSUPPFAC NAVCIVENGRLAB WPNSTAs NAVORDSTAs NAVSSES NAS NAVAVNDEPOT NAVAIRENGCEN NASRESFOR NAF NASCNET NAVAVMUSEUM NATTC NETC NTC NAVSCOLCECOFF NAVSUBTRACENPAC NAVTECHTRACEN NAVSCSCOL COMCAB MCAF PICAS CG MCRD CG MCB CG MCLB .3 FOREWORD This manual provides guidance for the inspection, maintenance, and repair of waterfront fender systems and camels. It is an adjunct to the manual for Maintenance of Waterfront Facilities, MO-104. Specifications and standards are listed to assist the planners in selecting the appropriate materials and preventive maintenance procedures. Inspection levels, methods, planning factors, and procedures are presented. The repair procedures discussed cover preventive measures, partial replacement, and total replacement concepts for timber, concrete, steel, and synthetic components. Each procedure is developed to guide the planners in the selection of the repair technique, inspection of field work for acceptability, and planning the follow-on inspection requirements. The standards and methods presented are intended to accomplish the inspection, maintenance, and repair in the most efficient and cost effective manner. The procedures outlined have been developed from the best technical sources available in industry and the military services. Additional information or suggestions that will improve this manual are invited and should be submitted through appropriate channels to the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, (Attention: Code 1632), 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 22332-2300. This publication has been reviewed in accordance with the Secretary of the Navy Instruction 5600.16A and is certified as an official publication of the Naval Facilities Engineering Command. D. B. CAMPBELL ' Deputy Commander for Public Works i ABSTRACT This manual is a guide for inspection, maintenance, and repair of waterfront fender systems and camel structures. Introductory chapters provide a summary of responsibilities and policies, elements of maintenance planning, and overview of types of facilities. Inspection levels, methods, planning, and techniques and checklists are covered for surface inspection. Preventive maintenance and typical repair methods and techniques are described and illustrated for timber, concrete, steel, and foam-filled fenders, and timber and steel framed camels. ... 111 c CHANGE CONTROL SHEET Document all changes, page replacements, and pen and ink alterations posted in this manual. AMENDMENT NUMBER AMENDMENT DATE POST DATE V POSTED BY (LAST NAME) CONTENTS Page CHAPTER 1.1 1.2 1.3 CHAPTER 2.1 2.2 2.3 CHAPTER 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 CHAPTER 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 1 INTRODUCTION. ............................................ GENFRAL ..................................................... Scope .............................................. 1.1.1 MAINTENANCE STANDARDS, POLICIES, AND CRITWIA ............... 1.2.1 Standards .......................................... 1.2.2 Engineering ........................................ 1.2.3 Related Published Material ......................... ........ MAINTENANCE PLANNING................................... 1.3.1 Overall Programming and Economic Considerations Elements of the Maintenance Program ................ 1.3.2 2 SELECTION OF FENDER SYSTEMS AND CAMELS. .................. FENDW COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS ............................... 2.1.1 Fixed Fender Systems ............................... 2.1.2 Floating Fender Systems ............................ CAMEZS ...................................................... SELECTING A REPLACE?4ENT SYSTEM .............................. 3 INSPECTION GENERAL. ............................................... .................................................... 3.1.1 The Inspection Approach ............................ 3.1.2 Levels of Inspection ............................... Planning for Inspection 3.1.3 ............................ Rguipment and Tools ................................ 3.1.4 3.1.5 Documentation of Inspection ........................ References ......................................... 3.1.6 PERFORMING THE INSPRCTION ................................... INSPECTION OF TIMBW FENDER PILING .......................... INSPECTION OF CONCRJTI’E FENDER PILING ........................ INSPECTION OF STEEL FENDER PILING ........................... INSPECTION OF FOAM-FILLSD FENDWS ........................... INSPECTION OF TIMBER CAMELS ................................. INSPECTION OF STEEL FRAMED CAMELS ........................... INSPEXTION OF CAMELS USED TO FENDER SUBMARINES WITEI SPECIAL HULL TRRATMEwr ............................................ 4 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR.. ...................... THE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR APPROACH ......................... REFERENCES .................................................. WOOD AND TIMBER STRUCTURES .................................. 4.3.1 Preventive Maintenance For Wood And Timber ......... 4.3.2 Repairs To Timber Fender Piles And Camels .......... ......................................... CONCRETE STRUCTURES 4.4.1 Preventive Maintenance For Concrete ................ .................. 4.4.2 Repairs To Concrete Fender Piling vii l-l l-l l-l l-2 l-2 l-2 l-2 l-2 l-2 l-2 2-l 2-1 2-l 2-8 2-8 2-13 3-l 3-l 3-l 3-l 3-2 3-4 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-8 3-10 3-12 3-14 3-16 3-18 3-20 4-l 4-1 4-l 4-3 4-3 4-6 4-14 4-14 4-16 CONTENTS (Continued) Page 4.5 STEEL STRUCTURE%............................................ 4.5.1 Preventive Maintenance For Steel ................... 4.5.2 Repairs To Steel Fender Piles And Camels ........... SYNTBEX’ IC MATERIALS ......................................... 4.6.1 Preventive Maintenance For Synthetic Materials ..... Repairs To Synthetic Material Components ........... 4.6.2 4.6 REFERENCES APPENDIX ..................................................... A: SPECIFICATIONS Reference-l AND STANDARDS. ...................... GLOSSARY ....................................................... A-l Glossary-l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I................................... INDEX..... 4-28 4-29 4-31 4-42 4-42 4-43 Index-l LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-l 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 3-l 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 4-l 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 a-10 No. Title Wood and Timber Fender Systems ............................ Steel Pile Fender System .................................. Uses of Concrete Fender Piles ............................. Side-Loaded and End-Loaded Rubber Fenders ................. Typical Buckling Fenders .................................. Typical Fixed Pneumatic Fenders ........................... Timber Pile Cluster and Concrete Bearing Panel for FoamFilled Fenders .......................................... Log Camels ................................................ Deep Draft Submarine Separator ............................ Aircraft Carrier Camel .................................... Exposure Zones On Piling .................................. Typical Fender Piling Inspection Report Form .............. Typical Damage to Timber Fender Pile Systems .............. Typical Damage to Concrete Fender Pile Systems ............ Typical Damage to Steel Fender Pile Systems ............... Typical Damage to Foam-Filled Fenders ..................... Typical Damage to Timber Camels ........................... Typical Damage to Steel Framed Submarine Camels ........... Timber Pile Jacket ........................................ Rubbing Strip on Timber Fender Pile ....................... Repair by Splicing Timber Fender Pile ..................... Replacing Damaged Fender Pile With New Timber Piling ...... Typical Repairs to a Timber Camel ......................... Rub Strip on a Concrete Fender Pile ....................... Timber Jacket on a Concrete Pile .......................... General Steps to Concrete Repair .......................... ........... Typical Crack Repair with Epoxy Grout Injection ............... Repairs to Spalled Areas on Concrete Piling viii Page 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 3-4 3-7 3-9 3-11 3-13 3-15 3-17 3-19 4-5 4-5 4-9 4-11 4-13 4-16 4-16 4-21 4-23 4-25 CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Title No. Example 4-11 Systems 4-12 4-13 a-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 Designs For Page Replacement of Concrete Fender Pile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coating and Cathodic Protection for Steel Fender Piles.... Installing a Concrete Cap and Face on a Steel Sheet Piling Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Example Design For Replacement of Steel Fender Piling..... Typical Repairs to a Steel Framed Camel................... Repair of Tear in Reinforced Foam-Filled Fender Shell..... Repair of Reinforced Foam-Filled Fender Shell............. Preparing Tear in Unreinforced Foam-Filled Fender Shell for Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repair of Unreinforced Foam-Filled Fender Shell . . . . ..I.... 4-27 4-35 4-37 4-39 4-41 4-47 4-50 4-52 4-54 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-l 3-2 No. Title Page Capability of Each Level of Inspection for Damage to Fendering Systems ............ Production Rate for Surface and Underwater of Fixed Fender Piles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Detecting ................ Inspection ................ 3-3 3-3 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 GENERAL. This manual is a guide for the inspection, maintenance, and repair of waterfront fender and camel structures. It is a source of reference and technical accomplishment of maintenance and for planning, estimating, and may serve as a training manual for facilities maintenance repair work, This manual is an adjunct to reference 1, MO-104, Maintenance of personnel. Waterfront Facilities. guidance for typical maintenance and repair 1.1.1 Scope. This manual provides of waterfront fender systems and camels to retain them in continuous readiness for use by the Fleet and in support of military marine operations. The scope of maintenance and repairs accomplished shall be governed by present and planned future use of the facilities, their anticipated life, and the cost of The manual is organized to repair versus complete rebuilding or replacement. cover : MAINTENANCE PLANNING AND TYPES OF FACILITIES . Overview elements of the Manual, of maintenance . Overview of INSPECTION (Chapter typical maintenance planning. fender (Chapters policies, components and 1 and and systems basic and camels, 3) . Overview of documentation. . Guidance and checklists and foam-filled fenders. for inspection of timber, . Guidance camels. for inspection of timber inspection and checklists levels, methods, PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS (Chapter . Preventive . Descriptions and illustrations typical problems encountered . Guidance standards. The organizing, objectives, for easy the 2) maintenance for material measures for of with selection inspection chapter will guide and performing coordinating, and checklists illustrations, identification and reproduction. planning, and concrete, steel, and steel-framed 4) each repair fender along equipment type of methods systems with material. and techniques and camels. pertinent references for and the engineer, planner, and inspector in Individual inspection the inspection. are provided as stand-alone documents The maintenance and repair chapter is similarly organized engineering and maintenance personnel in planning, organizing, maintenance and repairs for fender systems and camel structures. l-l to guide and coordinating Each repair with the repair description on the left procedure is a stand-alone document, and the illustration on the right hand page. For many of the repair scenarios, problem definition and application constraints are also provided to guide the user in selecting the repair technique to match the problem to be corrected. 1.2 MAINTENANCE STANDARDS, POLICIES, AND CRITERIA The standards and criteria contained in this manual have been 1.2.1 Standards. developed by the Navy with the concurrence and approval of the Department of Compliance with these standards is mandatory in order that the mainDefense. tenance of waterfront facilities will be uniform, will adequately support the operational missions of the installations, and will permit interservice assistance and support, where possible, in the interest of efficiency and economy. The need for and accomplishment of major repairs and reha1.2.2 Engineering. bilitation of existing waterfront facilities will be based on experience, and engineering evaluation. When waterfront structures are in an judgment, the maintenance policies will be consistent with the anticipainactive status, ted future mission of the installation and in accordance with the inactivation The services of qualified technical personnel will be used to assist in plan. A glossary of waterfront the establishment of waterfront maintenance programs. terms is provided in the back of this manual. 1.2.3 Related Published Material. Reference to other published materials, which provide related or more extensive information on specific areas of inspection, maintenance, design, and construction, is made where appropriate throughout this manual. 1.3 MAINTENANCE PLANNING 1.3.1 Overall Programming and Economic Considerations. In maintenance planning and full consideration must be given to future expected use of each execution, and the life cycle cost of the life expectancy of the facility, facility, periodic repairs versus replacement of a facility or major components. The level of maintenance and programming of major repairs should be planned in consonance with the future requirement for the facility and planned replacement. The maintenance program shall be designed to include prevention of deterioration and damage, prompt detection of deficiencies, and early accomplishment of maintenance and repairs to prevent interruptions to operations or limiting full use of a facility. The primary goal of the maintenance program is to prevent facility A well planned and deficiencies from constraining the operating forces. executed program will keep each facility at full efficiency and minimize downtime. The Navy’s principal guide for maintenance management is Naval NAVFAC MO-104 Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) MO-321 (reference 2). (reference 1) provides maintenance management guidance for waterfront structures. 1.3.2 Elements of the Maintenance Program Inspection. Continuous, rigorous inspections are necessary for an effecNAWAC MO-322 (reference 3) contains guidelines for tive maintenance program. The use of guides, check-off inspection and preventive maintenance programs. l-2 systems and record forms, reports, inspections typical to waterfront is integral systems an fender part of inspection. and camels are: Types . Operator performed basis. . Controlled inspection consisting of the major scheduled examination of all components and systems on a periodic basis to determine and document the condition of the fender systems and to generate major work requirements. inspection by port It is recommended sic fender systems and certain circumstances, typhoons, heavy quakes, be made from the pier, consisting of examination services and public works of and minor adjustment personnel on a continuous that controlled inspections be made annually of all bacamels. Additional inspections will be necessary under such as severe storms, high tides, tidal waves, earthfreezes, and high impact berthings. Inspections may from a boat or float, or below the waterline by divers. 1.3.2 2 Maintenance. Maintenance is the recurrent day-to-day, periodic, or scheduled work that is required to preserve or restore a facility to such a condition that it can be effectively utilized for its designed purpose. It includes work undertaken to prevent damage to or deterioration of a facility that otherwise would be more costly to restore. The more common concerns in maintenance of fender systems and camels are: . Painting . Repair and replacement ships and the pier. . Protection . Patching and protective of piling and repair coating. of at of fender the components to prevent damage to waterline. concrete spalls and cracks. Repair is the restoration of a facility to such 1.3 2 3 Repair and Reconstruction. The a condition that it can be effectively utilized for its designed purpose. or replacement of constituent repair is accomplished by overhaul, reprocessing, parts or materials that have deteriorated by action of the elements or usage Repair can be incorporated and have not been corrected through maintenance. The more common repair projects are: in a concurrent modernization program. . Replacement/reconstruction materials. of fender systems matching . Replacement/reconstruction materials and designs. of fender systems using . Replacement/restoration NAVFAC design manuals, replacement systems. of resistant to marine alternative camels. references 1.3 2 4 Control of Destructive Marine Organisms materials existing organisms 4 and 5, provide Control begins when waterfront l-3 guidance with the structures for design use of and other of harbor facilities are designed and constructed. The control is a continuing requirement involving all known corrective measures and providing effective countermeasures to inhibit the growth of destructive organisms in waterfront NAVFAC MO-104 (reference 1) provides more detailed descriptions facilities. of the destructive marine organisms and treatment methods. A strong maintenance management program is essential for Documentation. providing adequate cost effective solutions to waterfront facilities problems. At the heart of this management program is good record keeping including the following: . System fender . Envrronmental . Berthing data including and frequency of ments, . Maintenance and repair and frequency extent, design system data including properties of materials and original load calculations. or camel, data including of current, wind, and type and class of ships, arrivals and departures. history for damage. the facility the planner will be able With these records, or update berthing and frequency of damage; confirm lations in accordance with reference 4; and select constdered rn the maintenance and repalr decision. 1-4 used tidal in the ranges. nesting require- including type, to analyze the type, extent, and mooring force calcuthe alternatives to be CHAPTER 2. SELECTION OF FENDER SYSTEMS AND CAMELS The question of repair versus replacement is a continuing decision in the management of fender system and camel maintenance. As long as the component parts can be adequately repaired without excessive cost, frequency of repair system or camel should be kept in use. the existing fender and berth downtime, is that repair does not decrease the effectiveness A prime consideration, also, and capacity of the system. When replacement becomes necessary or cost there is an opportunity to improve existing berthing facilities by effective, replacing obsolete and high maintenance systems. The basic considerations in selecting a replacement fender system are: . Compatibility . Effectiveness in and environmental protecting conditions. . Initial cycle . Life expectancy. . Pier out-of-service Fleet l with and life the pier/wharf the configuration. ship and pier under local berthing costs. time required for installation. acceptance. This chapter summarizes the major types of fenders Additional guidance for selecting a replacement type. ance may be found in Military Handbook MIL-HDBK-1025/l, (reference 4), on types of fender systems, evaluation design. and camels, and provides information and guidPiers and Wharves of alternatives, and 2.1 FENDER COMPONENTS AND SYSTEMS 2.1.1 Fixed Fender Systems. type on a. Fender Pile Systems. This type of system has been the conventional timber pile systems have been used most frequently Navy piers. Over the years, prestressed concrete fender piles Precast, and steel fender piles less often. The fender piles usually have a chock and wale are beginning to be utilized. Figures 2-1, 2-2 and 2-3 system and may be used with rubber fender units. Fender pile systems are show systems using timber, steel, and concrete piles. also utilized in combination with other types of systems, such as floating fender stations. b. Directly-Mounted Fender Units. most of which are is available, Most of these units wharf face. ships and a small tidal range. figures 2-4, 2-5, and 2-6: . . . End-loaded rubber fenders Side-loaded rubber fenders Fixed pneumatic fenders A variety of commercial fendering products designed for direct mounting on the pier or are applicable for a narrow size range of The more frequently used types are shown in . . 2-l Rubber shear fenders Buckling fenders WOOD AND TIMBER FENDER SYSTEMS WALE, CHOCK, 1” fi BOLTS & WASHER I \ W/NU (TYP ) SINGLE TIMBER PILE TREATED FENDER SECTION I FACE TIMBER OF PIER OR WHARF, PILES / PLAN D 0 I +-t-l3 I ELEVATION Figure 2-l. Wood and Timber Fender Systems. 2-2 TIMBER PILES I STEEL FENDER SYSTEM TOP WALE n TOP WALE / += ‘LOWER WALE 5/a d CHAIN - TYP w \ FENDER PILES CONCRETE BLOCK - TYP.\ I I I IS’-(J” TYP III-I 8,-o” -. TYP ELEVATION SECTION Figure 2-2. Steel Pile Fender System. 2-3 TYP II 4 - CONCRETE FENDER PILES CONVENTIONAL u”’ <OA;FILLED PILING FENDER Figure 2-3. Uses of Concrete Fender Piles. 2-4 HOLLOW RU86ER PANEL- (A ) END-LOADED CROSS RUBBER SECTION FENDERS - UNLOADED A A / A CROSS I 6 I SECTION SIDE-LOADED n / - LOADED RU8BER FENDERS Figure 2-4. Side-Loaded and End-Loaded Rubber Fenders. 2-5 BUCKLING FENDER 1 / PROTECTOR CELL TYPE PANEL PROTECTOR PANEL CIRCLE TYPE IA) CIRCULAR SHAPE FENDER \ PROTECTOR PANEL F PI TYPE TYPE HEXAGON TYPE (Bt LONGITUDINAL SHAPE .) Figure 2-5. Typical Buckling Fenders. 2-6 I FIXED PNEUMATIC I RUBBER CAP OUTER RUBBER CORD INNER .. LAYERS RUBBER AIR BLOCK FENDER , ROLLER \ INNER RUBBER CORD LAYERS OUTER 1 RUBBER A~RCUSHIONF~. . Figure 2-6. Typical Fixed Pneumatic Fenders. 2-7 ,_ I _. 2.1.2 Floating Fender Systems. Foam-filled and pneumatic fenders are used in various types of fendering configurations. Foam-filled fenders are becoming more common in Navy ports both in replacement systems and on new piers and Figures 2-3 and 2-7 illustrate typical installations. wharves. a. Foam-Filled Fenders. The foam-filled fender consists of an elastomer shell filled with closed-cell polyethylene foam. AS a load is initially applied to it begins to deform, the external shell, transferring the load to the foam There are two types of foam fenders: net and netless. f llllng. The netless fender has a built-in end fitting for attaching the fender, while the net has an external rigging consisting of a chain and tire net. fender The netless fenders have thicker urethane skins and tend to cost more than the net fenders. the greater hull marking caused by the net fender due to the soft However, and maintenance and replacement of the chain and tire net, rubber of the tires, make the netless fender the preferred choice. Early concerns were related to possible skin puncture and tears of the netless fender due to hull protrusions. Such problems have not materialized with either the unreinforced cast or spray relnforced style fender. selecting a foam fender for a particular application, consideration be given to energy absorption requirements, bearing surface size, allowable ship hull pressure, stand-off distance, ease of repair, and standard For many Navy applications, manufactured sizes. the 7-foot diameter by ll-foot long fender IS well suited. Because foam fenders do not bridge the ship’s hull pressure 1s more of a consideration. str lngers, In should b Pneumatic Fenders Pneumatic floating fenders employ the elastic behaglor of air under compression to absorb energy. As a load is applied, the shell 1s The rubber shell of the pneudeformed and the entrapped air is compressed. conforms to the surface of the vessel hull and matic fender contains the air, and resists abrasion and tensile stresses that result berthing structure, Medium and large units are equipped with relief during normal operation. Pneumatic fenders are currently being used by the Navy as camels valves. With proper sizing and the provision of a bearing between nested ships. they also can be used for pier to ship fendering. surface, 2.2 CAMELS. The basic types of camels are as follows: 18 inches in diameter and larger, are chained to logs, a. Log Camels. Single and provide essentially a rubthe pier or fender system, float with the tide, A built-up log camel may be constructed of several bing surface for the ship. See figure 2-8. logs tied together. of several large timbers connected together b. Timber Camels. These consist Foam flotation units may be by struts and cross braces to form a large crib. Wear causes bolt heads to inserted between the timbers for a higher freeboard. become exposed and cause damage to hulls. These c. Steel Pontoon Camels and Separators. drical steel pontoons connected by structural fendering are also used as camels. Timber figurations and figure are made of cubical or cyllnSteel barges with framing. and steel framed camels may be combination types Figure 2-9 shows a typical of flotation units. 2-10 one type of aircraft carrier camel. 2-8 with various consubmarine separator CONCRETE OR STEEL PILE ITYP FOAM L rtNOIn nhm FILLED PILES FENDER AS REQUIRED 1 ClC8 n WILE PLAN AS REOUIRED 4 FOAM I I h !\ I I FILLED FENDER =I I I I /I 1 I I I IL 7 TE ELEVATION Figure 2-7. Timber Pile Cluster and Concrete Bearing Panel for Foam-Filled Fenders. ) CHAIN LENGTH --c t+ I’-0” lS-O--&j TO c 4TO36lNCH /CLUMP FASTENED DECK VARIES RECESS TIMBER FOR CHAIN WEIGHT ELEVATION END (A) SINGLE-LOG VIEW CAMEL 3,-O” DIAMETER LOG CAMEL (6) BUILT-UP LOG CAMEL .- Figure 2-8. Log Camels. 2-10 BUILT-UP RtJf3OER FENOERS CLOSED PLAN ENDS OF TOP D i n I D SIDE ELEVATION --TIMBER t -a I END ELEVATION Figure 2-9. Deep Draft Submarine Separator. WALE STEEL FRAMED CAMEL 2’43 4 *-< 64,-O” 20’-0” 20’-(Y’ 5 20”-0 w4 2’4” e-- /FENDER RUBBER (TYP) WIDE FLANGE BEAM (TYP) n b .’ r. ,I\\ -- I/ I” Y FLOTATION CHAMBERS -e \/ \/ \/ ‘1 4J f PLAN FLOTATION CHAMBERS SECTION Figure 2-10. Aircraft Carrier Camel. 2-12 2.3 SELECTING A REPLACEMENT SYSTEM. are The goals in replacing a fendering system to: c . Provide . Decrease maintenance . Decrease berth downtime . Increase fender system improved protection and to berthed repair due to ships and the pier. costs. damaged fenders. life. The primary goal is to provide safe, reliable support to the ships. Berth including adequate capacity of the system, should be the foreavailability, Systems that require constant replacement of fender piles most consideration. and repairs to other components are not only a burden on station operation and but incur Fleet operational costs in berth downtime, maintenance resources, and transfer of ships to other berths. delays in berthing, life cycle cost should govern the type Second to safety and availability, inspection and repair records, with In this regard, of fendering system used. Absence of proper records may lead to repetiassociated costs, are critical. The steps involved in tious repairs of systems that should be replaced. selecting a replacement system are as follows: a. Analyze possible systems in meeting berthing requirements. ship hull pressure, soil forces, b. Select C. For - two or each alternative estimate estimate develop Prepare d. alternatives. e. Estimate f. Analyze more for practical Consider conditions, promising installation and effectiveness ship mix, berthing and mooring ease of driving piles, etc. alternative systems for comparison. system: initial cost life expectancy life cycle costs a comparative life cycle See NAVFAC P-442 (reference berth/pier potential downtime Fleet cost present 6). required acceptance Assess the risk of damage to a ship g* accidental overloading of the fender system. for of or each the value analysis of the installation. system. pier in the event of can be made by a comparison of the elements of cost, The selection, then, interruption to pier operations, and the Fleet acceptance, expected life, For complex comparisons of several alternatives, assessment of risk of damage. relative percenIn this case, a weighted scoring methodology may be useful. tages of importance must be assigned to each element compared, and each element for each alternative fender system is assigned a score based on the analyses performed. 2-13 CHAPTER 3. INSPECTION 3.1 GENERAL. 3.1.1 The Inspection Approach. An aggressive inspection program of fender systems, camels, and separators is essential to minimize or eliminate damage to ships and pier structures. The inspection program should consist of both operator inspection and feedback during port services operations, and scheduled faciliTimely response to reports of fender or camel damage is ties inspections. and the inspection should produce the following information: essential, INITIAL INSPECTION a. facility numbers. Identification including b. Estimate C. Assessment and description locations for pier of the of extent of berthing of all damage and deterioration of fender piles, and camel or separator the damage and deterioration. schedule requirements, if fender systems are involved. a. ment, Identification of any and materials personnel, e. future in Documentation inspections), problems associated with mobilization to accomplish repairs/maintenance. of types and extent of marine growth (to as well as damage caused by its presence. Information f. planning future for the data inspections. base of waterfront of help facilities equip- plan and to assist INSPECTION ASSESSMENT Assessment gcapacities of the of general physical in-water structures h. Assurance to be berthed. that 1. j. derivation k. Recommendations Budgetary of the Estimate the fender for estimates estimates. of expected Recommendations 1. inspections. for 3.1.2 Levels of Inspection. Three ing marine condition including projected of each facility inspected. system was designed required maintenance of of costs life of types levels repair loads of ships (M&R). examples of the facility. and frequencies basic handle M&R, including this each and to load of of inspection future underwater are used for inspect- facilities: a. Level I - General Visual Inspection. cleaning inspection. of structural elements The purpose of the This type of inspection involves no and is the most rapid of the three types Level I inspection is to confirm as-built 3-l of structural obvious exposed plans, provide initial damage due to overstress, biological attack. input for an inspection strategy, and detect impacts, severe corrosion, or extensive b. Level II - Close-Up Visual Inspection. This level is to detect and identify damaged/deteriorated areas which may be hidden by surface biofouling or deterloration and to obtain a limited amount of deterioration measurements. The data obtained should be sufficient to enable gross estimates of facility usability. Level II examinatrons will often require cleaning of structural Since cleaning is time consuming, it is generally restricted to elements. areas that are critical or which may be representative of the entire structure. The amount and thoroughness of cleaning performed is governed by that necessary to determine the general condition of the facility. c. Level III - Highly Detailed Examination. This level will normally be confined to underwater inspections, and may require the use of non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques. It may also require the use of partially destructive techniques such as core samplrng rnto concrete and wood structures, physical or surface hardness testing. This type of evaluatron material samplrng, detects hidden or interior damage, loss in cross-sectional area, and material homo-qenelty. A Level III examination will usually require prior cleaning. The use of NDT techniques are limited to key structural areas, areas that may or to structural members which are representative of the underwater be suspect, Level III inspections will require more experience and training structure. than Level I or Level II inspections, and should be accomplrshed by qualified engineering or nondestructive testing personnel. The Level III inspection may seldom be applicable to further lnformatron on Level is generally reserved fender piling or camels. III inspections. for structural See reference piling 1 for and 3 1.3 Planning for Inspection. able with the Level estimating the time taken from references Table 3-1 lists the types of damage that are detectI and Level II inspections. Table 3-2 provides a guide for The inspectron times were to perform these inspections. 1 and 7. Level I Inspections. Level I inspections should normally be performed every 12 months by walking on the pier, camel or separator, and by using a small boat to inspect at the waterline. Recommended frequencies for inspecting camels used with submarines having Special Hull Treatment (SHT) are given in paragraph 3.9. A Level I inspection should also be scheduled upon notification of damage Underwater inspections of prestressed concrete to a fender system or camel. or steel fender piles, or major timber pile clusters, may be scheduled concurrently with the underwater inspection of the pier structural support piling. The decision to perform an underwater inspection will depend upon the life expectancy of the fender or camel system. See reference 1 for inspection planning requirements. 3-2 Table 3-1. Capability of Each Level of Inspection for Detecting Damage to Fendering Systems. Detectable Major spalling and cracking Extensive corrosron Defects Major marrne fungus. Severe Surface cracking and crumb- Rust staining Chemical fenders, Permanent foam-filled External pile diameter reductron due to marine borers borer set r in aers Damaged connectors and hardware abrasion Splintered attack Cracks or tears in rubber fenders or elastomer shells Broken piles, vales nr -)---I mechanical mechanlcal of wood borers, losses due to rot or Stress cracking Punctures in rubber fenders, elastomer shells and fiberglass flotation chambers piling, Worn areas and Table 3-2. Production Rate for Surface and Underwater Inspection of Fixed Fender Piles. Inspection Structural 12-in 12-in Time Per Structural Element (minutes) Level I Level II Surface U/W Surface U/W Element steel H-pile concrete square diameter timber 2 2 2 pile pile 3-3 5 4 4 15 12 10 30 25 20 1 Level II Inspections. Level II inspections should be planned as follows: a. Fixed Steel, Concrete or Timber Fender Piles. Based upon data received from the Level I inspection, a Level II inspection may be scheduled taking into account the life expectancy of the fender pile system and the operational requirements of the pier berth. Most Level II inspections will be made from a boat at mean low water (MLW) inspecting above the waterline, including the splash and tidal zones (figure 3-l). If underwater Level II inspections are they should be scheduled required, concurrently with the inspection of pier support piling. See reference 1. b. Foam-Filled Fenders. A Level ATMOSPHERIC ZONE SPLASH TIDAL ZONE ZONE II inspection will only be performed when a Level I inspection indicates a problem with the fender necessitating its removal from the water for repair. RecordkeepIng for foam-filled fenders IS very Important. In this regard, the fenders should be treated as an item of high-cost equipment rather than an Each appurtenance to a fixed facility. fender should have a unique identification number with a history record that includes date of procurement, manufacturer, fender was put into service, and berth location I I SUBMERGED ZONE --se9LL i.. Figure 3-1. Exposure Zones On Piling. if date of installation or when permanently installed. c. Camels and Separators. A Level II inspection will be performed with the camel or separator out of the water. The inspection shall be scheduled, at a minimum, every three years. More frequent inspections will be required if advanced deterioration is noted during Level I inspections or if partial sinking occurs. See 3.9 concerning camels/separators used to fender submarines with SHT. Prior to starting the Level II inspection, all available information about the facility should be collected, including prior maintenance and inspection records, facility drawings, general background information about the existing conditions of the facility and usage. A suitable scheme should also be devised for designating individual piles or pile clusters, camels and separators. Because camels and separators are relocated, identification numbers should be made a permanent part of the structures. 3.1.4 Equipment and Tools Surface Cleaning. the structure and scrapers To perform a thorough inspection, the marine growth on must be removed. For small sample areas, wire brushes, probes, may be adequate. For larger areas or more detailed inspections 3-4 a hydraulic grinder with barnacle buster underwater, exercising care pressure water jet gun may be used, preservative-treated layers of timber or deteriorating Inspection. Inspection tools and equipment attachment, to prevent surfaces or highdamage to the of concrete. include: a. Hand-held tools such as flashlight, ruler, and tape measure for documenhammers or pick-axes for performing soundings of the structural ting areas: and scales for determining thicknesses of steel flanges, member ; calipers increment borer and T-handles for extracting core samples webs, and plates: and chipping tools for prodding the surface of the concrete to from timbers; determine the depth of deterioration. b. Mechanical devices including a Schmidt test hammer surface hardness and rotary coring equipment for taking concrete structures. for measuring core samples concrete from Recorditlg. Recording tools and equipment are required to provide Ie 1 Simple tr -y sucn as complete documentation of the condition of the structure. and cassette recorder provide the basic rlv: .cion tools. clipboard, forms, --L coIor still-frame --- be CL* - ‘q-= ---‘___ More in depth document-‘* closed-circuit television. For special underwater dhc,-. GoA0r viaeo, inspection requirements, see reference 1. For the information to be useful, documentation 3.1.5 Documentation of Inspection. must be clear and concise and in accordance with generally understood termiInspection forms should be filled out as the inspection progresses, nology. and reports completed soon after the inspection. Standard forms and report formats facilitate documentation and are essential for comparing the results Figure 3-2 is an of the present inspection with past and future inspections. Similar inspection forms example of an inspection form for fender piling. should be developed and used for camels and foam-filled fenders, ensuring that each camel and fender is numbered for identification purposes. visual inspection should be documented with still photoWhen appropriate, Still photography provides the necessary graphy and closed-circuit television. high definition required for detailed analysis, while video, although having a less sharp image, provides a continuous view of the inspection. All photographs should be numbered and labeled with a brief description of the subject. A slate or other designation identifying the subject should appear in the Video tapes should be provided with a title and lead-in describing photograph. The description should include the method of inspection what is on the tape. used, the nature and size of the structure being inspected, and any other pertinent information. References 3.1.6 References. planning factors outlined in used to develop this chapter are inspection as follows: . NAVFAC MO-104, Maintenance of Waterfront Facilities Engineering Command, Alexandria, . NAVFAC MO-322, Inspection of Shore Facilities, VA, July 1977 Engineering Command, Alexandria, 3-5 procedures Facilities, Naval VA (reference 1). Naval Facilities (reference 3). and . NCEL TM-43-85-01 O&M, LJCT Conventional Inspection and Repair Techniques Manual, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, October (reference 7). 3.2 PERFORMING THE INSPECTION. and Level II inspection . Timber . Concrete . Steel . Foam-filled . Timber . Steel fender pile fender fender procedures for: that follow cover Level I systems. pile pile systems. systems. fenders. camels framed The requirements 1984 and camels The basic approach potential problem areas areas at an early stage. separators. and separators. taken in the inspection and recommend maintenance procedures practices is to identify to detect problem Inspection procedures for buckling fenders and fixed and floating General inspection of pneumatic fenders are not presented in this manual. these type systems is similar to the fixed rubber fender systems and foamIt is recommended that the manufacturer be contacted for more filled fenders. detailed inspection procedures if these systems are employed. 3-6 I t NDER f’l 1 I NG LOCAI ION PIER NAMf/IACll I NSI’I(: I I ON RI COf<I) IIA I F IIY NO. I’II 0 I’ItR SI OF . lOCArlO\ FROM (ULNr) 10 ING I NSPEC MAItRIAI r umber 0 1YPK stcc~ 0 IOR CONSIRUCT I ON I((? , II I‘ cor~c:rete PI 1-L CONDI I ION (NO. ) RlJt3l3lNC t.41~ R 5r NO UAMAGL SIf<l PS WA& k,:,::’ Figure 3-2. Typical Fender Piling Inspe’ COMMf rt Form. N 1 S. 3.3 INSPECTION OF TIMBER FENDER PILING LEVEL I INSPECTION 1. Check wales horizontal and chocks. and vertical alignment 2. and chocks Check piling, wales, abrasion (figure 3-3). 3. Check cables 4. Check for connectors, 5. Visually marine pile clusters (or dolphins) and cable connectors. corroded, loose, and hardware, broken, including for of missing for piles, or broken, pile broken worn or missing rubbing bolts and chains. examine piling, wales, and chocks borer damage (figure 3-3). for rot, clusters, members, or or corroded strips, fungi, and/or LEVEL II INSPECTION Note : A Level I inspection of mechanical damage requiring a Level II at the should have been conducted or marine or rot, fungus, inspection. splash/tidal to identify areas borer infestation 1. Start 2. Clear a section of the structure of all marine growth and This is usually visually inspect it for surface deterioration. done at spot locations rather than cleaning the entire structure. 3. Sound the thin-pointed 4. take a small boring for laboratory If an area is in question, Place a creosote treated analysis using an increment borer. in the hole to prevent easy access for marine borer entry. cleaned tool area such zone. with a hammer and carefully as an icepick. of the growth, structure as well probe with 5. Sound other areas is minimal marine icepick. 6. Record visual observations such as presence of marine borers, losses of cross-sectional area, organism-caused deterioration, location and extent of damage, alignment problems, and condition Use calipers and scales as required. of fastenings. a plug with a hammer wherever there as probing carefully with an I TIMBER PILES TYPICAL ABRASION DAMAGE I tu t I TYPICAL MECHANICAL DAMAGE TO FENDER PILING I MHW -WOOD DESTROY ED UPPER WALE AND CHOCKS MLW LOWER WALE AND CHOCKS FASTENING BE LOOSE MAY ‘WOOD DESTROYED FUNGI DAMAGE . . EXTERNAL (LIMNORIA) 49 TYPICAL BORER MARINE DAMAGE *- -INTERNAL (TEREDO/BANKIAI Figure 3-3. Typical Damage to Timber Fender Pile Systems. 3-9 3.4 INSPECTION OF CONCRETE FENDER PILING LEVEL I INSPECTION 1. Check horizontal panels. and vertical alignment 2. and panels Check piling, wales, cracks and spalling of concrete, reinforcing steel (figure 3-4). 3. Visually chains) 4 Check rubber ing, punctures 5. Visually strips for damaged rust stains, inspect connecting hardware for looseness or damage. (if fenders (if or tears. inspect used). for for used) worn, of loose, (steel piles, or wales and broken members, and exposed angles, bolts, signs of permanent broken or missing set, and crack- rubbing LEVEL II INSPECTION Note: A Level I inspection of mechanical damage inspection. the structure should have been or deterioration the 2. Clear a section growth. 3. Visually pieces forcing 4. Sound the cleaned area with a hammer to detect any loose layers of concrete or hollow spots in the pile or structure. A sharp ringing noise indicates sound concrete. A soft surface will be detected, not only by a sound change, but also by a change in the A thud or hollow sound indirebound, or feel, of the hammer. cates a delaminated layer of concrete, most likely from corrosion of steel reinforcement. 5. Dependent upon the life expectancy of the fendering systems, more sophisicated mechanical methods are available to test for quality and soundness of the concrete members. They include the Schmidt test hammers and core sampling. See reference 1 for more details. 24 inches inspect this area for cracks caused by spalling or mechanical steel. 3-10 splash/tidal areas Inspect 18 to in to identify a Level II 1. about beginning conducted requiring in length with rust damage, zone. of all marine stain, broken and exposed rein- 29 iEXPDSED STEEL HAIRLINE CIRCUMFEREN CRACKS FREEZE-THAW TIAL CYCLE c MUDLINE OVERLOAD DAMAGE I . . INTERNAL FREEZING , MHW . LONGITUDINAL/’ ABRASION DAMAGE , MUDLINE c Figure 3-4. Typical Damage to Concrete 3-11 Fender Pile Systems. REINFORCINt 3.5 INSPECTION OF STEEL FENDER PILING LEVEL I INSPECTION 1. Check horizontal and 2. Inspect erosion) 3. Check for 4. Sound hollow the surface areas. 5. Visually inspect of looseness or 6. Check rubber fenders cracking, punctures vertical alignment for loss of and cathodic protective protection structural damage, with piles, wales and coating (peeling, blistering anodes, if used. scale rust, a hammer connecting damage. of to detect hardware (if used) or tears. and holes for any (bolts signs permanent 3-5). steel and chains) of and (figure scaled chocks. for or signs set, LEVEL II INSPECTION Note: A Level I inspection of mechanical damage the inspection 2 feet below should have or corrosion conducted to requiring a Level identify areas II inspection. been 1. Start about 2. Clean all visually 3. If the structure has a cathodic protection system, check the cleared area with an underwater voltmeter to determine its effectiveness (underwater inspection only). Acceptable levels of -0.80 to -0.90 volt when compared cathodic protection are between to a silver/silver chloride reference cell. 4. Sound hollow 5. Record other ing, blistering, 6. Record 7. Record the extent other significant mine thickness of 8. Check marine inspect the surface areas. the visual at the splash/tidal MLW, if underwater growth from a l-foot square for rust, scale, and holes. with a hammer of section to detect any such as coating observations, erosion). condition thoroughly zone and at a depth inspection is planned. cathodic protection scaled system and type of corrosion, structural observations, using calipers and webs and plates. steel flanges, all connecting hardware 3-12 of and welds. of pile steel condition and or (peel- anodes. damage, or any scales to deter- 1 STEEL PILES ADVANCED CORROSION IN STEEL H-PILE GENERAL DETERIORATION SPLASH ZONE HOLES IN FLANGES IN & WEB WALE :.: . . . :.... :. . _,i .. .f’.. . . .. :. . . .. .. . ::’ ..: .:.y:‘.. .. . :. . I . . . ::., . . I . . . . . .,. . .: . : ..: . . .. . . .‘: . .j . PILE DEFLECTED . . . ..... . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .., . . .: .:._ . i . .. L Figure 3-5. Typical Damage to Steel Fender Pile Systems. 3-13 . : : ..t .. .; . . . . . . . : i. . : . . . . . . A.... . 1. . . . .I t 5. :.. . . I . : . . ; 3.6 INSPECTION OF FOAM-FILLED FENDERS LEVEL I INSPECTION 1. Inspect condition of the fender-to-pier connection hardware (figure 3-6). Check for operability~and signs of corrosion. Check to ensure that the fender is constrained horizontally so that it contacts the bearing surface for its full length. Ensure that the fender is free to float with the tide vertically and rotate around its long axis. 2. Visually inspect condition of the fender chain and tire net for net fenders. Check to see that the chain is symmetrical on the fender and that the end fittings are in good working order. Ensure that the chains are protected from the ship hull by the tires, and that the net is not loose. 3. Visually inspect condition of end fittings on netless fenders. Check to see that the fittings are in good working order and corrosion is minimal. Check to see that the fender shell is cracked or separated around end fittings (figure 3-6). 4. Inspect tears, sketch condition of and punctures. (figure 3-6). the fender elastomer shell. Record the size and location 5. Measure or estimate the diameter point to record permanent set. of the fender at that not Check for cuts, of damage on a its smallest LEVEL II INSPECTION Note: Level II inspections tion indicates that for repairs. will be performed only when a Level I inspecthe fender needs to be removed from service 1. Provide detailed inspection of fender tears and punctures. Record the size 2. Provide detailed 3. Inspect chain, 4. Measure the diameter permanent set. inspection tires of end fittings and connectors of the elastomer shell and location of fender 3-14 on net at its for cuts, damage. on netless fenders. fenders. smallest point to record I C PERMANENT FOAM-FILLED FENDERS SET END FITTING :-I) TYPICAL .. -I : . CHEMICAL OR STEAM DAMAGE TEAR I t. :: Figure 3-6. Typical Damage to Foam-Filled 3-15 Fenders. 3.7 INSPECTION OF TIMBER CAMELS LEVEL I INSPECTION 1. Check freeboard 2. Visually damaged, 3. Visually fungus 4. Inspect all visible etc.) for signs of inspect broken examine damage. and levelness of camel. timber members, spacers, or missing members (figure decking and hardware looseness, upper decking, 3-7). framing connectors damage or for (bolts, corrosion and signs of angles, (figure fenders rot for or chains, 3-7). LEVEL II INSPECTION Note : The Level II inspection will be accomplished out three years or when a Level I inspection indicates needs to be removed from service for maintenance water every that the camel and repair. 1. Clean the camel of all surface deterioration. a hammer and carefully icepick. 2. If similar areas are in question, take a representative boring from one of the members for laboratory analysis increment borer. Place a creosote treated plug in the prevent easy access for marine borer entry. 3. Inspect foam, if used ation or decomposition 4. Provide 5. Record visual observations such as presence of marine borers, losses of cross-section areas of members, organism-caused deterlocation and extent of structural damage, alignment iorat ion, problems, and condition of fasteners. detailed marine Spot probe of growth and visually inspect it for check by sounding the structure with with a thin-pointed tool such as an for buoyancy, from oil or inspection of all 3-16 small using an hole to to look for signs of deteriorother substances in the water. hardware fasteners. TIMBER CAMEL I SJDE ELEVATION ABRASION, WEAR AND BROKEN SIDE FENDERS , OPTIONAL FENDERING Figure 3-7. Typical Damage to Timber Camels. 3-17 3.8 INSPECTION OF STEEL FRAMED CAMELS LEVEL I INSPECTION 1. Check freeboard and levelness of 2. Inspect for loss of protective coating (peeling, blistering erosion) on the steel and cathodic protection system anodes, used (figure 3-8). 3. Check for structural 4. Check for damaged, 5. Visually inspect or rot, fungus, 6. Check tures 7. Check for loose, chains, shackles, damage, rusted camel. rust, or scale broken and welds for signs 3-8). damaged etc.). or of set, hardware 3-8). 3-8). and fender 3-8). permanent missing (figure (figure wood decking, stringers, mechanical damage (figure rubber fendering or tears (figure holes and if strips for cracking, fasteners punc- (bolts, LEVEL II INSPECTION Note: A Level II inspection will be accomplished years or when a Level I inspection indicates to be removed from service for maintenance 1. Clean camel all marine and visually growth, loose inspect for paint, surface 2. Sound tanks, steel the surface of the structural angles, channels and welds or hollow areas. of water every 3 that the camel needs and repair. scale and rust deterioration. members, steel with a hammer to 3. Inspect fiberglass posed fiberglass, 4. Record all visual ing, blistering, system anodes. 5. Record the extent other significant determine thickness 6. Inspect chains, record condition turnbuckles. of all fasteners 7. Inspect and record condition set, punctures and tears. of all rubber and and out flotation tanks and punctures. (if observations including erosion) and condition and type of corrosion, observations, using of steel flanges, 3-18 used) for from the flotation detect scaled abrasions, ex- coating condition (peelof cathodic protection structural damage, or calipers and scales to webs, angles and plates. including fendering bolts, for permanent I t !I I \ I TIMBER WALE 10 37 I/2’ Figure 3-8. Typical Damage to Steel Framed Submarine Camels. 3-19 3.9 INSPECTION OF CAMELS USED TO FENDER SUBMARINES WITH SPECIAL HULL Hull Treatment (SHT) installed on certain submarines TREATMENT. Special Accordingly, the camels/ to prevent damage. submarines with SHT should be inspected more in a condition that will ensure no damage is done are recommended inspection frequencies and special requires careful protection separators used to fender frequently and maintained The following to the SHT. attention items. INSPECTION OPERATOR INSPECTION LEVEL I - In LEVEL II - In water water - Out of water TOTAL ASSESSMENT - Out During FREQUENCY LEVEL inspections, give or of by divers water special attention to . . Prior to berthing Quarterly . . . After submarine After relocation Semi-Annually . . When camel Annually . Biennially the following: departure of camel is damaged wear, damage . Protruding . Any . Rubber fender, or other contact loose or missing fasteners. . Securing missing . Timber: ensure that NO wood or wooden rubbing strips come in Check for missing or broken members, contact with the ship’s hull. excessive wear, external decay, attack by marine borers, lack of excessive splitting or deflection, deterioration exceeding buoyancy, 40 percent of cross-sectional area. . Steel sion, shell . item Marine bolts. that could damage chains, lines, parts: excessive the fittings wear, SHT. surface: excessive and hardware: and corrosion. broken, loose, or mechanical damage, excessive wear, corropipes and tanks: lack of paint, up to 40 percent reduction lack of buoyancy, thickness. growth: barnacles and crustaceans 3-20 that could damage the in SHT. CHAPTER 4. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 4.1 THE MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR APPROACH. Proper select ion of materials and taking into account operational requirements and modern component designs, is absolutely essential in order to provide cost effective and technology, reliable waterfront fendering and cameling systems to support today’s ship The concept of disposable timber fender piling and berthing requirements. rigid pontoon camels may not only be expensive in the long run but may also invite extensive damage to either the ship or the pier superstructure and support systems. The first step in any maintenance and repair decision must be to evaluate , operational requirements, and total life cycle current design technologies Many integrated systems discussed in chapter 2 are now being placed costs. into service with very cost-effective and operationally reliable results. Once an optimum design that meets operational requirements has been identified, preventive maintenance measures including wood preservatives, coatings, cathodic protection, and/or selection of alloys and special concrete mixtures, synthetic materials need to be adopted to aid in extending the life of the materials and structures. When the facility is placed into service, an aggressive repair program becomes essential if continued usage of the facility is planned and if escalatPostponing the repairs can lead to more ing repair costs are to be avoided. costly replacement or possible downgrading of the operational capabilities of the facility. The selection elements: of repair method to be used must . Facility . Extent . Estimated life expectancy with and without . Projected load capacities with or . Problems materials associated with mobilization of to accomplish repairs/maintenance. . Economic trade-offs. 4.2 REFERENCES. planning factors ing documents: . mission of and damage and Material outlined NAVFAC MO-104, ties Engineering required consider the following life. deterioration. used to develop in this chapter Maintenance Command, without repairs. repairs. equipment, maintenance were taken, and and repair techniques and in part, from the follow- of Waterfront Facilities, Alexandria, VA (reference 4-l personnel, Naval 1). Facili- . . NCRL TM-43-85-01 O&M, UCT Conventional Inspection and Repair Techniques Manual, Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, October (reference 7). NCEZ T?4 53-89-03, Prestressed Concrete Naval Civil Engineering Data Package, (reference 8). Fender Piling User Laboratory, December 1984 1988 . CRL CR 81.009, Survey of Techniques for Underwater Maintenance/ Naval Civil Rngineering Laboratory, Repair of Waterfront Structures, April 1981 (reference 9). Childs Rngineering Inc., . Survey of Techniques for Underwater Maintenance/Repair of WaterEngineering Laboratory, front Structures, Revision No. 1, Naval Civil December 1986 (reference 10). Childs Engineering Corporation, . NAVDOCRS MO-306, Corrosion Prevention and Control, Naval VA, June 1964 (reference Rngineering Command, Alexandria, . NAVE’AC MO-110 (Tri-Service), Naval Facilities Rhgineering (reference 12). . Paints and Protective Command, Alexandria, Facilities 11). Coatings, VA, June 1981 NAVPAC MD-307, Cathodic Protection Systems - Waintenance, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Alexandria, VA, May 1981 (reference 13). 4-2 4.3 WOOD AND TIMBER systems and camels. STRUCTURES. Wood and timber Typical applications include: . Timber fender systems. . Timber wales and chocks . Timber rubbing strips . Timber framed camels. . Log camels. . Timber fendering for for steel and concrete or and decking for steel are concrete steel framed widely used fender systems. fender for fender piles. camels. Maintenance of wooden structures involves replacement of decayed and damaged wood and the application of a preservative or coating. If repairs are to be reduced in the future, exposed wood used in the splash zone must be treated with an effective preservative or coating system to retain its strength and longevity against severe weathering, effects of saltwater, and destructive marine organisms, insects, and bacteria attack. See references 14 and fungi, 15 for more detailed descriptions of wood deterioration by fungus, insect and marine borer attack. The common types of lumber used in the United States are Douglas fir, and other pine species such as southern pine, spruce, hemlock, redwood, cedar, lodgepole, ponderosa, and white. Primarily, Douglas fir is used on the West Coast and southern pine is used on the East Coast due to availability. Round timber piles are made from Douglas fir or southern pine according to availability and size requirements for piling. These piles should conform to the DOD adopted specification, American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 25, and the guidelines in NAVFAC Guide Specification NFGS-02361. The various other types of lumber should conform to standards set by the American Lumber Standards Committee (ALSC) and should be properly graded and marked before acceptance. 4.3.1 Preventive Maintenance for Wood and limber. The primary PM measure at the waterfront is to select the type of wood best suited for the particular use and to purchase wood products and timber piles which have been treated with The most important field PM are those quality preservatives and methods. actions to preserve wood and timber with paint and other coatings. Field techniques should be used to eliminate or minimize cuts and holes made in the particularly those made below water. If cuts and holes members at the site, field PM preservative treatment is required. In addition, are made, special there are other PM measures applicable to timber piles using encasements and Specifications and standards applicable to the preservation of retardants. wood are listed in appendix A. Pressure Treatment. with preservatives It permits wood. closer control of 0.5 inches to 4.0 Pressure treatment of the outer sapwood of timbers is the most important and effective method of protecting deeper and more uniform penetration of preservative, and retention levels. The preservative penetrates the wood from inches, depending on the type of wood, and provides protec- 4-3 The American Wood tion from fungi, marine borers, insects and bacteria. Wood Preservers Association (AWPA), Preservers Bureau (AWPB), the American and Federal Specification TT-W-571 govern the treatment processes that must In the field, pile cutoffs, be performed on wood used in waterfront areas. framing cuts, and holes that expose untreated wood to the environment are treated as discussed in paragraph The choice of preservative treatment depends on how and where Wood preservatives are classified in three categories: to be used. oil-borne preservatives, and water-borne preservatives. preservatives, the wood is creosote Creosotepreservative and creosote solutions are the most commonly used preservatives for timber fender piling and camels because they are not easily leached Creosote and creosote-coal tar from the wood and are not corrosive to metals. solutions, both derived from bituminous coal, can be used for immersed wood. Creosote is commonly diluted with petroleum oil for treatment of wood not subject to immersion. An important disadvantage of creosoted piling, however, is the fact that it is readily attacked by the marine borer, Limnoria tripunctata. creosote and creosote solutions cannot be used where it may come in Also, contact with people. Oil-borne presewatives are dissolved in a petroleum solvent and include copper naphthenate, tributyl tin oxide, and copper-8pentachlorophenol, quinolinolate. Oil-borne preservatives are suitable for wood members out of the water for protection against insects and fungi. Treated wood can be painted, does not swell and distort, is easily handled, and will not corrode Before the solvent evaporates, it is more flammable than untreated metal. wood. Pentachlorophenol is the most effective of these preservatives but is also highly toxic. Water-borne preservatives are toxic metallic salts dissolved in water for easier application. The most common water-borne preservative is chromated copper arsenate (CCA). Wood pressure treated with CCA or ammoniacal copper arsenate (ACA) can be used either above or below the waterline. Either of these salts in combination with creosote (dual treatment) is more effective in preventing marine borer damage than any single treatment. Other waterborne preservatives for use above the waterline include chromated zinc chloride, fluorchrome-arsenate-phenol, and acid copper chromate. All preservative treatments have drawbacks that should be considered. Metallic salts, for example, can embrittle wood. More importantly, these toxic chemicals present environmental and personnel safety problems. Proper installation, and disposal procedures should be carefully followed. safety, Treating Exposed Areas of Wood. Cut surfaces of wood members, pile cutbolt holes, and any other exposed surfaces of treated wood members must offs, Prior to treatment, any grease or oil must be removed be treated in the field. by solvent cleaning as described in SSPC SP-1. Cut surfaces and pile cutoffs should be treated in accordance with AWPA Standard M4. Pile cutoffs should then be painted with coal tar pitch. Holes for bolts and plugs in piles and timbers should be treated with the same type of wood preservative used for the Bolt holes should be treated under pressure with a mechanical bolt member. hole treater, if available, or thoroughly doused to saturation. 4-4 Added Protection for Timber Piles. All timber ronment, rncludrng piling properly treated, are destroying organisms. Pilings are also commonly As a result, abras ion. protection with plastic is often required, in addition to preservative mize the impact of these envlronmental factors. piling in the marine envieventually attacked by wood subject to icelift and wraps and/or rubbing strips treatment, in order to mini- The use of plastic wrapping t0 protect piling against marine borer damage at and below the waterline does offer, under certain conditions, considerable economic benefit by effectively eliminating borer damage, reducing future repair costs. The polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyethylene wrapping smothers borers already in the wood and prevents the entry of more borers. Care must be taken to prevent and repair breaks and tears in the wrapping to maintain Its protective Integrity. This protection may be particularly advantageous with prle clusters. Fender piles prewrapped with a thick, heatshrink polyethylene are provrded with a slippery surface that prevents exposure of untreated wood due to wear from camels. An example of a molded polyethylene jacket used for ice protection is shown in figure 4-1. The use of plastic or metal rubbing strips, as shown in figure 4-2, individual piles making contact with steel or timber camels is essential minimize wear by abrasion. Usage on pile clusters may be advantageous depending on the type cameling planned for use by the activity. Figure 4-1. Timber Pile Jacket. Figure 4-2. Rubbing Strip on Timber Fender Pile. 4-5 on to 4.3.2 Repairs to Timber Fender Piles and Camels Timber Fender Piles. Repalr methods for timber fender pile systems generally directed at correcting one OK more of the following problem fungi and/or insect attack, marine borer deterioration, abrasion, and ical damage caused by impact during ship berthing or mooring operations. Abrasion and mechanical damage generally dictate the repair actions. repairs usually consist of total replacement of piles, wales, result, and connecting hardware. Timber Camels. at replacing Other repair Repair methods for damaged members (mechanical requirements include: . Replacement . Replacement of waterlogged borer deterioration. of deteriorated timber wear) foam, if members are and broken camels used for or members generally 01: loose are areas: mechanAs a chocks, drrected bolts. flotation. experiencing marine Planning the Repair. The initial planning step is a review of prior inspection reports to determine the scope of deterioration, the rate of deteriand specific operational constraints placed upon the facility because orat ion, of the deterioration. Once the scope of repair requirements, including pr ior it les, are established, the type of replacement system and method of accomplishment may be determined. If the frequency and cost of repairs are high, an alternate fenderlng system should be considered. Skills and equipment requirements to perform repairs are generally common to the activity’s wharfbuilding trade local commercial capabilltres. or camel Underwater repairs require special skill levels and equipment that may not be available in-house. Skills include knowledge of removal of marine jetting or air lifting procedures, underwater cutting and drillrng growth, and jacketing and wrapping materials used in underwater constructechniques, Equipment for underwater repairs may include: tion. high-pressure water hydraulic grinders with barnacle buster attachment, hydraulic drill blaster, with bits, hydraulic power unit, hydraulic chain saw, concrete pump with hosing, jetting pump and hose, rigging equipment, float stage and scaffolding, clamping template for cutting piles, and special clamping equipment. Reference 1 covers the underwater repairs in more detail. Repair Procedures a. Timber Fender Piles. fender piling l . Repair procedures for yaterfront wood and timber include: Repairing timber fender pile by splrcing. Replacing timber fender piles, 4-6 wales, chocks, and hardware. or b. Timber Camels. Repair procedures for timber camels include replacing damaged or waterlogged members, or damaged hardware. Every effort should be made in transport and handling to prevent damage to treated piles and timbers, particularly in portions of the work exposed to marine borer attack. Care should also be taken in driving piles to prevent checking or splitting of the treated wood. Butts should be trimmed and headed so that the hammer will strike only untreated wood. Piles and timbers should be inspected before and during the time they are driven or placed. Where the protective preservative shell is broken or damaged in any way, the holes and/or crevices should be repaired by drilling, and neatly and tightly plugged in acordance with AWPA Standard M4. Where abrasions or other damages cannot be sealed against marine All wood and borers, other protection must be provided in an approved manner. timber members should be handled in accordance with AWPA Standard M4. 4-7 REPAIRING TIMBER FENDER PILE Problem: of pile Fender basically pile broken maintains between original upper and alignment. lower wale. Description just below the break. of Repair: Cut off pile section of pile and secure with epoxy cement (figure a strongback pile or timber section in place directly Attach a pile and between the top and bottom wales. The strip) to the wearing edge of each fender pile. to be applied to the fender piles will be determined level based on estimated life expectancy of the pile. (18-inch diameter) or pile clusters should be treated against marine borers, fungus and insects. or broken marine borer damaged, Decayed, adequately repaired should be pulled and Installation of a steel shoe on the outer 1s recommended. Deteriorated are bolted requirements trghtly below Deterrorated or damaged wales should be replaced length as the original wales unless redesigned. for the wales will be locally determined. The method of repair by sectional limited to piers berthing tugs, barges, etc. making mobilization of a full and infrequent, uneconomical. Future Inspection Requirement: upon historical records of the fitting deck. with the Treatment be pile chocks that Treatment size and requirements same replacement is generally where damage is sporadic wharf building crew The inspection frequency fender pile damage. 4-8 portion Install a new Fit and bolt 4-3). behind the fender metal shoe (wearing level of treatment at the activity Larger piles for preservation fender piles that cannot replaced with new piles. surface of each fender chocks should be replaced with to one string piece or to a wale will be locally determined. Application: Lower should be based Figure 4-3. Repair by Splicing Timber Fender Pile. 4-9 REPLACING TIMBER FENDER PILE Problem: missing Fender pile or misaligned: broken or missing: and lower portion wales and chocks broken, of pile out of alignment. Description of Repair: and hardware. pile cluster (figure 4-4). strips. Deteriorated are bolted requirements Remove damaged upper section of pile, wales, chocks Pull pile base or cut at mudline. Drive a new pile or cut to match the elevation of adjacent timber fender piles Install galvanized bolts and plastic or metal rubbing be replaced with chocks should to one string piece or to a wale will be locally determined. tightly below Deteriorated or damaged wales should be replaced length as the original wales unless redesigned. for the wales will be locally determined. fitting the deck. with the Treatment chocks that Treatment same size and requirements Exercise care in rafting and handling to prevent damage to treated particularly in portions of the work exposed to piles and timbers, Care should also be taken in driving piles to marine borer attack. Butts should be prevent checking or splitting of the treated wood. trimmed and headed so that the hammer will strike only untreated wood. Piles and timbers should be inspected before and during the time they Where the protective preservative shell is are driven or placed. broken or damaged in any way, the holes and/or crevices should be and neatly and tightly plugged in accordance repaired by drilling, Where abrasions or other damages cannot be with AWPA Standard M4. sealed against marine borers, other protection must be provided in an All piles should be handled in accordance with AWPA approved manner. Standard M4. Application: Replacement pile configuration, or economic constraints chapter 2 for guidance. same of individual timber fender piles, using the should be accomplished only when operational preclude using an improved pile system. See Close monitoring of fender performance will Future Inspection Requirement: Level I inspecbe required to document rate and frequency of damage. tions every 3 months may be required if accelerated wear or damage is Good documentation of maintenance/repair history is essential. noted. 4-10 . . . .... ... ... I . - . . , . . . .. :. . (..... .... : t . ‘.’ . “““..f: : q.y’...~~ . ,... . . . .f.. . . .... ..... I . .. : .:.. . . :” :.... .I,‘:’ .. i . . :: ::.. . j.: :.;j, . . .:.:.....:. -:~~~~jE ;:: .. ::I. “i.,. .. . ... . ._... .:. :.,.::.. . ..: f ;:“:.‘.“’ ... ,.,I:. . .:.:...‘i.‘: . :: . . . . . .. .. ., ... ..:... .‘.I y:.I.... . ......:. .:. .. .. :,:.. ... .II.... .. . ..:. REPAIR TIMBER FENDER PILING REPLACEMENT INDIVIDUAL OF PILES ~~~~~~~~ PILES, WALES, AND CHOCKS INSTALL ILE CLUSTER I REMOVE DAMAGED PILES, WALES, AND CHOCKS REPLACE WITH 17.PILE CLUSTER FOR USE WITH FOAM-FILLED FENDERS n - Figure 4-4. Replacing Damaged Fender Piling With New Timber Piling. 4-11 REPAIRING Problem: missing board; TIMBER CAMEL Timber camel has worn or damaged members: loose, waterlogged members causing listing or hardware: or marine borer deterioration. damaged, or loss of free- Description of Repair: Remove the camel from the water, thoroughly clean of all marine growth, and inspect for surface deterioration. the camel Spot check suspected areas by sounding with a hammer and probing with Inspect all bolts and other hardware. a thin-pointed tool. Replace structural members and hardware as required. Ensure that all cut surfaces are treated in accordance with AWA Standard M4, and that all bolt holes are treated under pressure wrth a mechanical bolt hole if available, or thoroughly doused to saturation. treater, Return the camel to service ensuring that all maintenance records are updated coverlng the specific camel. Frequency Application: will normally govern another trmber camel, of repair requrrements, age, and repair costs whether the timber camel is repaired, replaced or replaced by an alternatlve camel system. Future Inspection Requirements: upon the age of the faclllty The lnspect’ion and historical camel. 4-12 frequency records of should be based the specific by REPAIR TIMBER CAMEL I 14,-O” k PIAN Y REPLACE w DAMAt /REPLACE SIDE REPLACE BROKEN WATERLOGGEDI MEMBERS ELEVATION WORN OR FENDERS OPTIONAL FENDERING Figure 4-5. Typical Repairs to a Timber Camel. 4-13 4.4 CONCRETE STRUCTURES. Concrete, while being the predominant construction material used for waterfront structures, has had limited use ln fender systems. Such usage has been primarily confined to concrete retaining walls and sheet piling used in wharfs and quaywalls. However, with current technology advances in the development and testing of prestressed concrete fender piles, it is anticipated that usage of concrete will grow considerably. Types of proposed conflguratlons and uses are discussed in chapter 2. Other discussions of concrete use in waterfront structures, including piers and wharves, are contained In reference 1. Deterioration of concrete excessive impacts and curing, Concrete and volume changes. atlon and retain its durability near or in seawater can be due to improper mix and loads, severe weathering, chemical attack, available today is developed to resist deterlorover a long lifetime. Concrete in waterfront facilities must meet the criteria set by the Alnerlcan Concrete Institute (ACI) Standard 318. Additional design -nformation, covering prestressed concrete fender piles, is included in MIL-HDSK-1025/l (reference S), reference 8, DM-2.04 (reference A), DM-25.06 (reference 16), and AC1 Standards 211 and 212. These manuals and standards provide general design and application data for a variety of waterfront structures. A draft prc,viding speclflc quidelines for pres:ressed NAVFAC Guide Speciflcatlor, by contacting the Naval (215~~1 Englneerinq concrete fender pl Les, 1s avallable ASTM A 82, A 416, A 615, A 616 and 4 617 provide Laboratory, Code L53. standards for prestressed and conventional relnforcemer-.: for corcrete. 4.4 1 Preventive Maintenance for Concrete. ioratIon design of prestressed of the concrete and construction. ments, standards and service The main Most of the measures to prevent deterconcrete fender piles and panels must be taken during design of the structure and prestressing requirem:x, Proper design for concrete is contained in AC1 design manuals. ob3ectives of preventive maintenance for fender piles and panels involve: . Keeping . Protecting the . Preventing excessive . Preventing and controlling . Preventing chemical water out of the concrete. reinforcing abrasion steel. of the fender pile. cracking. actions. The primary PM measures that should be continually taken are surface coatings for concrete, treatment of cracks, and the use of rub strips when wood or steel camels are placed against the fenders. Concrete structures that are periodically Surface Coatings for Concrete or continuously immersed in seawater or subject to seawater splash are seldom One exception involves painted except for marking identification or location. using surface coatings to seal small cracks. 4-14 Patching, caulking, a. Surface Preparation. and other repairs must be made to concrete structures before the surface is prepared for coating. Any efflorescence or laitance (white to gray powdery deposits from the concrete interior) is first removed with a clean, dry wire OK stiff bristle brush. The surface is then scrubbed with a 5 to 10 percent solution of muriatic (hydrochloric) rinsed with fresh water, and allowed to dry. Any grease or oil is then acid, removed by solvent cleaning as described in SSPC SP-1. This can usually best be accomplished by using rags soaked with mineral spirits. Then, the concrete is carefully waterblasted or sandblasted to remove dirt and old coatings. Coatings in good condition and adhering freely to the surface may be allowed if they are compatible with the coating system to be applied; that to remain, if they are of the same generic type. Any residual dust from blasting must is, be removed by brushing or blowing with clean, dry air before application of coatings . b. Recommended Coatings. The standard specifications for coatings recommended in this paragraph are listed in appendix A. If the concrete is to be two coats of chlorinated rubber (TT-P-95, sealed against moisture penetration, The epoxy polyamide Type 1) or epoxy polyamide (ML-P-24441) are recommended. will chalk freely in direct sunlight. If this is undesirable, a topcoat of aliphatic polyurethane (ML-C-83286) should be used to resist exterior weathering. If the concrete surface has slight irregularities, such as fine cracks a textured coating (TT-C-555) may relieve the problem while that are unsightly, It is applied in one or two coats over a compatible sealing the surface. primer to give a total of about 20 mils dry film thickness. If the concrete two coats of acrylic is not to be sealed, latex paint (TT-P-19) but an appearance are recommended. finish is desired, , are easily applied by All of these coatings, except the textured coating brush, Brushing of the first coat onto the concrete will roller, or spray. result in better penetration and coverage. The textured coating may require special spray equipment or other special procedures, so the manufacturer’s The manufacturer’s recommended instructions should be followed carefully. primer should also be used to ensure compatibility with substrate and textured coating. Latex acrylic paint (TT-P-19) should be applied as a topcoat to weathered textured coating when a more pleasing appearance is desired. Treatment of Cracks. Sealing and caulking of cracks that require no cutting or extraordinary routing is considered a part of preventive maintenance. The very small cracks measuring less than 0.011 inch in width, will be filled Other small or spanned by surface coatings discussed in paragraph 4.4.1-l. curing, or installation may be cracks resulting from manufacturing processes, filled/caulked in preparation for surface coating and to keep water out of the concrete. Filling may be by injection of a low-viscosity epoxy resin and or other quality commercial products suitable to the applicaepoxy sealant, tion. Routing and cleaning the crack to prepare a good bonding surface for the sealer is the most important step in treatment of cracks. (. Rub Strips. Rub strips can be installed piles to prevent abrasion damage from vessel These rub strips will extend from the top of below extreme low water. 4-15 on the outward face of the fender or camel impact and vice versa. the pile to approximately 3 feet Rub strips may be constructed of treated Douglas fir, rubber, or utra-high molecular weight (UHMW) In each application, the plastic. type of ship loading must be For light seriously considered. vessels and small craft, timber or rubber fender strips may suffice. For larger surface combatants and UHMW rub strips will service ships, probably be required. 4: . SECTION Installation of timber or UHMW rub strips should be accomplished by bolting the rub strip down the center through the pile as shown in figure A steel pipe sleeved hole is 4-6. reccmmended in the pile in order to carry the stress around the hole on the compression face, thereby malntanning the structural capacity of Galvanized pipe slee.Jes the pile. are used in the pile to allow easy removal, it be damaged. Attachment of a rubber rub strip pllshed using either anchor bolts or down each side of the rubber fender. to the machine ii. -,- Figure 4-6. Rub Strip on a Concrete Fender Pile and replacement pile would bolts/stainless of the Timber jackets, similar to the application concrete fender piles figure 4-7, may be used on prestressed vide additional protection against the abrasive action of ice in northern Reference 5 contains addiclimates. tional information with a photograph of a case where the life of structural _ piling was extended significantly by The use of the timber such a jacket. jacketing would be restricted to fender piling used in conjunction with Two-inch concrete bearing panels. with galvanic steel bands, are lumber, used with the jacket extending the length of the tidal zone. shown order in CUECAST C9LE in to pro- CONCRETE CALVANltED STEEL MN0 r t L G CREOSOTE0 WOO0 FORM TO REMAIN IN PLACE \ 4.4.2 Repairs to Concrete Fender Piling. 4-16 should norma:l;I be accomsteel sleeves 4.4.1 4 Timber Jackets. Repair methods for concrete fender pile systems are generally directed at replacing rub strips, sealing cracks and patching spalled areas in the prestressed concrete piles and panels, and replacing damaged or missing hardOther repair requirements ware connectors. concrete fender piles and/or panel sections. strip CONCRETE AUISECRSEAL Figure 4-7. Timber Jacket On a Concrete Pile may include entire replacement of PIL Quality concrete used in the original fendering design or in fabrication of replacement piles and panels 1s the major means of providing a durable To obtain quality products for use in fendering systems, the followproduct. ing elements should be emphasized in the design: All deteriorated concrete must be removed down to a. Surface Preparation. For some old concretes, exposed surfaces will soften after a sound concrete. few days of exposure: therefore, the surfaces should be checked closely before final patching operations. Clean the old surface thoroughly just before placing new concrete. Normally, concrete removal is performed with hand tools or light duty particularly around the edges, hand-held power tools, to prevent damage to the remaining concrete. Edges should be square, preferably cut by sawing to about a l-inch depth. Feathered edges must be absolutely avoided. Inside corners of a cavity should be rounded to a l-inch radius. Reinforcing bars should be exposed around their entire circumference by a clearance of 1 inch. Sandblasting surfaces removes loose from steel. Once the steel is clean, it slurry of Portland cement grout or latex procedure improves the life of the repair. concrete fragments and scaling rust can be protected by coating with a modified Portland cement grout. This Before patching, the existing base concrete should be kept damp b. Bonding. (except for epoxy concrete repair) for several hours, preferably overnight. Remove free water or shiny wet areas by vacuuming or with oil-free compressed A bonding agent should then be scrubbed into the surface. air. The bonding agent can be Portland cement slurry or mortar, latex modified portland cement The mortars should be 1 part cement and 1 part sand mortar, or epoxy resin. and have a consistency of thick cream. passing the No 30 sieve, If an epoxy bonding agent is used, follow the manufacturer’s recommendations precisely. it is important to place the repair concrete before the bonding In all cases, agent dries. c. Curing. Concrete used in repairs must be protected and cured more careThe old concrete could absorb moisture too rapidly from the fully than usual. new concrete, or the temperature of the old concrete could be too low to permit early development of strength of a concrete patch. Curing is important to allow strength development and prevent drying For Portland cement mixes, water curing by ponding with water, fog shrinkage. Other acceptable misting, or covering with wet burlap are the best methods. methods include covering with plastic sheeting material or coating with curing The repair concrete should be kept wet or moist for a minimum of compound. 7 days. When water evaporates from the concrete, drying shrinkage occurs. Shrinkage of a patch can cause the patch to crack or partially debond. C It is important in curing epoxy concrete to provide the correct temperaEpoxy resins that use ture for the epoxy resin to develop full strength. 100 percent solids and no solvents do not shrink. Epoxy resins do, however, This can lead to have a much greater coefficient of expansion than concrete. failure in large patches and in environments that experience large temperature 4-17 GUIDELINES FOR FABRICATION OF PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILES AND BEARING PANELS . Design guidance reference 8. . Use 6000 psi . Use Only Type II cement conforming to ASTM C 150, with a tricalcium aluminate (C3A) content between 6% and 10% for good sulfate resistance. Alkalies such as Na20 shall be less than 0.60. . Use a minimum of 650 lbs to a maximum yard of high strength concrete. . Use a maximum . Use mineral . Make sure . Use seven-wire . Use suppporting reinforcement conformlng to deformed reinforcing bars. A 617, Grade 60, . Provide adequate . Control the pile the curing to prevent the ambient temperature in contact with temperature. from falling more than 40°F below the concrete . Give for concrete aggregate concrete - greater for ratio cover over of 0.40 than 3/4 reinforcing steel vibration fender of consideration to contained of in members. cement per cubic by weight. conforming inch, steel is to concrete the is concrete 850 lbs conforming the piles prestressed of no larger prestressed To obtain quality for all jobs: concrete Properlypreparethesurface . concrete at to ASTM C 33. least 2 inches. ASTM A 416. ASTM A 615, A 6 16, or mix. use of admixtures: Use Type A or D water-reducing admixture conforming to ASTM C 494. Use fly ash or silica fume conforming to ASTM C 618, to improve durability. For concrete subject to freeze-thaw cycles, use air-entraining conforming to ASTM C 260 to obtain 5 to 8 percent air content. Donot use any admixture containing chloride. - . or water-cement particular - prestressed a goodbond Ensure * Donotadd l of the between Cure the concrete old the more water than Do not patch across l the repairs, following concrete old specified basics to 4-18 mandatory be adjoined. and new concrete. for the active cracks or joints. PrOperly. are concrete mix. differentials epoxy : 7 parts characteristics. between sand) day and night. to minimize the Epoxy can difference be mixed with in the thermal sand (1 part expansion d. Special Types of Repair Concrete. . l 9 Fiber-reinforced Concrete. Concrete and mortar containing fibers of glass or polypropylene are sometimes used in reparr work. steel, Fiber reinforcement provides improved tensile strength, toughness The fibers reinforce crack repair material and ductility to concrete. by distributing tensile strains. Latex Modified Portland Cement Concrete. Latex modified portland cement concrete should not be confused with epoxy or polymer concrete, Latex modifiers improve the bond and tensile strength and reduce the permeability of portland cement concrete. Latex formulations of acrylics, and polyvinyl acetates are available. The first two styrenebutadiene, latexes are suitable for wet environments. Polyvinyl acetates should not be used in concrete for repairs exposed to water. The mix and application of this type may be difficult to control in the field. Epoxy concrete does not contain portland cement. It Epoxy Concrete. is a mixture of an epoxy resin and aggregate. Epoxy concrete is the most popular type of polymer concrete because of its flexibility in use, good adhesion, and availability. Other commercially available polymers are acrylics, polyesters, polyurethanes, and polyvinyl when mixed with a curing agent, forms a thermoEpoxy resin, acetate. setting plastic that rapidly develops adhesive strength. Epoxy mixes to repair cracks by injecting the are used for several purposes: to bond repair material to the base concrete by brushing on the resin, and to make epoxy mortar or concrete by mixing the resin with resin, Because the cost is relatively high and fine and coarse aggregate. the material is relatively inflexible in thick layers, epoxy concrete is used mainly for thin section repairs. Epoxy with a low modulus of elasticity should be used to minimize thermal expansion problems. Proprietary, prepackaged systems should be used. See Chapter 7 and repair techniques CR-4 and CR-7 in reference 1. Planning the Repair. The initial planning step must involve review of prior inspection reports in order to determine the scope of deterioration, the and specific operational constraints placed upon the rate of deterioration, Because the prestressed concrete facilities because of the deterioration. fender piles often maintain considerable strength even though damaged, pile replacement may be accomplished in a planned program versus a reactive This includes using economic analyses as one tool in the planning approach. Once the scope of repair requirements, including priorities, are process. whether in-house or by contract, the method of accomplishment, established, must be determined. Repairs to concrete fender systems will normally be limited to sealing small sized cracks, patching small to medium sized spalled areas, and replaceThe skills and equipment requirements will depend ment of damaged members. 4-19 For most sealing and patching requirements above upon the extent of repairs. normal skills associated with the concrete construction trade will be water, For fabrication of prestressed concrete members, special skills and adequate. equipment are required that may be obtained from a qualified vendor. Underwater repairs can require special skills such as knowledge and experience in removal of marine growth, underwater jetting and blasting, use of underwater tools for cutting and drilling, and the use of certain materials for coating and caulking underwater. Unique equipment requirements may also exist on underwater repairs that will dictate the personnel skill requirements. See reference 1 for more detailed discussion of concrete placement methods and underwater repairs. Repair Procedures for Concrete Fender Systems. steps to be used in . Repairs . Repair . Replacement to of most small spalled of concrete cracks Figure 4-8 Typical repair repairs. by epoxy grout areas. damaged concrete members. 4-20 Injection. summarizes procedures general include: I SURFACE PREPARATION Remove l l l ‘SANDBLASTING REPAIR CONCRETE STRUCTURES all detertorated and loose Expose all uncovered inch clear all around. reinforcing Sandblast/waterblast/wire as necessary to clean brush concrete thoroughly. l Keep concrete l Replace surface sections steel at least 1 wet for several of reinforcing . Coat remforcing steel steel with grout Just before placing repatr agent to old concrete. l concrete. and steel hours. as required. or epoxy material, apply resin. bonding PLACE REPAIR MATERIAL Bonding l agent must be wet or tacky. Depending on size and type of repair, material may be a mortar or concrete; portland cement concrete, latex modified concrete, or epoxy concrete. l ABONDING AGENT Above water cast-m-place, l l Underwater prepacked. placement; hand placement, or shotcrete. dry pack, placement; tremle, pumped, or See reference 1 for description. CURING l l Use most efficient days if practicable. Use curing moist-curing compound for mInImum of 7 if necessary. SURFACE COATING POWER ACTIVATED FASTENERS ALTERNATE l Determine l Prepare / SECTION Figure l 11surface surface coating by air/abrasive Apply coating applicable use of concrete. 4-8. General Steps to Concrete Repair. 4-21 IS required. blasting. to location, exposure, and REPAIR SMALL TO MEDIUM CRACKS BY EPOXY GROUT INJECTION installation, Problem: Cracks caused by manufacturing, or reinforcing steel corrosion allow deterioration, the structure. weathering, water to penetrate Description of Repairs: Filling and sealing small cracks by injecting a low-viscosity epoxy resin and sealing the outside with an epoxy paste. Routing and cleanrng of cracks are performed with conventional hand and Injection oE the epoxy for smaller jobs can be done with a power tools. Large jobs are usually done with special hand-operated caulking gun. at less than 150 psi, with mixing tank, injection epoxy pumps, operating hose, and controls. Materials: a. an epoxy resin conforming to ASTM C 881, Low-Vlscoslty Epoxy - Select suitable for wet surfaces and underwater appllcatlon that is compatible with crack volume, the exlstrng cor,crete, and equipment to be used for InjectIon. b. epoxy paste adhesive Sealing Epoxy - Use a quick-setting underwater appllcatlon that has good bonding characteristics concrete being repaired. for sultable for Preparation. a. Rout out aggregate. pressure b. For small and shallow cracks ports may be simply openings cracks to remove all deteriorated Clean area to receive sealing water jet, or sandblasting. Repair Procedures. to be repaired with left in the sealing concrete and wire brush, high a handgun, injection epoxy every 6 inches. 4-9. a. Perform b. Seal the outside surface of sealing around the injection C. the low-viscosity epoxy grout is After the surface seal has set, starting at the bottom port for a vertical crack. Continue injected, injection until epoxy shows in the next port, then continue up the crack until the entire crack is filled. d. Plug the repairs See figure and loose epoxy with port when ambient/water holes with the temperature the crack ports. sealing 4-22 with epoxy is the at epoxy paste. least paste, SOoF. carefully REPAIR CONCRETE CRACKS Figure 4-9. Typical Crack Repair with Epoxy Grout Injection. 4-23 1 REPAIRS TO SPALLED AREAS ON CONCRETE PILES Problem: Concrete pile above the tidal areas is worn zone. from abrasion at waterline or has spalled Description of Repairs: In all cases, the repair area must be cleaned thoroughly of marine growth. All loose and deteriorated concrete must If reinforcing steel is exposed, it must be cleaned of all be removed. rust and scale and exposed at least 1 inch clear all around. Epoxy coat reinforcing steel if above mean low water. The following areas (figure procedures 4-10): Bonding: II will normally Brush coat repair and enough water cement be followed in repairing area with cement grout: for a slurry consistency. Type spalled Mortar Mtx: The proportions of the mix will depend upon the overall size and depth of the repair, accessibility, and whether the repair is large enough to require coarse aggregate. The A typical cement-to-sand ratio is 1:2.5 to 1:3. water-cement ratio should be no greater than 0.40. Placement: a. If repair and leave b. Wet surface C. Coat surface brush. d. Immediately filling of Curing: is in erect in direct sun or wind, place during curing period. of of spa11 patching sive techniques effectiveness obtained with the area. repair Do not any bonding trowel on mortar mixture voids and dense placement. ensuring compound area leave with Use a curing Applications: repair shade/wind or wet free grout break water. with a complete burlap. The Replace the pile if extensive spalling has occurred. and crack filling repairs are relatively minor, inexpenThe to protect the reinforcing steel from seawater. of the spa11 patches is dependent upon the bond that is the old concrete. 4-24 I REPAIR CONCRETE PILES MORTAR OR EPOXY PATCH, HAND APPLIED AFTER CL AREA TO RECEIVE PATCH MHW CONCRETE PILE Figure 4-10. Repairs to Spalled Areas on Concrete Piling. 4-25 I REPLACING CONCRETE FENDER PILING Problem Fender piles Description of Repair: Drive new prestressed to match the existing and/or rubber fenders nized bolts and other and/or panels are seriously damaged or missing. Remove damaged piles, wales, chocks, and hardware. concrete piles aligning the elevation of the tops Install new wales, chocks, rubbing strips, system. to match existing (figure 4-11). Install galvasupport hardware. Fabrication of all prestressed concrete lines outlined earlier in the chapter. nonprestressed concrete members should in reference 1. piles should conform to the guideRepairs to the pier structure and conform to the guidelines outlined Special care should be exercised ln the handling of all concrete piling In order to prevent damage to the members. Take care to avoid damage to plac:ng the pile in the leads, and during the the piles during handling, Laterally support piles during driving, but pile drlvlng operations. do not unduly restrain from rotation in the leads. Where pile or reinforcement orientation is essential, take special care to maintain the orientation during driving. (Take special care in supporting battered piles to prevent excessive bending stresses in the pile). Square the top to the longitudinal axis of the pile. Use a steel driving of the pile helmet or cap including a pile cushion between the top of the pile and the driving helmet or cap to prevent impact damage to the pile. Application: pursued should repairs dering Replacement of concrete fender piles should normally be Careful attention in lieu of mayor repairs to existing members. be given to the history of damage to the area in question, before are made. If the frequency of damage is high, an alternate fensystem should be considered. Close monitoring of fender performance Future Inspection Requirements: will be required to document the rate and frequency of damage. Level I inspections every 3 months may be required if accelerated wear or damage is noted. Good documentation of maintenance/repair history is essential. 4-26 I REPLACE CONCRETE FENDER PILING 12” X 12” TIMBER CONCRETE PILE CAMEL CHAIN LOWER WALE FACE \l” CAMEL fi M BOLT W/Ml WASHERS COUNTERSUNK LOG LW -a -- F ‘BEARING OF PIER\ CONVENTIONAL SINGLE-PILE SYSTEM PILE SECTION 16’4” I * STIFFENER PLATES TYP. II I I II I 1 I ----------. \ h------w--*’ PANEL 24” ATTACHMENT CONCRETE PILE Figure 4-11. Example Designs for Replacement of Concrete Fender Pile Systems 4-27 \\ -. I 1 STEEL STRUCTURES. Steel is used systems and camels due to availability, and design and mechanical properties, applications include: in the waterfront cost, ease of experience with 4.5 Other . Steel H-pile fender . Steel H-piles with . Steel angles used . Steel draft framed camels shallow draft for submarines. . Steel framed separators . Hardware including crete fender piling, uses of steel for environment for fender fabrication, physical its use. Typical systems. timber with timber for rubbing fender aircraft strips. systems. carriers and deep submarines. nuts timber and and and concrete camels for bolts, and bearing chocks wales, and chains used with timber and con- camels. sheet piling are discussed in reference 1. Maintenance of steel structures and components will entail repair or periodic coating of steel surfaces replacement of damaged or corroded steel, and maintenance of cathodic protection systems. for corrosion protection, Corrosion is the major cause of the deterioration of steel structures. The extent or severity of corrosion will vary with the exposure zone of the it is in the atmospheric zone, the splash or tidal material: that is, whether The selection of materials for waterfront use zone. zone, or the submerged must consider each of these varied conditions. The use of steel should follow design guidelines in NAVFAC Design Manuals, references 5 and 17, and the American Institute of Steel Construction’s Manual The material specifications of ASTM, the American of Steel Construction. and other organizations document chemical and physical Society for Metals, Material selection and characteristics of the various types of steel. procurement should conform to these specifications. Carbon steel and carbon steel alloys are the most important types of In general, only low used for construction of waterfront facilities. carbon steels with a carbon content less than 0.35 percent by weight are used due to welding characteristics. Except for physical damage from impact or loading, deterioration of steel is caused only by corrosion. metals Carbon steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with a carbon content less The requirements for structural carbon steel are contained in than 2 percent. The requirements for welding ASTM A 36 and this grade is suitable for welding. All machine bolts shall conform to ASTM A 307. are contained in AWS D1.l. High strength bolts shall conform to ASTM A 325. sion Carbon occurs steel will corrode in the splash zone in all exposure and just below 4-28 zones, but the mean low water. severest Coatings corroor cathodic excessive covered protection, corrosion in paragraph or a combination of the two, are necessary to prevent of steel in the waterfront environment. Coatings are 4.5.1-l. Cathodic protection is covered in paragraph Corrosion resistant, low-alloy carbon steel may be used instead of carbon steel if greater corrosion resistance is required. Low-alloy carbon steels contain small amounts of other elements such as copper, chromium, nickel, silicon and manganese. molybdenum, Up to 1.5 percent of these elements is added for increased strength or heat treatment capability. These alloys have a better resistance to corrosion because the rust does not easily break away from the metal surface. The life of a low-alloy steel may be five times as great as carbon steel. The common low-alloy steels include ASTM A 690 (also called “Mariner Steel conforming to ASTM A 690 is recomsteel” 1, A 588, A 572, and A 242. because of its greater corrosion mended for steel H-piles and camel framing, resistance over plain carbon steel in the splash zone. When submerged, the low alloy steels offer no more resistance to corrosion than however, and the low alloy steels require coatings or cathodic ordinary carbon steel, Composite piles of A 690 and A 36 may be utilized when protection, or both. ASTM A 588 and A 242 greater resistance in the splash zone is required. steels are not recommended for buried structures, submerged conditions, and marine atmospheres unless they are exposed to the wind, rain, and sun. the and cathodic protection of, Coatings for, same as for plain carbon steel as discussed low-alloy carbon steels, in section 4.5.1. are 4.51 Preventive Maintenance for Steel. The primary preventive measures to increase the life of steel are protective coatings and cathodic protection. The decision of which approach to use is a function of location on the waterfront structure (submerged or not) and economics. The use of cathodic protection is MO-306 (reference 11) restricted to submerged or buried structures. NAVFAC provides general guidelines for corrosion prevention and control for steel This manual is being updated for issue in 1990. structures. 4.5.1 .l Protective Coatings for Steel. The basic method of protecting steel from Coatings should be free of pinholes or discontinuicorrosion is by coating. A corrosion inhibitive ties to control corrosion of the underlyrng steel. if a break in the coating develops. pigment should be used to prevent corrosion Reference 12 provides a comprehensive coverage of protective coatings for steel structures. Since unprotected steel corrodes freely and often severely in a marine Sometimes, underwater portions of it is almost always coated. environment, While coating of steel piling to receive cathodic protection are not coated. a combination of cathodic protection and coating is such areas is recommended, Steel components of waterusually the most cost effective in the long term. transported to the job site, and spot front structures are best shop-coated, if necessary, before installation. repaired, 4-29 Irregular steel surfaces, such as welds and sharp a. Surface Preparation. edges, should be ground smooth before preparing the surface for coating. The steel should then be cleaned by abrasive blasting and coated as soon as possible. A high level of blast cleaning is required for coating with a high Lower performance , performance coating, such as epoxy or coal tar epoxy. coatings or less severe environments require a lower level of surface preparation. Recommendations for the various levels of cleanliness as defined by SSPC are as follows (see appendix A): Immersed, Splash, or Tidal Area Coating System Alkyd Coal Tar Epoxy Coal Tar Epoxy Less Severe Areas Above Water Not recommended SSPC SP-10 Not recommended SSPC SP-6 or SP-6 SP-10 SSPC SP-5 or 10 SSPC SSPC SP-5 or 10 SSPC SP-10 See appendix A for titles of specifications referb. Recommended Coatings. enced. Epoxy polyamide (three coats of MIL-P-24441) or coal tar epoxy polyamide (two coats of SSPC Paint No. 16 or Corps of Engineers C-200) are recommended for piling and other steel structures which are to be immersed in seawater. Coal tar epoxies become brittle from prolonged exposure in direct sunlight, and are not recommended for this exposure. Epoxies perform well in direct sunlight except for chalking. If chalking is ob]ectionable, substitute a coat of aliphatic polyurethane (MIL-C-83286) for the third coat of epoxy polyamide to obtain excellent weathering in direct sunlight. primer For milder and two atmospheric topcoats of exposures, TT-E-490) will an alkyd system (one coat of provide adequate protection. TT-P-645 Coal tar coatings (MIL-C-18480) are occasionally used for temporary protecThey provide good temporary protection tion over marginally prepared surfaces. until a more permanent coating system can be applied. They may also be used as a dip coating for components such as chain that are difficult to coat otherwise. All of the above coatings can be applied by brush, roller, or spray. Brushing of the prime coats onto the steel will achieve better surface penetraInstructions for tion. Adjacent coats should be applied on successive days. application of MIL-P-24441 can be found in Chapter 631 of Naval Ships' Technical Manual NAVSEA S9086-VD-STM-000 (reference 18). Instructions for applying SSPC Paint No 16 can be found in Steel Structures Painting Manual Vol 2, Systems and Specifications (reference 19). Cathodic Protection of Steel. immersed in water or buried in The soil natural corrosion can effectively 4-30 of be steel structures controlled by the use of cathodic protection systems to minimize or stop the corrosion processI by establishing the steel as a cathode. Cathodic protection systems are best installed when the structure is constructed, but can be added to existing They can effectively stop corrosion but cannot restore the structures. material already lost by corrosion. Design of cathodic protection system; Maintenance of cathodic protection systems is is contained in reference 20. Consideration must be given to potential interfercovered in reference 13. ence with ship cathodic protection systems when utilizing this type of systems. protection for fender a. Galvanic Anode Systems. Galvanic anode cathodic protection systems rely upon the corrosion of active metals such as zinc, magnesium or aluminum to generate the electrical current needed to protect buried or submerged steel Since these anodes are sacrificed to protect the structure, they structures. are known as sacrificial anodes. The anodes must be buried or submerged near the structure to be protected and electrically connected to it with a low in providing protection, they must resistance bond. As the anodes are consumed be periodically monitored and replaced when over 80 percent of the metal is or when they will be consumed before the next scheduled inspection. consumed, The level of protection provided can be determined by measuring the potential between the structure being protected compared to a standard reference electrode. Impressed current cathodic protection systems b. Impressed Current Systems. use an external source of electrical alternating current, and a rectifier, to This provide the protective direct current to be impressed across the system. system also requires anodes buried or submerged in the vicinity of the strucThese anodes can last much longer than galvanic anodes, ture being protected. since they only conduct the protective current into the water or soil and are Impressed current cathodic protection systems not the source of the current. also require periodic inspection and maintenance to ensure effectiveness in controlling corrosion. 4.52 Repairs to Steel Fender Piles and Camels Steel Fender Piles. Corrosion is the major cause of deterioration of steel The extent or severity of corrosion will vary with the expofender piling. it is in the atmospheric zone, the sure zone of the material: that is, whether Mechanical damage is second in zone. splash or tidal zone, or the submerged However, major causes of deterioration or failure of steel fender piling. often mechanical failure is accelerated by corrosion of the structural steel Generally in either case, repairs members or welds and hardware connections. chocks and connecting hardconsist of total replacement of the piles, wales, new protective coatings or If corrosion is detected early enough, ware. cathodic protection may be applied to delay the rate of deterioration. Steel Framed Camels. damaged timber wearing corroded or punctured protection anodes. Repairs of steel framed camels include replacing broken or loose welds and bolts, patching strips, and replacing consumed cathodic flotation tanks, c 4-31 Planning the Repair. The initial planning step is review of prior inspection reports to determine the scope of damage and/or deterioration, the and specific operational constraints placed upon the rate of deterioration, Once the scope of repair requirefacilities because of the deterioration. including priorities, is established, the type of replacement system ments, and method of accomplishment may be determined. If the frequency and cost of an alternate fendering or camel system should be considered. repairs are high, Skills and equipment requirements to perform the surface generally common to the activity’s steelworker and wharfbuilder local commercial capabilities. repairs trades are or Underwater repairs require special skill levels that may not be available within in-house forces. These include the general diving capability plus knowledge of: removal of marine growth: jetting or air lifting procedures: underwater cutting, welding and drilling techniques: underwater lifting procedures: application techniques for underwater protection coatings: techniques for underwater placement of epoxy mastic patches: and jacketing and wrapping materials used in underwater construction. Equipment for underwater repairs may include: high-pressure water blaster, hydraulic grinders with hydraulic drill and bits, hydraulic power unit, barnacle buster attachment, concrete pump with hose, jetting pump and hose, rigging equipment, float stage and scaffolding, cofferdams, clamping template for cutting piles, and special clamping equipment. See reference 1 for more detailed discussion of underwater repairs to steel structures. Repair Procedures. Selection of a technique must address both immediate repairs necessary to restore the structure to full usage and protective measures needed to prevent further corrosion. Selection of means for restoring the structural capacity of the facility may be straightforward, being generally controlled by the level and rate of deterioration. Decisions on the level of protection to provide to inhibit corrosion in the future may be more difficult. these decisions are economically driven. Generally, Each repair decision must carefully weigh the long term operational requirements and existing environmental factors (tides and currents) that can help accelerate corrosion prior to evaluating initial and life cycle costs. In many cases, including a combination of cathodic protection and protective coating in the repair decision may be the most cost effective in the long term. Use of any of the repair techniques which follow should fully adhere to the preservation treatment requirements outlined for steel structures in section 4.5.1. After all members have been fastened or placed, bolt heads, nuts shall be given one full coat of petrolatum (grease) coating Federal Specification W-P-236. All surfaces to be coated shall oughly cleaned and dried, and all nuts shall be drawn tight. a. Steel Fender Piles. include Repair procedures for : 4-32 steel fender pile washers, and conforming to first be thor- systems . Preventive measures . Installing on a wharf a concrete area. . Replacing steel b. Steel Framed Camels. replacing damaged members splices, patching corroded sumed cathodic protection involving fender coatings cap and bearing piles, wales, and cathodic surface chocks, protection. on steel piling used and hardware. Repair procedures for steel framed camels include rewelding damaged joints and and/or hardware, or punctured flotation tanks, and replacing conanodes. 4-33 COATING/CATHODIC PROTECTION OF STEEL FENDER PILING . Problem: ienced against New steel piling has been installed or existing piling has experProtection slight surface deterioration (less than 15 percent). further corrosion is required. Description of Repairs: tection for steel Paint Coating: using Apply abrasive the paint Three procedures may be followed fender piling (figure 4-12): in providing pro- Clean steel of all marine growth and loose rust blasting equipment or water jetting equipment. coating following MIL-P-24441 guidelines. Epoxy-Polyamide Clean steel above water with abrasive Coating: blasting equipment and underwater with water jet cleaning equipMix epoxy and polyamide coating ingredients in ambient ment. Apply epoxy coating by smearing by 70’F. temperature of about hand over steel surface to a thickness of l/8 inch to l/4 inch. Cathodic Protection: For sacrificial anode system, place anodes Size, type and below low water on steel by welding or bolting. spacing of anodes must be determined to suit structure and environFor an impress Positive electrical connection must be made. ment. install the components as shown in figure 4-12. current system, Application: If water temperature is less than 60°F, proper bonding of the Successful application requires a neutral epoxy coating may not occur. negatively charged steel repels the or positive charge on the structure; Underwater application may be diffinegatively charged epoxy coating. Prior to ordering the coating, a sample area of the surface to cult. be coated should be tested under conditions identical to those in which the project will be carried out to be sure that the coating will adhere properly. The cathodic protection In addition, the system mean low water. system requires is not effective Future Inspection Requirement: cularly in areas where abrasion of the mastic of the fender piling. careful design for mitigating and installation. corrosion above Increased inspection may be required, partiice may be present, in order to detect signs of and renewed corrosion or removal of the anodes, 4-34 PROTECTION STEEL PILING UNDERWATER .... i:.:.:........ -.- .... . . . . . ..::: ::: = : &q:.:.;:f: . ...:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. .:.; :.:....:. ...:‘is:.:.:. . . . . . . .. .......... \.;; :.:i :.:.:. . . ...........:: ...... . . ......... ., ............... . . ................:...... ....y:y.: . . ..... . _:”&::~~~ . . .::.. ........ ~.?.y. ....~... . . .................. .:.:.v.-.y ...... ............ ..s .. ....... . ... .... ..... . . :.:............ .:.:.:.> . . ... ....Cw:.~.~:~:~.~:.:.:.:.:.:: :.; . ............. :.:.. ........ . . ...................... . :.:........... . . . . .. ....... . .....:, . . . . . .:.... ..2 :.: :.:i .... .. ....... ........ . . ,..:...: .<EC:::: ... *+...~.~.~.~.~.x. . ... ............... ... ........ :.:.:.y. .......... ,. .:.:.:.::::::.:.:.: :........y.:.:.: .... :.y .: , .:.:.: : :......... . .+:.:, 555.: . a.:::::::.: ..+.:.: ... :.:;. : :.:. ::...:.:. :.... . :...:~:~:+~:~:~~~~ :::x:::::::::.:.:. ..::..:: . . ...:. ........ . _ .. :;...:.:.... ::::::yv *:‘:.::.q.;.~ . ... .y : :. .....:.:...:. . . . :j ‘5.’ . . . .-.9X y.. ........... ~~.:y?$*.:::$::: : :.:.: . . . : . :.:+: ::.:p::. ::...:.... ....y: ...:::.. : 5. 4:: :.:5.2.... ... .:..:. . :.: i. ...... ... . : .. .: .:y :..:. : ::& .. .:.: .. ..:............. . ........... ...................... .. .>..>.:.: .. . :.. : ......... ..::::. .......... . . .. . . . i . .:.:.:.:................ .................. . i. . .. .. ...... . ... .... . . : : .:y*:i i ~::g :.: :. :.:::.. . . . .......... ....... ................................... .:.:..:..... . : . .... tt ....:.:. 5:>~~:~:~:~:::~ .::.: . :.~~~~~~.:y........ .. .. :. i: .... c .>:. :. .... ... .... ~~~~.~~~~~.~:~ ; ............... COATING I I ACRIFICIAL CATHODIC CURRENT CATHODIC ANODE PROTECTION SACRIFICIAL USED WITH EPOXY SYSTEM MASTIC COATING .: ‘.:.~.:.I::~:..:~.,~:;,:i i ::-:: . . is.... ... . .... ......:..:.f:.. .: . :::::. ...A.v.:.: . .i ..... :..::.:.:..:..:: . . :.:.v ::..:.:.:.:.::q$y:.y.$>. ..y; 1 3 y;::: ::$f$:;.~ . ::. : :‘.:./ . PROTECTION IMPRESSED SYSTEM USED WITH EPOXY MASTIC COATING GROUND WIRE TO RECTIFIER (POWER SOURCE) TO GROUND ---- GROUND TO P’LE BONDE CONNECTION Figure 4-12. Coating and Cathodic Protection for Steel Fender Piles. 4-35 INSTALLING Problem: structure structural A CONCRETE CAP/BEARING SURFACE STEEL PILING USED ON A WHARF Advanced deterioration is starting to occur integrity. of the steel and/or steel on a wharf. The steel still ON sheet pile has good Excavate the soil from behind the wall to a level Description of Repairs: required for the new concrete cap and attachment of form ties for a Remove all marine growth and deteriorated steel, and concrete face. clean surfaces. Place and fasten blocking Build forms, place reinforcing for the cap. and low wale against existing sheet piling for the concrete face. Drive the timber sheet pile wall about one foot in front of existing sheet piling using wale as guide. Attach outslde wales to timber sheeting, install reinforcing and place concrete by pumping or tremie. Remove timber sheet piling (figure 4-13). Used to restore structural strength at the top of the wall Application: (cap) or prevent further loss of soil through holes in the sheet piling while providing a bearing surface for foam-filled fenders. (face), Does not restore bending moment capacity In wall that has been lost. Provides protection against further deterioration. Careful inspection should be made annually Future Inspection Requirements: of the sheet piling areas immediately under the pile cap in order to ensure that further corrosive damage is not being experienced, thereby srgnlficantly weakening the support for the concrete cap and partial For complete concrete facing, normal inspection proconcrete faces. cedures should be followed. 4-36 STEEL PILING SHEET I \I 1 I I MLW Figure 4-13. Installing a Concrete Cap and Face on a Steel Sheet Piling Wail. 4-37 COMPLETE REPLACEMENT Moderate to heavy deterioration the cross-sectional area, or damage, fender and/or support hardware. Problem: PILING OF STEEL FENDER (greater than 35 percent) to a steel H-pile has occurred of wales, chocks and hardware. Description of Repairs: Remove damaged pile, Drive a new pile cut to match the elevation of the adjacent steel piling. Install new wales and chocks ensuring that all contact surfaces at joints Install galvanized bolts and other support hardare welded all around. Install galvanic sacrificial anodes. ware. I Exercise care in handling and driving fender piles to protect piles from Where protective coatings are broken or damaged in any way, the damage. areas should be surface cleaned of all scaled or chipped paint and new In a slmllar coating applied in accordance with approved standards. all welded joints, drilled holes and other field connections manner, 4.5.1. See section should be carefully covered with protective coatings. Figure 4-14 is an example of a design using steel piles. using the same pile design, Replacement of steel fender piles, should be used only when operational or economic constraints preclude See chapter 2 for guidance. using more advanced pile systems. Application: monitoring rate and frequency I inspections should Future Inspection Requirement: Close be required to document Level sion or damage. or damage is accelerated corrosion tenance/repair history is essential. noted. 4-38 of fender performance ~111 of deterioration from corrobe adjusted as required if Good documentation of main- STEEL FENDER SYSTEM I /HP 14 X 89 WALE --.. (TYP) e HP 14 X 89 PILE 1” 0 DRAIN HOLES IN WALE (TYP) PLAN r l/2” PLATE WEB STIFFNER (ASTM A6901 PLATE L 5/E” X 18” X 3’-0” / \ (ASTM 12” D D. X 6” 1.0 RUBBER FENDER A690) X 2’-6” EXIST BOLTS W/LOCK NUTS LG. WHARF ‘I 1 1” 0 “U” BOLT/ (GALV 1 II II&5/B” iTYP Ck E, L 1” 0 X 10” LONG SHANK EXPANSION ANCHOR EYE BOLT (GALV ) SECTION Figure 4-14. Example Design for Replacement of Steel Fender Piling. t-39 (TYP) REPAIR STEEL FRAMED CAMEL Steel framed camel has worn or damaged fender strips; corroded Problem: or damaged framing or welded joints: corroded or punctured flotation cracked or torn rubber tanks causing listing or loss of freeboard: and/or loose, damaged or missing hardware. fenders; Description of Repairs: Remove the camel from the water, thoroughly clean the camel of all marine growth, scale and rust, and inspect for surface deterioration. Spot check suspected areas by sounding with a hammer Use calipers and scales to and probing with a thin-pointed tool. Check for determine thickness of steel flanges, webs and plates. Inspect wood and timber corrosion or punctures on flotation tanks. rubbing strips and decking. Probe with a thin-pointed tool fendering, Inspect rubber fender for signs of for signs of fungus or rot damage. Check cathodic protection system cracking, tear or permanent set. See figure 4-15. and all welds, bolts and other hardware. anodes, Replace structural joint welds are stall galvanized Patch used, flotation consider Ensure that standards. members and hardware as required. performed in accordance with AWS Dl.l bolts conforming to ASTM A 307. If steel tanks to restore buoyancy. replacing with reinforced fiberglass Replace wood and timber rubbing strips, quired. Ensure that all wood and timber preservative in accordance with Federal all field cuts and holes are treated in M4. See section 4.3.1. Replace galvanic anodes if they will be consumed prior Replace rubber fenders signs of permanent set, if tanks are fenders, and decking as reproducts are treated with Specification TT-W-571 and that accordance with AWPA Standard 80 percent consumed to next inspection. worn, replace flotation tanks. all In- or torn or punctured. immediately. if it If is the anticipated fender shows Application: normally by the Frequency of repair requirements, age, and repair costs will govern whether the steel framed camel is repaired, replaced or replaced by an alternative camel system. same type system, Future Inspection Requirements: upon the camel. age of the facility The inspection and historical 4-40 frequency records of should be based the specific I REPAIR STEEL FRAMED CAMEL REPLACE REPAIR OR REPLACE DAMAGED TANKS REPLACE BROKEN CHAIN\ DAMAGED DECKING / \ ---- REPLACE BROKEN BOLTS 5 REPAIR DAMAGED WELDS’ REPLACE DAMAGED WOOD AND RUBBER FENDERING < --- END ELEVATION ‘TIMBER PLAN t 1” 37 112’ Figure 4-15. Typical Repairs to a Steel Framed Camel. 4-41 WALE (TYP) 4.6 SYNTHETIC MATERIALS. Numerous synthetic materials are used on waterfront fender systems and camels. They are extremely versatile in application and serve as a structural material, coating material, or buoyancy material. In general, these materials do not corrode in the marine environment, but do deteriorate due to other reasons such as water absorption and swelling and degradation by ultraviolet light. The common synthetic materials include fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP), foams, rubbers and elastomers, plastic pile wraps, synthetic fibers, and adhesives. Typical applications include: . Pile jackets and rubbing abrasion and marine borer . Fiberglass l . flotation Rubber fenders elastomer shells Foams for strips attack. tanks for for piling to reduce camels. including compression and pneumatic for foam-filled fenders. foam-filled erosion, fenders, and fenders. Deterioration of these synthetics increases with aging; plastics crack some types become brittle: or separate, foams crumble with age and lose elastomers stretch and deteriorate from the effects of sun and resiliency; exposure. 4.6.1 Preventive Maintenance for Synthetic Materials. In general, preventive maintenance measures for synthetic materials consist of selecting the right material to match the job requirements, and ensuring that the materials are not subjected to excessive stresses or caustic environmental conditions. Specific preventive maintenance measures that should be followed include: are . Inspecting and repairing fasteners of pile wraps and rubbing strips, ensuring use of alloy materials that will not rust in the marine environment. . Adjusting tact with . Ensuring that placed in the . Keeping floating fenders or are being transferred . Monitoring floating fenders to ensure that the fenders contact with the fender piles or bearing panels. tire the Continuous keys to any a. Fiber-Reinforced resin and fibrous nets on net type ship hull and pier floating immediate inspection preventive Plastics. material. pneumatic vicinity floating surface. fenders or foam-filled of the ships’ out of areas to the ship. where to 4-42 even fenders are steam exhaust chemicals and recordkeeping are two critical maintenance program for synthetic Fiber-reinforced plastics The common resins are ensure are are con- not ports. being in used full elements materials. are a composite of polyester and epoxy. that Polyester resins are general purpose resins that cost less than epoxy. Epoxy resins have superior strength properties, greater resistance to chemical and lower shrinkage during curing. and water degradation, Materials used as reinforcement for FRP include continuous strands, woven cloth, chopped fibers, and in some cases glass flakes. at the waterfront b. Foams. Foams are utilized buoyancy and in foam-filled fenders to absorb the Foams are resistant to deterioration in the marine are encased in some impermeable, marine resistant The common foams are polyurethane, polystyrene, ethane foams can be foamed in place and are useful disadvantages of polyurethane foam are its instability sunlight and its flammability. as a filler material for energy of berthing ships. environment provided they layer. in and polyethylene. public works. when exposed PolyurThe to direct Polystyrene foams are relatively inexpensive compared to polyurethane. They can be purchased in large quantities and cut in shape. Polystyrene are used in decks for buoyancy of small boat moorings in marinas. Polyethylene foams are absorbs an elastomer cover, used in foam-filled fenders. The foam, the energy of impact of berthing ships. foams encased . in c. Rubber and Elastomers. Numerous natural and synthetic rubbers and elastomers are used at the waterfront in fender system components and other These materials are resistant to the marine specialized applications. environment provided the appropriate rubber or elastomer is used. The more common material is a urethane elastomer as used for the shell of foam-filled fenders. d. Other Synthetic Materials. front for pile polyvinyl-chloride wraps Synthetic materials are also used at the waterPile wraps are made of flexible and adhesives. (PVC) films and prevent growth of wood boring organisms. coatings and putties made from epoxy have been developed for Adhesives, They are used to bond structures or bonding to damp and underwater surfaces. joints and other metal configurations susceptible to connections, components, and to protect surfaces. They can also be used to to fill voids, corrosion, patch holes above and underwater. 4.6.2 Repair to Synthetic Material Components. Pile Jackets and Rubbing Strips. rubbing strips will normally be and mechanical damage caused by Each repair be by replacement. repair data should be evaluated Repair requirements for pile jackets and generated by field exposure of the material In either case, repair will external loads. should be carefully documented and historical for economic efficiency. Rubber Fenders. result from Repair set. documented. Repair requirements for rubber fenders will normally mechanical damage leaving the fender worn, torn, or permanently will be by replacement. Again each repair should be carefully 4-43 Foam-Filled Fenders. directed at deterioration patching torn of foam will Repair requirements for foam-filled Repair to correct or worn shells. normally be by replacement. fenders are permanent set or Planning the Repairs. Accomplishment of repairs to synthetic materials and components will be controlled by the position of the components (or material) within the waterfront structure. Components such as resilient rubber fenders and rubbing strips on piles will normally be repaired by replacement and are within the capability of shop forces. Repairs of coatings or jackets on piling will frequently involve skilled personnel and specialized equipment, necessitating repairs to be accomplished by contract. Repairs to foam-filled fenders may be accomplished either by shops forces or the manufacturer depending upon the extent of damage or deterioration. Special fenders are unreinforced a. Unreinforced . . . . b. instructions and equipment requirements for repairing foam-filled Repair kits for reinforced and specified by the manufacturer. fender shells are made up of the following: Two-part Two-part Closed-cell Material Reinforced . . . Fender Shell: elastomer and curative compounds primer polyethylene foam blocks data sheets Fender Shell: Nylon webbing (lacing) Nylon netting for repair Elastomer thickener Other materials needed for the stirring sticks, masking tape, sand that can be readily acquired. All items of in section a. above plus: reinforcement kit such as paper cups, razor blades, paper, paint brushes, and putty are items Repair Procedures. a. Rubber Fenders and Rubbing Strips. Repair of rubber fenders and rubbing strips on piles will be by replacement and will be accomplished in accordance Repair of coating or jacketing with standard shop industrial practices. materials on piling will conform to the repair procedures outlined in reference 15. repairs to net type, foam-filled b. Net-Type Foam-Filled Fenders. Field replacement of damaged or fenders may include repairs to chains and shackles, or minor patching of skin damage. Major shell damage caused by missing tires, over compression or wear should be repaired at the factory. repairs to netless, reinforced and c. Netless Foam-Filled Fenders. Field unreinforced shell foam-filled fenders are outlined in synthetic material Severe shell, foam and end fitting damage, repair procedures that follow. should be repaired at the factory. caused by over compression, 4-44 REINFORCED SHELL, FOAM-FILLED FENDER REPAIR Problem: tears . Minor shell have occurred abrasion, necessitating shell or foam burns, field repairs to Description repairs of Repairs: Field kit purchased from the manufacturer, capability and material inventory. punctures, cuts or prevent further damage. can be accomplished or by developing Preparing Elastomer Components: Heat the closed cans of and curative components by either wrapping can several (120’F) for tape, or place in a pan of lukewarm water OK until completely melted. 1 hour, using a repair an in-house repair elastomer polymer times with heat approximately CAUTION Do not boil the water. Fill the pan to a water level several Inches below the top of can. Mix curative thoroughly by slowly rolling the Do not shake the ground for several minutes. amount of components in a can and gently stir violent stirring that may cause air bubbles. can across a table or can. Mix the required Avoid for 2-3 minutes. NOTE Usable pot life of the imately lo-15 minutes. used in that time. Place the entire mix thoroughly. content of the mixed components is approxMix only as much as can be mixed components into the paper cups Tears and Cracks: (1) Position easily the damaged accessible. fender so that the area (2 Buff from 6-8 inches around the perimeter within the crack itself, with sidegrinder of or (3 Drill a l-inch should relieve propogation. (4) Drill l/2-inch diameter holes along both the crack. Holes should be drilled 2-l/2 crack and be 2-l/2 inches between centers. diameter hole at each the stress concentration 4-45 to be repaired the crack sandpaper. is and This end of the crack. and prevent further sides and parallel to inches away from the See figure 4-16. and REINFORCED SHELL, FOAM-FILLED FENDER REPAIR (Continued) (5) Thread the nylon webbing through a l/2 of the crack. Tie a knot large enough The knot should be on the underside of (6) Start lacing webbing through the holes. Try not to twist webbing; webbing should lay flat. Brazing or welding rod tool for threading the webbing through the holes. (7) Lace webbing through all holes, tie a large and hook it to a come-along or chain jack. using the come-along or chain jack. (8) Work out all slack until all the slack possible. in the webbing is drawn out inch diameter hole not to slip through the shell. loop Pull at one end the hole. the 1s a good in the running end the webbing tight using a pry bar. Repeat operation and the crack is closed as much as CAUTION Webbing is rated pull the webbing (9) Clean still the area attached. at about 2500 pounds. beyond that limit. Try with any available solvent, while Mask-off the buffed and cleaned not to the come-along area. is (10 1 Mix primer in accordance with the directions and apply to the damaged area. Apply the primer inside as well as around the tear OK crack. Allow the primer to dry for 30 minutes, or until tacky. (11 Cut off out several patches area and set aside (12 Spread (13 Work a piece (14) Apply netting a second coat of elastomer while the previous coat (15) Allow along the and elastomer of mixture pre-cut of netting (omit where over the netting second coat to cure trim off the end of slightly reinforcing entire into the mixture is still for the smaller than the masked is not required). repair area. fresh mixture. and a second tacky. layer 30 minutes and release nylon webbing. NOTE The webbing may slip back a little, but elastomer mixture will keep the slippage excessive. 4-46 the from being the of come REPAIR FOAMFILLED FENDER NYLON FENMR c WEBBING EN0 Figure 4-16. Repair of Tear in Reinforced Foam-Filled Fender Shell. 4-47 REINFORCED SHELL, FOAM-FILLED FENDER REPAIR (Continued) (16) Continue obtained. (17) Apply applying a final the coat of mixture the until the mixture desired to smooth out thickness 1s the surface. flnal Burns and Skin Removal: (1 Position easily the damaged accessible. (2 Cut the damaged figure 4-17. (3) D~lll l/2-inch diameter holes, 2-l/2 the undamaged skin and 2-l/2 inches (figure 4-17). per imeter (4) Cut a patch of polyurethane Cut the patch so that it approximately l-inch all (5) Lay patch over the damaged area and mark holes on the patch so that they match up wrth and are parallel to the holes on the undamaged Marks should be placed 2-l/2 inches away from the edge of shell. the patch. (6) D~lll (7) Sand 6-8 inches (8) Lace nylon (9) Mix and apply (10) MIX the (11) Spread (12) Continue obtained. (13) Apply area l/Z-inch the into diameter around a smooth the in area to be repaired circular similar overlaps around. holes the contoured inches between In onto the perimeter 1s shape. See away from the edge centers around the shape to the damaged area. the undamaged shell by patch of where the marked. undamaged shell. components. applying coat mixture the of over mixture the the until mixture the to wo Kk area. entire desired smooth out thickness is the surface. final Punctures and Gouges: (1) Position easily of primer. elastomer a final so that webbing. elastomer the fender the damaged accessible. fender so that 4-48 the area to be repaired is REINFORCED SHELL, FOAM-FILLED FENDER REPAIR (Continued) (2) Sand and clean Use a solvent around the perimeter to clean the area. (3) Mix primer, and apply and mix and elastomer inside the puncture 01: hole. mixture. Foam Repair (If Applicable): (1 Position accessible. (2 Cut away the damaged foam or razor blade to cut out (3 Cut a block cavity. (4 Clean (5 ) Mix the the the the (7) Repair the described. of area forming damaged cavity of into the cavity the fender Avoid . Wear gloves . Store . Treat spills ammonia. elastomer at of repair should contact with when working temperature with the be repaired is cavity. the as the same size foam and elastomer easily Use a knife a rectangular foam. using by the of skin 65’ water, seam or patch and the appropr rectangular debris. elastomer iate mixture. method two part elastomer is advantageous to will involve be observed with Future Inspection Requirements: that to mixture. block shell the the field, fender safety precautions . ensure the The shelf life of the unmixed it Therefore, to 6-8 months. when the need arises. is limited elastomer In foam so that foam approximately elastomer Glue general of inside (6) Application: fender working with as follows: previous lY compound purchase the chemicals, so eyes. materials. to gOoF. alcohol, or Increased does not 4-49 a mixture inspection rupture. of saw dust may be required and dilute to I REPAIR FOAM-FILLED I DAMAGED SHELL TRIMMED WITH HOLES DRILLED FOR NYLON LACING Figure 4-17. Repair of Reinforced Foam-Filled Fender Shell. UNREINFORCED SHELL, FOAM-FILLED FENDER REPAIR Problem: tears Minor shell have occurred abrasion, necessitating shell or foam burns, field repairs to Description of Repairs: Field repairs kit purchased from the manufacturer, capabrlrty and material inventory. can or punctures, cuts or prevent further damage. be accomplrshed by developrng using a repair an in-house repair Preparing Elastomer Components: Heat the closed cans of and curative components by either wrapping can several for tape, or place in a pan of lukewarm water (120’F) or until completely melted. one hour, elastomer polymer times with heat approximately CAUTION Do not boil the water. Fill the pan to a water level several inches below the top of can. Mix curative thoroughly by slowly rolling the can across a table or ground Do not shake the can. Mix the required amount of for several minutes. Avoid violent stircomponents in a can and gently stir for 2-3 minutes. ring that may cause arr bubbles. NOTE Usable pot life of the mixed approximately lo-15 minutes. as can be used in that time. Place the entire mix thoroughly. content of the mixed components Mix only components 1s as much into the paper cups be repaired 1s and Tears and Cracks: (1) Position easily the damaged accessible. (2) grind the edges and inside Using a sidegrrnder, Smooth all jagged edges and round off the ends See figure 4-18. lieve stress concentration. (3) Clean off (4) Force Place 4-19). uplift of skin back to wood across the uplift (5) Construct eter of (6) Mix the damaged fender so that the area to of the damaged area. of the tear to re- area. its and a l-inch high berm with the damaged area (figure and apply the normal position hold down with commercial 4-19). primer. 4-51 with metal putty blocks strap around of wood. (figure the perim- REPAIR FOAM-FILLED Figure 4-18. Preparing Tear in Unreinforced Foam-Filled Fender Shell for Repair. UNREINFORCED SHELL, FOAM-FILLED FENDER REPAIR (Continued) (7) Mix the elastomer (8) Pour mixture berm (figure (9) Let the (10) Cut away compounds. into the 4-19). elastomer the area damaged until it reaches the top of the cure. excess elastomer until flush fender so that with the original fender shell. Foam Repair (If Applicable): (1 1 Position the damaged the area to be repaired is easily accessible. cavity. (3 1 Cut a block cavity. as the (4 Clean the (5 Mix (6) Glue (7) Repair the described. the of foam approximately inside of elastomer the Application: the of foam block shell of into the the fender the field, fender safety precautions . Avoid . Wear gloves . Store . Treat spills with water, and dilute ammonia. elastomer at that the repair should contact foam and cavity using by the elastomer rectangular debris. does of 65’ elastomer mixture. method previously two part elastomer compound is advantageous to purchase the skin with the appropriate will involve be observed with when working temperature repair same size mixture. Future Inspection Requirements: ensure cavity In general the The shelf life of the unmixed it to 6-8 months. Therefore, when the need arises. is limited elastomer c Use a knife a rectangular (2 1 Cut away the damaged foam forming or razor blade to cut out damaged foam. working with as follows: chemicals, so and eyes. materials. to alcohol, Increased not rupture. 4-53 90’F. or inspection a mixture of saw may be required dust to I...- ,’ k \ -“- REPAIR _-_ --- FOAM-FILLED FENDERS :,::::. :..:::,.,......::. ..;:.:.:.:.:. .:, .: :.: ,.. .,,.,.,. ...:;:..:; .............~................... ....;::. ...............~...~.~.~.. ..:: ...;:::. ;;,.;. : .:.:.: .::. :,::::.:..: ,.:,.,:.,: ..: ................::. :: ::; 1:;: :.:: .,:::: .,:.;‘...‘. :::.::: .....:;::;:,. ;;:. .:.:;:,::.:::.::::. :,:.:.~:.:,:_:,~.:.:...~,~.~.~.: >:.;.::::.: ‘.’ ,.,.,.,...,.,.,~..,.....,.......,.........,. :.::.:.: ::::I.; :..:.: :,;,: ...I ::....,: .;:., : .,..,::..:::. ...‘....’ ...,,: :I:l:l:l:l:I:I:j:l:l:i.i:l:l:I:l:::l::,: :::::::::,,:: ::.:.: .:..,... .:.,.,, .:.::: ,,‘.... ” : ‘..“.’ ~~:.~:,:.:.:.:.:,:.:.:.:,:.:.: :.:.:. .:.,.; :.:A,. : ,, ;; : :.. : :‘::,,:;,:, ,,.,..... .‘::‘;, .:‘.‘. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::.:.:.:.:.:.: :. .: I :,,, ,,:,, :,:, .:,,,: ;: ::::::::::::::::::;::::::::::::: :.y.>;.:.:.:.:: ..“.:.::.:: :.:.:::: .., ,,, .,...,...... ..:::..::.:.:.,.:‘:. ..:. ,.,.,.,...,.,.,.,.,.. .., ..;,.;,.,.,. ., .;, ;. ..:::; ..~.~,~.~,..~.~.~,~. ::::. ,.... . ::;. .;:, ;. ;.: : :. .:.:.:,::.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:. .:::,.... ,. :..;.: :.: : .::::: :. ;::::. .A.. .;:::::. .. .:a .:..;.;.::. ::.:.:. :: I::.’‘I’:.’ . 1 CURING .d- Figure 4-19. Repair of Unreinforced FBam-Filled Fender Shell. THE PATCH REFERENCES 1. NAVJ?AC MO-104, Maintenance of Waterfront Hngineering Command, Washington, D.C. 2. NAVPAC MO-321, Facilities Management, change 2, Naval Engineering Command, Alexandria, VA, March 1986. 3. NAVFAC MO-322, Inspection ing Command, Alexandria, 4. Military Handbook, MIL-HDBK-1025/l, Hngineering Command, Alexandria, 5. Design Manual NAVFAC DM-25.06, General Criteria for Waterfront ConstrucNaval Facilities Engineering Command, Alexandria, VA, July 1981. tion, 6. NAVFAC P-442, Economic Analysis Command, Alexandria, VA, July 7. NCHL TM-43-85-01 O&M, UCT Conventional Inspection and Repair Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Manual, October 1984 (to in 1990). 8. NCEL Naval 9. 10. 11. of VA, Facilities, Shore Facilities, July 1977. Naval Naval Naval Survey of Structures, Engineering NAVFAC Engineering Facilities Hngineer- Naval Facilities TM 53-89-03, Prestressed Concrete Fender Piling Civil Engineering Laboratory, December 1988. CHL CR 81.009, Survey Waterfront Structures, Hngineering Corporation, Facilities Piers and Wharves, VA, October 1987. Handbook, 1980. Facilities Facilities Engineering User Techniques be updated Package, Data of Techniques for Underwater Maintenance/Repair Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Childs April 1981. Techniques for Underwater Maintenance/Repair Revision No.1, Naval Civil Engineering Corporation, December 1985. MO-306, Corrosion Prevention Command, Alexandria, VA, Paints Alexandria, and Protective VA, June NAVE’AC MO-110 (Tri-Service), ities Engineering Command, 13. NAVFAC MO-307, Cathodic Facilities Engineering 14. NAVFAC MO-311, Marine Engineering Command, 15. NAVFAC MO-310, Military Hntomology Operational Engineering Command, Alexandria, VA, December 16. Design tures, Protection Systems Command, Alexandria, Waterfront Laboratory, and Control, June 1964 (to 12. Biology Alexandria, of Coatings, 1981. Operational Handbook, VA, May 1965. Childs Naval Facilities be updated in - Maintenance, VA, May 1981. Naval Handbook, 1971. of Naval 1990). Facil- Naval Facilities Naval Facilities Manual NAVFAC DM-2.04, Structural Engineering - Concrete StrucNaval Facilities Engineering Command, Alexandria, VA, May 1980. Reference-l REFERENCES 17. Design Manual Naval Facilities 18. Naval Ships' 19. Steel Structures 20. Design Manual NAVE'AC DM-2.03, Engineering Technical Painting Structural Command, (Continued) Engineering - Steel Structures, Alexandria, VA, May 1980. NAVSEIA S9086-VD-STM-000. Manual, Manual. NAVE'AC DM-4.10, Cathodic Reference-2 Protection Systems - Design. APPENDIX SPECIFICATIONS Document Number A AND STANDARDS Title WOOD AND TIMBER FED SPEC TT-W-571 Wood Preservation: NFGS-02361 Round ALSC Lumber ASTM D 25 Round AWPA Cl, C3 Timber Treating Practice Piles Standards Timber Preservative Piles Treatment, AWPA M4 Standard Products for AWPB MP-l/MP-2/MP-4 Water-Borne for Marine SSPC SP-1 Solvent the Care Pressure of Preservatives Pilings Process Pressure-Treated Wood and Creosote Treatment Cleaning CONCRETE FED SPEC TT-P-19 Latex Paint, Masonry) FED SPEC TT-P-95 Paint, crete FED SPEC TT-S-230 ElaStOmeKiC Type, Single Sealing Compound: Component (For Caulking, Sealing, and Glazing Buildings and Other Structures) FED SPEC TT-C-555 Coating, Masonry MIL Paint, Gray, SPEC MIL-P-24441 (Acrylic Emulsion, Rubber: For Swimming and Masonry Surfaces Textured Surfaces) (For Epoxy-Polyamide, Formula 155-RO MIL SPEC MIL-C-83286 Coating, Urethane, space Applications NFGS-02363 Cast-in-Place A-l Pools Interior Piling, Wood and and Other Con- in and Exterior Exterior = 6 Type 1 Aliphatic Concrete Exterior Top coat, Isocyanate, Steel Dark for Casing Aero- APPENDIX A (Continued) SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS Number Document Title CONCRETE (Continued) NFGS-(02XxX) Prestressed Concrete Fender Piling (Draft) NFGS-03300 Cast-in-Place AC1 211 Selecting Proportions Mass Concrete AC1 212 Admixtures AC1 318 Series Building AC1 515 Use of Waterproofing, Decorative Barrier AC1 5038.1/2/3/4 Use of ASTM A 82 Cold-Drawn ASTM A 416 Uncoated Seven-Wire Prestressed Concrete ASTM A 615 Deformed and Plain Reinforcement ASTM A 616 Rail Steel Reinforcement Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete ASTM A 617 Axle-Steel Reinforcement Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete ASTM A 775 Epoxy-Coated ASTM C 33 Concrete Aggregates ASTM C 150 Portland Cement ASTM C 260 Air-Entraining ASTM C 494 Chemical ASTM C 881 Epoxy-Resin-Base Concrete for for Normal, and Concrete Code Requirements Epoxy Heavyweight, Wire with for Concrete Protective, Reinforcement Stress-Relieved 1 Billet-Steel Strand for for Concrete Bars Steel Bars Specification Specification Admixtures Admixtures for Bonding and Concrete Concrete Reinforcing A-2 Reinforced Dampproofing, Systems Compounds Steel for for Concrete Concrete Systems for Concrete APPENDIX A (Continued) C SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS Document Title Number STEEL FED SPEC TT-P-645 Primer, FED SPEC W-P-236 Petrolatum, FED SPEC TT-E-490 Enamel, Exterior Silicone Alkyd and Interior) MIL Coating Compound, SPEC MIL-C-18480 Paint, Zinc Chromate, Steel ASTM A 242 High-Strength ASTM A 307 Carbon ASTM A 325 High ASTM A 572 High-Strength of Structural Low-Alloy Quality ASTM A 588 High-Strength minimum yield Low-Alloy Point to ASTM A 690 High-Strength Piling for use AWS D1.l Structural Welding SSPC SP-5/SP-6/SP-10 Commercial Blast SSPC Paint Coal-Tar Externally Strength Solvent, Bolts Structural c SPEC MIL-F-29248 AC1 ALSC ASTM AWS AWPA AWPB NFGS SSPC - Fenders, Threaded for Low-Alloy in Marine Standard Structural Steel Columbium-Vanadium Structural 4 in. thick Steel Steel H-Piles Environments Code, Foam-Filled, American Concrete Institute American Lumber Standards Committee American Society for Testing and Materials American Welding Society American Wood Preservers Association American Wood Preservers Bureau NAVFAC Guide Specification Steel Structures Painting Council A-3 Base Fasteners Joints Steels 50 KS1 and Sheet Steel Cleaning Epoxy-Polyamide, Marine, Coal-Tar Steel Black, (or SYNTHETICS MIL (For Specification Low-Alloy Steel Copolymer, Semigloss Non-Residential Bituminous, Structural 16 Type Technical ASTM A 36 No. Alkyd Netless dark Red) Paint GLOSSARY Anode The consumable component (electrode) of protection systems and corrosion cells. cathodic' Apron That solid on piles As-built drawings portion fill. of a wharf or Drawings that show what all deviations from the made during construction. pier carried beyond was actually constructed with original design and changes Bent Framework crosswise or trestle, bridge, designed to support Berth The water area for a vessel. Bulkhead A retaining into water. Bullrail usually wooden, located along A guard, of a wharf or pier to prevent accidental equipment into the water. Caisson (1) A watertight support foundation (cofferdam) formed by pouring concrete, driving sheet lock piling, or forming other material into a hollow box or cylinder; allows maintenance and repair work to be done below water level. (2) a controlled submergence floating hull used as a watertight entrance closure for a graving dock. Camel A floating device separate a moored other vessel. Chock wall the to edge prevent acting vessel of protection a wharf sliding as a fender from a pier, (1) A horizontal timber secured (2) A fitted or threaded piles. top of a pile from damage while Cap Cathodic at to the length of a structure (e.g., pier) which it supports: usually stringers.' or of pier earth reserved or fill the outer loss of and used to wharf, quay, edge or to the top of a row of piece to protect the being driven. An electrical method of preventing metal corrosion conducting medium by placing a charge on the item through a transformer or a sacrificial anode. in a (1) A wedge or block, commonly wooden, fitted between piling or other structures to steady them. (2) A metal casting with two horn-shaped arms curving inward between which mooring lines may pass: used for passage, guiding, or steadying of mooring or towing lines. Glossary-l GLOSSARY (Continued) Cof ferdar A temporary watertight enclosure from which pumped to expose normally immersed areas. Curb See bullrail. Deadman A block D4Ck The working Dock The water area adjacent ship can be secured. Dolphin A structure usually consisting of a cluster of timber It is placed at the outward end of piers and piles. into their wharves, or along shore, to guide vessels to fend vessels away from structures, shoals, moorings, or to support navigation aids. or the shore, Elastomer An elastic Elrctcolyt4 A nonmetallic medium capable of conducting electricity by the movement of ions rather than electrons. Pendsr A device, Fish or other heavy in the ground to which for anchoring objects. surface of a wharf, to pier, a wharf or or vessel. pier to which a rubberlike substance (such as a synthetic rubber or a plastic having some of the physical properties of natural rubber). plate plate that laps a joint or an area of a piling It is secured to the sides so as reduced by corrosion. to connect the members end to end or to strengthen them. A floating or working Fouling An accumulation of deposits, biological growth. Gad A pointed wall or rope to prevent by impact or A steel F&oat Ho1 WY is item, usually of concrete, buried is attached a steel rod or cable usually of wood, rubber, damage to a vessel or shore facility abrasion. Gravity water platform used for around waterfront iron or steel hole especially bar for loosening that obtains stability in a coated surface arising A massive structure own weight. A small disembarking structures. application. Glossary-2 from a boat marine rock. through its from imperfect GLOSSARY @ontimed) Incise To make cuts into wood parallel the take up of greater quantities Leaching The process of extracting material by percolation. Marine Mill Destructive or poorly waters. borer Oxide rolling, scale organism in treated wood: the to soluble seawaters especially layer formed on iron forging, or other the grain to of preservative. permit components from a that attacks untreated active in warm and steel processing. when heated for Pier An open or closed-type structure usually extending perpendicularly from the shore into sheltered navigable water, designed for berthing, loading or unloading and general servicing of repair, fueling, cargo, vessels. It normally provides berthing space on both sides for its entire-length. Piezometer An instrument Pile or reinforced concrete A long, slender timber, steel, structural element driven, jetted, or otherwise embedded into the ground or support a vertical load, resist a lateral force, or to resist water or earth pressure. (piling) for retarding to See wharf. Quaywall A heavy structure fronting on navigable water, parallel to the shore, behind which earth fill placed. Its function is to act as a bulkhead as to provide for berthing of vessels or other Radiography The process of making a picture upon a sensitive surface It is used for by a form of radiation other than light. detecting flaws in welds or other metal structures. Seawall of compressibility. 0-y or property or A material check the pressure Preservative Seasoning crack with measuring deterioration. and is as well service. A lengthwise separation of a wooden timber that extends across the rings of annual growth and commonly results from stresses set up in the wood during seasoning. A massive gravity-type structure built along, and generally parallel to, the shoreline; designed to protect the shore against erosion resulting from wave action. Glossary-3 OCOSSAPY (Continued) Shore1 ine The boundary Stanchion An upright Stringer A horizontal deck. Tremie A steel tube 12 inches or greater in diameter depositing concrete underwater, having at its a hopper for filling. Turning basin An enlatged channel Ultrasonic testing area where water bar, post, framing space to permit meets or support land. usually on a ship. member used to support a floor or used for upper end at the end of a canal or narrow vessels to turn around. sound readings High frequency landfills and flaws in welds, to determine etc. voids in Wale A long, horizontal structural member of timber or steel Also known as used for bracing vertical members. “waler * or “ranger. * Weep hole An Wharf An open-type marginal platform structure, usually parallel to the shoreline, that is used primarily for berthing oL vessels, It is usually connected to the shore at more than one point but may also have continuous access along the shore. It ordinarily along the outboard faae. provides berthing opening in a retaining wall , canal lining to drain away accumulated or other structure Glossaqy-4 foundation, water, Camels .............................................. Damage Areas, Steel Damage Areas, timber ............................................. Inspection of steel .............................................. Inspection of timber ............................................. .............................................................. Repair to Steel .................................................. Repair to timber ................................................. Steel ............................................................ .............................................. Submarine Separator Timber ........................................................... 3-19 3-17 3-18 3-16 2-8, 4-31 4-7 2-8, 2-11 2-8 Cathodic .................................................... 4-30 Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r-14 4-29 Protection 2-10 2-12 CoatingS Fender Systems Fixed . . . . . . ..I................................................... ......................................................... Floating 2-l 2-8 Floating Fender Systems ................................................ Foam-filled ...................................................... Pneumatic ........................................................ 2-8 2-8 2-8 Foam-Filled Fenders ................................................... Inspection of .................................................... Repair ........................................................... 2-8 3-14 4-44 Inspection .................................................. Concrete Piling .................................................... Documentation Foam-filled Fenders .............................................. Level I .......................................................... Level II ......................................................... Level III ........................................................ Steel camels ..................................................... Steel piling ..................................................... Submarine camels ................................................. Timber camels .................................................... .................................................... Timber piling Tools ............................................................ 3-10 3-5 3-14 3-1, 3-2, 3-2 3-18 3-12 3-20 3-16 3-8 3-5 Piles/Piling Concrete, Concrete, 4-18 3-10 fabrication inspection ...... ...................................... ............................................. Index-l 3-2 3-4 INDEX PAGE Concrete, Concrete, Steel, Steel, Steel, Steel, Timber, Timber, Timber, Pressure repair ................................................. replacing .............................................. cathodic protection ....................................... inspection ................................................ repair .................................................... replacement ............................................... inspect ion ............................................... repair ................................................... replacing ................................................ Treatment .................................................... 4-17 4-26 4-30 3-12 4-31 4-38 3-8 4-8 4-10 4-3 Preventive Maintenance Concrete ......................................................... Steel ............................................................ .............................................. Synthetic Materials Timber ........................................................... Wood ............................................................. 4-14 4-29 4-42 4-3 4-3 Repair Procedures Concrete fender systems .......................................... Foam-filled fenders .............................................. Rubber fenders ................................................... Steel camels ..................................................... Steel fender piles ............................................... Timber camels .................................................... Timber piles ..................................................... 4-24 4-44 4-44 4-40 4-31 4-12 4-8 Rub Strips ........................................................... 4-15 Synthetic Materials Fiber-reinforced plastics ........................................ Foams ............................................................ ................................................ Repair procedures Repair to ........................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..m............... Rubber and elastomers 4-42 4-43 4-44 4-43 4-43 Index-2