Method Advantage Disadvantage Landfills: Waste is buried in the ground rotting material produces methane gas which cold be collected filled ground can be reused low cost can deal with large volumes Waste could be used as fuel Requires little land Reduces volume as most of waste is converted into gases Methane gas could escape i.e. greenhouse gas Pollution of ground water Incineration: burning of waste Adds to greenhouse effect as CO2 produced Can produce toxins such as dioxin Requires energy as this need to be done at high temperatures to destroy most toxic substances characteristics short half-life, low activity and high volume (approx 90%) sources (used in research and treating patients in hospitals) materials such as gloves, coats, paper, tools, towels, syringes, injection needles which have become radioactive because they have been exposed to radiation in activities such as sterilizing equipment in hospitals, manufacture of smoke detectors, irradiating of food, radiotherapy, … storage/disposal Different methods: stored on site e.g. in steel containers or cooling ponds, until radioactive level is at safe level and then it is disposed off as normal waste buried in land fill sites incinerated characteristics releases some heat sources It typically comprises resins, chemical sludges and reactor components, as well as contaminated materials from reactor decommissioning. storage/disposal waste is first sealed in concrete and then in steel drums which are placed in concrete casks in concrete trenches. When a trench is completely filled it is covered with a concrete slab, a layer of compacted clay and a reinforced concrete intrusion shield and a final layer of clay. characteristics long half-life, high activity and low volume very hot used nuclear fuels from nuclear reactors, waste products from processing used fuel nuclear weapons storage/disposal is vitrified (made into glass) which is sealed in steel containers and then buried underground in granite rock or in deep mines; remains active for a very long time; 1000’s of years issues Rods from reactor are transferred into deep pools and cooled by water with a neutron absorber Then buried in earth encased in ceramic/glass and packed in metal. geological instability (e.g. earthquakes); potential weapon for terrorists; sources