Minutes - DRC Meeting: September 17, 2015; 9:30 am

Minutes - DRC Meeting: September 17, 2015; 9:30 am
Present: Rhea Estoya (H), Joan Lang (H), Rene Marquez (T), Moon Ko (D), Cathy Jin (E), Bryan Ventura (E),
Anna Badalyan (T)
Over the phone: Michelle Fowles (V), Ani Zarpas (V), Maury Pearl (D), Stanislav Levin (D), Yosief Yihunie (V), Oleg &
Amar (P)
Anna chaired the meeting.
Agenda items:
1. Agenda, added to the items to the floor section:
 US Department of Education Score Card (Michelle)
 Student Equity Plan (Maury)
 CCCO Scorecard (Maury)
 Possible interruption in EMSI service (Maury)
2. Review 6/18/2015 minutes (all)
 Consensus on last meeting's minutes.
 Anna recommended the addition of a third column to the DRC's website to include supporting documents.
3. Accreditation
 Report Out on ACCJC Training (Anna)
i. Anna shared "The Requirements for Evidence in the Self Evaluation Report" hand out
ii. Disaggregation is a federal mandate.
iii. Important to add information on service area, incoming students, student support services, etc.
iv. Show that you published the data and have use them.
v. The "So what?" part is very important – Institution must provide analysis of the data for this section. Sources
that are important to the college, but what are the institution's focus, strengths, etc. It is the decision of the
institution on "what story to tell" based on the data.
 Accreditation Data Pack (Anna)
i. Anna explained and updated the "Data sources for ACCJC data pack2.docx" data elements, sources, and
ii. Anna showed Ani's Access database used for student demographics (Stud_Demo).
iii. Ani: Data in IRDS "looks good" overall, but more comparison is needed. Anna: Numbers will not match exactly
since IRDS is " as of the day it was pulled by DO”
iv. Anna: BW a20 report for employee data (gender, ethnicity, etc.). but it needs clean up.
v. Completions are in the institution equity plan, including some disaggregation.
vi. Ani's Excel report has degree, certificate, age, gender, etc. data (Final_Awards by Campus 090915.xlsx) – the
data in this report is very close to CCCO's DataMart.
vii. Transfer data also in the equity plan data section, DataMart's Transfer Velocity and Transfer Volume,
calstate.edu, ucop.edu, etc.
viii. Data on graduates is in the ACCJC annual report.
ix. The use of the ARCC scorecard is recommended – in the progression area or anywhere else it applies.
x. Trade uses Math and English progression for cohort analysis progression.
xi. Distant Education status analysis is recommended (CCCO MIS, Equity Plan).
xii. Must include the Student Services analysis (incoming – DO OAC report and Scorecard, assessment – Ani's
Excel report "DSPS by Campus-090915.xlsx," DSPS – Ani's Excel report).
xiii. It is recommended to add an area where the institution is deficient and what is being done to correct it.
 QFE (all)
i. Trade's is still in progress.
ii. No updates from the other campuses.
4. IPED Roles (Maury)
 DO Coordinator locks header and Key Holders at campus.
 Key Holders need to remember to open, check information, and then lock headers.
5. Gainful Employment Reporting Update (DO)
 Maury: deadline 10/1 for 14-15 data.
 Data and documentation to be forwarded to DRC members.
MIS Reporting – Awards (Maury)
 Extension from State – it may be possible to resubmit 14-15 award data.
Resources, licensed software and other services, available to LACCD Researchers (Ani)
i. Complex Samples is what DO has.
ii. Binary logistic regression would be nice to have (Bryan).
 DRC members to compile a list of programs needed to send DO and see what it is needed and available.
Future Training topics
 René to send lists of topics and schedule training as necessary.
Items from the Floor (all)
 US Department of Education Score Card
i. Michelle: many of the LACCD colleges are not in that score card
ii. Michelle: that score card is focused on 2- and 4-year institutions that award mostly degrees (versus
certificates, e.g., Trade)
 Maury – Student Equity Plan
i. Re-scheduled for 4/2016.
ii. Approved by Board, IE committee
iii. Anna: State wants you to be specific.
 Maury – Scorecard
i. Taking it to the Board 10/7.
 Maury – Possible interruption in EMSI service
i. Delay in the processing of the contract.
ii. License price increased by $10,000 ($40,000 now).
 Ani: IRDS 2011 issues?
i. Ani described discrepancies when using 2011 IRDS data – Maury to check.
 Meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.