District Planning Committee June 22 , 2012

District Planning Committee
June 22nd, 2012
District Office [7th Floor Conference Room]
Present: Adriana Barrera (District), David Beaulieu (District), Kristi Blackburn (Harbor), Ryan
Cornner (East), Yasmin Delahoussaye (District), John Freitas (City), Brano Goluza (TradeTech), Ran Gust (East), Cathy Iyemura (District), Deborah Kaye (District), Fran Leonard (West),
Sarah Master (District), Maury Pearl (District), Jim Stanbery (Harbor)
Guests: Subodh Kumar (CFM Group), Teresa Romney (CFM Group)
1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the April 27th, 2012 meeting were not available.
2. Process Mapping: Subodh Kumar and Teresa Romney of the CFM Group (District
Technology Planning Consultants) made a presentation of the project to map District business
processes (started in 2009). Process mapping will help promote both consistency and uniformity
in business processes and also aid in the transition to the new student information system (SIS)
by helping the implementation team optimally configure the SIS software.
3. Review of District Strategic Plan Objectives and Measures: Maury Pearl presented that
most recent Strategic Plan Update (with updates suggested by Maury and Ed Pai as a result of
the last DPC meeting). Yasmin directed that the DSP contain no more than twenty-four
measures and this update reflects elimination and/or consolidation of measures to attain this
amount. Maury discussed the rationale for arriving at the measures shown in the update. The
committee reviewed the draft and suggested changes to the wording of goal and objective
statements as well as reordering of objectives. These suggestions will be incorporated into the
final draft which will be presented at the next meeting of the District Strategic Planning
Committee in July.
4. DPC Annual Evaluation: There was insufficient time to conduct the DPC annual evaluation.
Maury will email the evaluation form and it will be conducted at the next DPC meeting.
Next Meeting:
Friday, September 28, 2012, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
District Office, Board Hearing Room