District Planning and Accreditation Committee August 22, 2014 Minutes District Office, 6th Floor Conference Room Present: Mary-Jo Apigo (West), Anna Badalyan (Trade), Leticia Barajas (Trade), Wendy Bass (Pierce, TPPC Representative), Phyllis Braxton (West), Karen Daar (Valley), Carol Kozeracki (East), Barbara Dunsheath (East), Adrienne Foster Donald Gauthier (District Academic Senate), Deborah Kaye (Valley), Bobbi Kimble (District), Sarah Master (Mission), Maury Pearl (District), Lucia Robles (District), Alice Taylor (West), Rebecca Tillberg (West), Bobbi Villalobos (Harbor), Dan Wanner (City) The minutes of the June 27th meeting were reviewed and approved. IE Committee Standing Update: Bobbi and Maury reported on the presentation of the 2014 Student Success Scorecard to the Board’s Committee of the Whole. Chancellor Rodriguez framed the presentation around the topic of unprepared students and the need for greater focus on remediation. College presidents were also contributed to the dialogue, discussing strategies for addressing the needs or unprepared students including increased offerings of remedial courses. Student Equity Plan: There was discussion of the timeframe for submission of the Student Equity Plan to the Board’s Institutional Effectiveness Committee in light of time needed for college approvals. Maury will send out an email with the timeframe and also develop a template for Student Equity Plan reporting. Accreditation Evidence: Deborah Harrington facilitated a group activity involving identification of college and District evidence following the new accreditation standards. The committee broke into several work groups that were each focused on a standard. They attempted to identify sources of evidence for standards I and II, both college and District, that would be needed to address the standard and listed these on poster boards. The evidence grid will be compiled and reviewed at the next meeting. This process will continue at the next meeting, which will focus on standards III and IV. The resulting evidence grid can be used by District and colleges and will provide a framework for locating, organizing, and updating evidence in preparation for work on the 2016 self-evaluation reports. Next Meeting: Friday, October 7, 2014, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. District Office, 7th Floor Conference Room