Document 12085457

District Planning Committee
September 28nd, 2012
District Office [Board Hearing Room]
Present: David Beaulieu (District), Lawrence Bradford (City), Karen Daar (Valley), Yasmin
Delahoussaye (District), Felicia Duenas (Southwest), La Vonne Hamilton (Southwest), Cathy
Iyemura (District), Deborah Kaye (District), Maury Pearl (District), Rebecca Tillberg (West)
1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the May 25th, 2012 and June 22nd, 2012 meetings were
reviewed and approved.
2. DPC Annual Evaluation: Maury distributed the District-wide Governance Committee selfevaluation worksheet which he completed as a starting point for the discussion. Membership
and attendance were discussed. Karen Daar commented that there was confusion about how
many campus representatives were expected to attend DPC. In addition, she noted that the
focus of DPC should be clarified to improve college interest and participation. There was also
discussion about the composition of DPC membership and DPC’s role in the development of the
District Strategic Plan. David Beaulieu stated that DPC membership had shifted to include more
research representation in order to utilize the expertise of this group in developing measures for
the previous DSP. It was also noted that having DPC in a secondary role to the District Strategic
Planning Committee may have contributed to an attitude of indifference toward meeting
attendance. Recommendations to develop a clarify committee focus, membership, and
attendance expectations were included in the self-evaluation.
3. Accreditation: Deborah Kaye provided an update on accreditation activities focusing on the
Seaside college reports. SLOs and budget/planning linkages were cited as problem areas.
Deborah provided a summary of resources that were helpful but also suggested that part of the
DPC focus this year could be to examine the standards and college models to share best
practices across the District. She noted that Yasmin’s office has organized mock accreditation
visits in October for the Valley-side colleges as way of helping the colleges refine their self-study
reports and prepare for upcoming site visits.
4. Review of District Strategic Plan Objectives and Measures: Maury Pearl presented the
most recent District Strategic Plan Summary and discussed the updates that were done in both
DPC and DSPC. There was a discussion of issues related to the establishment of quantitative
targets for the DSP including alignment with college strategic plans, college ownership of plan
objectives and targets, reporting plan outcomes, and oversight through the shared governance
committee structure. The discussion of DSP data and targets was deferred until the next
Next Meeting:
Friday, October 26, 2012, 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
District Office, Board Hearing Room